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– In general I think, due to the Title on the cover page (Features of Accounting Reporting whereas the topic is financial reporting) I think the author had a wrong focus on this work. Please generally review the paper and change the focus more on the financial reporting aspects, rather than accounting reporting.


-I would like to refer to my breefing where I stated a draft of a possible content. That included on the introductory part the “necessity  of financial reporting(why, who, etc.)” and also the “asset and liability view in IFRS”. Both topics are not covered in the essay. Furthermore, I personally do not clearly understand the key features of IFRS in connection with the underlying accounting theory as they are explained in the text. Again, I refer here to points in my breefing such as matching, elements, etc. . I think there is a bit more work on these topics required. I would have prefered to take my table of content more into account also for the structure of the essay…


– I stated two sources which needs to be considered in the essay. Both where not taken into account but these texts are mandatory for me. I recommend 4-5 references of theses sources each.


– Some points are explained quite shortly such as the topic offsetting. e.g. What is offsetting and for what impact would it have on financial reporting


– I also need the underlying IAS references for the explained topics which is partly taken into account but not in all cases.


– In general I would like to review the wording in some cases as it does not appear as sophisticated as required.


– Format: the mentioned format regarding page marings was not considered or it was deleted while sending the file. PLease correct that.


– no list of abbreviations was delivered


– I mentioned in my phone call the requirement to focus on A and B Level sources for references. Please make sure that an adequate number of A or B level sources is mentioned. Is it possible to extend the bibliography to a few more sources?



As you can see, there are quite a few remarks on the essay… Although, I would need the changes by the end of week.



xxx “




I would like to quote preferably most recent a and b-level paper

– the following papers should be quoted as well:

Miller, P.B.W. and P.R. Bahnson. 2010. Continuing the Normative Dialog: Illuminating the Asset/Liability Theory, Accounting Horizons 24 (3): 319 – 440


Whittington, g. 2008. What the Old Guys Can Tell Us: Edwards and Bell´s The Theory and Measurement of Business Income, Irish Accounting Review 15 (1): 73-84


I will also screen for 2-3 further quotation recommendation throughout the weekend



– Introduction to topic

(short introduction to topic including development and necessity in financial reporting and Management accounting context)

– Key Features of IFRS and the underlying accounting theory (matching, element definitions, measurement)

– Explanation of the Asset and liability view in IFRS

– Summary and key take aways


Falls Sie noch eine Idee für den Content haben, immer gerne!



Format Guide:

– DIN A4 page margins: 4 cm on the left hand side of the document, 1.5. cm on the right hand side, 3 cm at the top and 3.5cm at the bottom

– The main text, headings, table of content, table of abbreviations, etc. are in either Times New Roman 13 pt. or Arial 12 pt. (consistent application throughout the whole document) with 1.5 line spacing.

– Footnotes, tables, overviews, etc. are in either Times New Roman 11 pt. or Arial 10 pt. with 1.0 line spacing.

– The footnote section on each page is made recognizable by a short horizontal line. Should a footnote extend to the following page, this is marked using a long horizontal line. Footnotes are treated like normal sentences and be concluded with a period.

– Page numbers are right-aligned in the footer in either Times New Roman 13 pt. or Arial 12 pt.


– Arabic numbers are used for all text pages and appendices, starting with #1. Latin numbers are used for all other pages, starting with the title page (counted, but not displayed on the title page) and continuing after the text pages and ap-pendices (e.g., for the bibliography).

Order and type of numbering:

Title page (Without numbering) Optionally foreword (Roman numbering) Table of content (Roman numbering continued) Table of figures (Roman numbering continued) List of abbreviations (Roman numbering continued) Text (Arabic numbering) Optionally list of appendices (Arabic numbering) Optionally appendix (Arabic numbering) Bibliography (Roman numbering continued)

– The chapter headings in the text should reflect the content of the corresponding chapters. These headings must have the same wording as in the table of content and not contain abbreviations. The numbering of headings should, based on a first level for the main points according to the structure of the assignment, in lower levels be broken down into sub-points, as long as the subject matter requires this. It should be considered that one level of classification is not allowed to be fol-lowed by just one bullet of classification (e. g. given a 1.1 there needs to be a 1.2). Numbering is in Arabic numbers and there is no dot behind the last number (e.g., 4.2 and not 4.2.).

– Numbering and headings in the table of content are left-aligned, whilst the page numbering is right-aligned. For reasons of clarity, it is generally appropriate to indent sub-headings.

– For the title page, please use the layout draft shown in appendix I and adjust it accordingly.

– All theses must contain a declaration of authorship. Please use the layout draft shown in appendix II and add the declaration at the end of your thesis.


2 Abbreviations

The use of abbreviations in the text should be avoided, if possible. However, the use of commonly used abbreviations (which can be found in common dictionaries) is al-lowed. All used abbreviations have to be mentioned in the list of abbreviations and should usually be written out when used for the first time in the text. The list of abbre-viations is written in alphabetic order. Abbreviations out of convenience are not al-lowed (e.g., IaC for Information and Communication).

Figures and tables illustrate facts presented in the text. If advantageous, a more ex-tensive presentation of edited data and figures should be displayed in the appendix. The used figures and tables should always be referred to in the text. Figures and tables should be successively numbered, given a concise subtitle describing the content and contain all relevant sources, if available.

Examples Self-provided illustration: Fig. 8: The three phases of a reorganization process Source: Own illustration. Self-provided illustration following an idea from a literary source: Fig. 8: The three phases of a reorganization process Source: Own illustration, following Bolika (2001), p. 399. Adopted illustration: Fig. 8: The three phases of a reorganization process Source: Bolika, (2001), p. 399.

References and Quotations

All references, within the text as well as in the reference list, need to follow the APA standard (American Psychological Association). For more detailed information or unanswered questions please refer tohttp://www.apastyle.org or to corresponding APA publications.


Reference list

At the end of your assignment, you are required to provide the full bibliographic in-formation for each source. References must be listed in alphabetical order by author.

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