Acting as a manager, select two or more of the above Web sites to help with your message’s composition. Prepare well-structured paragraphs and not a simple bullet list. Compose a communication regarding this
At a weekly managers’ meeting, considerable discussion takes place a
concerning corporate use of email. Most employees use the email system
correctly; nonetheless, an increasing number of staff members are sending
emails that are poorly written, unprofessional, or discourteous. Each
manager is charged with communicating with her or his staff in an attempt to
alleviate this problem. The manager’s administrative assistant identifies the
following Web sites as potential resources to assist in constructing an
? Webfoot
? Business Netiquette from Entrepreneur
? Email Etiquette Rules from Business Insider
? Top 50 Business Email Etiquette Rules from EmailTray
Acting as a manager, select two or more of the above Web sites to help with
your message’s composition. Prepare well-structured paragraphs and not a
simple bullet list. Compose a communication regarding the proper use of
email, incorporating 10 tips (all tips should be available within the