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A pet store owner needs a weekly sales report. The output consists of a printed report titled PET SALES, with column headings

1.         A pet store owner needs a weekly sales report. The output consists of a printed report titled PET SALES, with column headings TYPE OF ANIMAL and PRICE. Fields printed on output are: type of animal and price. After all records print, a footer line END OF REPORT prints. The input file description is shown below.

File name: PETS

                                   FIELD DESCRIPTION                                    POSITIONS          DATA TYPE         DECIMALS

                                   Type of Animal                                                 1–20                       Character

Price of Animal                                                  21–26                    Numeric                 2

a.Design the print chart for this program.

b.Draw the hierarchy chart for this program.

c.Draw the flowchart for this program.

d.Write the pseudocode for this program.

2.        An employer wants to produce a personnel report.  The output consists of a printed report entitled   ACTIVE PERSONNEL.  Fields printed on output are: last name of employee, first name of employee, and weekly salary. Include appropriate column headings and a footer. The input file description is shown below.

File name:  PERSONNEL


      Last Name                         1-15                             Character

      First Name                                    16-30                           Character

      Soc. Sec. Number             31-39                           Numeric          0

      Department                       40-41                           Numeric          0

      Weekly Salary                   42-47                           Numeric          2

a. Design the print chart for this program.

b.Draw the hierarchy chart for this program.

c.Draw the flowchart for this program.

d.Write the pseudocode for this program.

  1. An employer wants to produce a personnel report that shows the end result if she gives everyone a 10 percent raise in salary. The output consists of a printed report entitled PROJECTED RAISES. Fields printed on output are: last name of employee, first name of employee, current salary, and projected salary. The input file description is shown below.

File name: PERSONNEL


Last Name                            1–15                         Character

First Name                            16–30                      Character

Soc. Sec. Number                31–39                      Numeric                 0

Department                          40–41                      Numeric                 0

Current Salary                      42–47                      Numeric                 2

a. Design the print chart for this program.

b.Draw the hierarchy chart for this program.

c.Draw the flowchart for this program.

d.Write the pseudocode for this program.

4.     A furniture store maintains an inventory file that includes data about every item it sells. The manager wants a report that lists each stock number, description, and profit, which is the retail price minus the wholesale price. The fields include a stock number, description, wholesale price, and retail price. The input file description is shown below.

File name: FURNITURE

FIELD DESCRIPTION                                        POSITIONS          DATA TYPE         DECIMALS

Stock Number                                                        1–4                         Numeric                 0

Description                                                             5-29                        Character             

Wholesale Price                                                     30–35                    Numeric                 2

Retail Price                                                             36–41                    Numeric                 2

a.Design the print chart for this program.

b.Draw the hierarchy chart for this program

c.Draw the flowchart for this program.

d.Write the pseudocode for this program.

  1. A summer camp keeps a record for every camper, including first name, last name, birth date, and skill scores that range from 1 to 10 in four areas: swimming, tennis, horsemanship, and crafts. (The birth date is stored in the format MMDDYYYY without any punctuation.) The camp wants a printed report listing each camper’s data, plus a total score that is the sum of the camper’s four skill scores. The input file description is shown below.

File name: CAMPERS


First Name                                1-15                        Character

Last Name                                16-30                     Character

Birth Date                                 31-38                     Numeric                 0

Swimming Skill                        39-40                     Numeric                 0

Tennis Skill                               41-42                     Numeric                 0

Horsemanship Skill                 43-44                     Numeric                 0

Crafts Skill                                45-46                     Numeric                 0

a.Design the print chart for this program.

b.Draw the hierarchy chart for this program.

c.Draw the flowchart for this program.

d.Write the pseudocode for this program.

6.         An employer needs to determine how much tax to withhold for each employee. This withholding amount computes as 20 percent of each employee’s weekly pay. The output consists of a printed report entitled WITHHOLDING FOR EACH EMPLOYEE. Fields printed on output are: last name of employee, first name of employee, hourly pay, weekly pay based on a 40-hour work week, and withholding amount per week. The input file description is shown below.

File name: EMPLOYEES

FIELD DESCRIPTION                                    POSITIONS          DATA TYPE         DECIMALS

Company ID                                                      1–5                         Numeric                 0

First Name                                                          6–17                       Character

Last Name                                                          18–29                    Character

Hourly Rate                                                       30–34                    Numeric                 2

a.Design the print chart for this program.

b.Draw the hierarchy chart for this program.

c.Draw the flowchart for this program.

d.Write the pseudocode for this program

7.         A baseball team manager wants a report showing her players’ batting statistics. A batting average is computed as hits divided by at-bats and is usually expressed to three decimal positions, for example: .235. The output consists of a printed report entitled TEAM STATISTICS. Fields printed on output are: player number, last name, first name, and batting average. The input file description is shown below.

File name: BASEBALL

FIELD DESCRIPTION                                    POSITIONS          DATA TYPE         DECIMALS

Player Number                                                   1–2                         Numeric                 0

First Name                                                          3–18                       Character

Last Name                                                          19–35                    Character

At-bats                                                                36–38                    Numeric                 0

Hits                                                                      39–41                    Numeric                 0

a.Design the print chart for this program.

b.Draw the hierarchy chart for this program.

  1. Draw the flowchart for this program.
  2. Write the pseudocode for this program
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