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1) War (one topic) 2) Terrorism 3) An Environmental Problem 4) Lobbying 5) Campaign Contributions 6) Inequality 7) Problems in the Economy 8) Unemployment 9) Global Warming 10) Foreign Policy (one issue)

Paper instructions:
You are required to use no less than five (5) sources.  The sources/references used must come from scholarly articles, newspapers, periodicals, etc.  No internet websites can be used as sources for your research paper.
3)  You are required to answer all of the questions found in the template below using MLA or APA format.  Citing sources/references throughout the literature is required as well.
4)  You must type the questions and answers using a word document, single space, 12 as your font size, and times new roman as your font face.

Template for Problem Solving
1)  State your problem as clearly and precisely as you can.  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
2)  What is your purpose, goal, and need for solving this problem? (Recognize problems as obstacles to reaching your goals, achieving your purpose, or satisfying your need.) Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
3)  Study the problem to determine the “kind” of problem you are dealing with.  What kind of problem are you trying to solve? What do you have to do to solve it?  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
4)  What from your problem do you have control over and what do you have no control over?  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
5)  What information do you need to solve the problem? Explain.  How can you actively seek the information you need to solve the problem?  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
6)  What theory or theories can you formulate concerning this problem? Carefully analyze and interpret your theories and draw reasonable inferences.  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
7)  Determine your options for action. What can you do in the short term? In the long term? Recognize your limitations in terms of money, time, and power.  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
8)  Evaluate your options, determining their advantages and disadvantages.  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
9)  Adopt a strategy. Follow through on it.  This may involve direct action or a carefully thought-through wait-and-see approach.  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.
10)  Evaluate and assess the implications of your action/strategy.  Explain your analysis/answer in five (5) or more sentences.


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Your second essay is definition (different from the syllabus). In brief, a definition essay is an essay that thoroughly investigates the meaning of the chosen word or concept. This rhetorical style allows you to provide an extended definition than that of the dictionary. Though one may know the universal meaning of a particular word like family, the essay furthers the meaning based on your perspective. In other words, the meaning of family may differ from your friends’ and colleagues’. Having said that, using a dictionary definition in your essay would be the wrong choice. What this style of essay looks for is your deeply rooted belief, personal philosophy, and experience that culminate in your definition of the word.


You will choose your own topic. I advise that you choose a word that is meaningful to you, a word that has stayed with you since the very beginning. Another recommendation for you is to pick a word that is abstract, such as Happiness, American Dream, Fear, Racism, etc. These words require extended definition and explanation. So, choosing a word like dog or tree would not be meaningful.

Paper Requirement:
1.3-5 pages (no more than 5, no fewer than 3)
2.Like the narrative essay, the definition essay must follow the same format (font, size, measurement)
3.Must be in MLA
4.Language. Because this essay is definition, the use of effective wording and phrasing is vital to the empowerment behind the word. Thus, this essay should be constructed in a way that demonstrates your vocabulary, critical thinking, and intellectual influence. Also, your personal voice must be invoked in order to direct the reader’s attention -that is, make the audience listen to what you have to say. Therefore, the majority of the evaluation will focus on the strength of your definition and the language in which the meaning is being conveyed. In all, choo

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