Project description
please go to, then click HA3051B_T2_2014: Accounting Theory, then click assignment and due date, then you can see the questions in the group assignment folder, you need to study the group assignment article first to answer the question. P.s. you just need to answer: ” discuss why individual has different way of choosing different method of accounting. Do you think particular Accounting Standard, Corporation Law or Conceptual Frameworks reducing different choice of Accounting Method? Or Standardization will resolve this issue.” these questions.
accounting theory

Accounting Theory

Paper details:Read the article and the article should be discussed in light of theories or concepts discussed in the course (Accounting Theory). For example, you may relate the article to theories which either confirm or contradict or expand upon the material in the article. The total length for the article review should double-spaced, minimum 11 point font.
There are 4 elephants on this article, I only need to analyze the elephant #2 but following the all requirement.
I have written down some relevant theories, you can add some more useful and more valuable theories or delete some non-useful.