Order DescriptionA Case Study of Rupert Murdoch
Read the following article and answer the questions below in a Word document. Make sure to write your name on the document. Arsenault, Amelia and Manuel Castells. 2008. Switching Power: Rupert Murdoch and the Global Business of Media Politics: A Sociological Analysis. International Sociology. 23(4): 488-513.https://iss.sagepub.com/content/23/4/488.full.pdf+html?ijkey=PaN2k99c915wQ&keytype=ref&siteid=spiss1.Why do the authors argue that Rupert Murdoch is particularly situated to wield power? What is meant by saying that Murdoch is a switcher?
2.How are the concepts of conglomerization, vertical control, and horizontal networking utilized in this article? How do these processes relate to vertical and horizontal integration?
3.What are some of the specific ways by which Murdoch leverages his ability, through NewsCorp, to influence audiences around the world and gain political favors?
A Case Study of Rupert Murdoch