The book name is Simon, Herbert, Administrative Behavior, Macmillan, 1947.
unfortunately I have no e-book. To familiarize yourself with some of the most influential writings of public administration scholars and practitioners, select and prepare a book review from a list of recommended readings (see, Appendix A). The book review should be 5-6 pages long not including the cover page or works cited (Times New Roman, 1 margins, double spaced). Each review should consist of four parts (use the headings in your review):
1. Summary: A strong summary describes and discusses the authors purpose, major themes, ideas, sources and conclusions. It can be one to two paragraphs long, though a good will often require one-third to one-half of the maximum length allowed by the instructor. The summary should offer the reader an accurate account of the contents of the book.
2. Reception: Introductory Public administration students, unlike journal reviewers, have little or no background in the academic field of public administration or its background. Therefore, it is useful for graduates to read three to five reviews of a given book prior to reviewing it themselves. Students may find that professional reviews illuminate controversies and other issues that are not apparent to casual readers. The reception section should describe and discuss the reactions of scholars to the book in question. In particular, it should note those features of the book upon which the reviewers agreed, as well as a discussion of points of disagreement. Students might ask the following questions. Did the reviewers agree on the purpose of the book? Did they agree on the importance of the book? What common themes run through the professional reviews? Reviews read in the preparation of a book review must be in accordance with APA formatting. It is critical to credit the author for any ideas used in the review. Failure to do so constitutes a form of plagiarism.
3. Critique: A critique is a thoughtful reaction to a book under review. Students may discuss source problems, structure, and argumentation. Often instructors will require students to discuss their reactions to an interesting part of the book.The critique is the most difficult part of the review to write since the student will rightly wonder whether or not he or she is competent to go beyond the summary. Still, students can ask themselves if the author accomplished the stated purposes of the work. Students can also ask themselves if the argument is convincing, whether or not the book breaks new ground, and whether or not the citations adequately reflect the variety of sources. 4. Conclusion: A strong conclusion restates the major themes of the review and discusses the importance of the book to the reviewer. This may hinge on the authors interests. Or, the conclusion might address the value of the book for the 801 course
Administrative Behavior