Descriptionl conduct an in-depth study of a piece of theatre of your choice and write a 1200 word paper to demonstrate your knowledge of the artwork. In order for your study to have meaningful depth, you are expected to gain the first hand experience of the chosen artwork. You may go to a live production, watch a live performance placed on video from the library or as seen on PBS. YOU MAY NOT USE A FILM VERSION OF A PIECE OF THEATRE. IT MUST BE LIVE OR FROM A LIVE RECORDING. If these are not available to you, you can go to the one of the on-line resources listed to view artwork. (See reference at the bottom of this page).Through studying an artwork of your choice, you are expected to gain both general knowledge of the discipline and specific knowledge of the artwork. Your paper should demonstrate a clear understanding of the language of the discipline, the genre that the artwork belongs to, and social, cultural and artistic significance of the artwork. While the artist(s) is another important topic that you should include in your study, keep in mind that your focus is on the artwork/discipline rather than the artists personal story. Therefore, only choose the most relevant details about the artist(s) and incorporate them into the paper. Open your paper with a thesis statement describing the main theme and brief outline of your paper. Considering the following questions when searching the theme for your paper: Why is the artwork significant and worth writing about? What have you learned from the artwork? What contribution does the artwork have to the discipline itself? Then, you may begin discussing the artwork itself. Consider and perform the three important tasks when writing about the artwork: responding, interpreting and evaluating art (see chapter 2 in Writing about the Humanities). Here is where your first hand experience pays off. Your first impression and emotional response can help you write a meaningful response and evaluation of the artwork. This means that a large part of the paper should be based on your own subjective response after analyzing the work objectively.
A piece of theatre