Admin Theory week31. Why has Wilsons simplified dichotomy between politics and administration been debunked, and what was his rationale for this framework?Put simply, early contributors to the progress of public administration recognized a policy role for administrators that have often been disregarded. Administration dichotomy that is a part of the customary model usually includes the ideas of accountability and responsibility. There was immediate stress on separation and isolation of administrators from political intervention, on one hand, and collaboration and combination of administrative offerings in the plan and the implementation of public policy, on the other hand. Wilson preferred such contributions, but dismissed concerns about the growth of administration. Although legislative control of administration is critical, he argued, that the administration cooperates indispensably with the legislation would become much less informed and much less effective. The dichotomy idea protects managers from scrutiny and helps the comforts of elected officials who can pass duty for unpopular decisions to administrators. The effort to separate politics from administration as creating a dichotomy and labels the emphasis on hierarchy, authority, structure, and accountability the Wilsonian tradition in public administration (Svara). There are public administrators who proclaim that administrators should be given free rein by politicians to use a narrowly outline proficiency. They also are more.
Admin Theory week 3