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You will choose ONE essay from the list below and write a paper that is 4-6 pages long.

You will choose ONE essay from the list below and write a paper that is 4-6 pages long.

Order Description

You must type your answers using Times New Roman font, 12 cpi, double spaced, and in MLA format (See “How to Quote Poetry” above). Essays will be graded for organization, clarity, use of persuasive examples, quotes & evidence – plus creative insight. Grammar and spelling will not matter as much – but please do a spell check. You may consult your notes as well as the text. For the most part you will be quoting out of our course textbook, The Longman Anthology of British Literature. See below for Works Cited information on all of the literature for this exam. This exam is an open book and open note exam. Use parenthetical citations when quoting and be sure to have a works cited page at the end of your essay. If you have any questions please contact me, I will answer as much as I can.

You must use all the works listed under a given question.

With the rise of Protestantism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, love becomes seen as a special spiritual bond between human beings and between people and God. Love shows how the individual’s relationship with God can be intimate and help that individual deal with sin. Discuss how the spiritual love described by the writers in the works below illustrates these Protestant ideas and show how these ideas on love also demonstrate what each author believes about the role of free will and Grace in combating sin.

John Milton’s Paradise Lost
John Donne’s “Holy Sonnet 14”


John Q. Smith
Mrs. Page
ENGL 2322.001
20 October 2012
How to Quote Poetry
There are several particulars that you must know when writing a paper about poets and poetry. Since this is an English course, it is important that the Modern Language Association (MLA) style be followed throughout your paper, the basics of which are: the paper has 1” margins all around (top, bottom and sides), the entire paper is double spaced, the font is Times New Roman 12-point, and a Works Cited page is last and not counted in your total number of pages that are due, however, it does follow in page numbering (pagination). Another stylistic requirement of MLA is that there is no cover sheet. The very first page should look exactly like this page; there is a Header with your last name and the page number (at the very top right of the page – above the top 1” margin), there is a Heading with your name, your instructor’s name, the official designation of your class, and the date in military format (see above left – within the 1” margins). All four of these lines are left justified and double-spaced. There are no extra lines between the Heading and the title, or between the title and the first line of your text. These are the basics; there are more particulars that pertain specifically to poetry in the following paragraphs.
It will be imperative that you use quotes from our text as support for your thoughts and ideas throughout your paper. A good rule of thumb is there should be at least one quote per paragraph. If your quote exceeds four lines, indent ten spaces (two tabs) then write the poetry line by line just as it is written in the book. Your block quotes of poetry should look like this:
Then finally the end arrives
when the body he was lent collapses and falls
prey to its death; [ . . . ]
and the goods he hoarded are inherited by another
who lets them go with a liberal hand. (Beowulf 1753-7)
Please note: since your paper is double-spaced, the quotation will be double-spaced. There are no extra spaces between the quotation and the body of the paper. The line number is in parenthesis at the end of the quote, and the period is after the last word of the quote, not the parenthetical line number citation (this is poetry so I cite line numbers only).
However, there is another way to do it: “If you use four lines or less / embed them in the paragraph this way” (1-2). To indicate line breaks “is to put this forward slash / between the lines” (3-4). A double slash // indicates a break in stanzas. Please note: “The quotation marks go at the beginning of the quotation and at the last word of the quotation” (5). The line number is outside the quotation, and the period is after the closing parenthesis of the parenthetical citation of page or line numbers.
Titles of long poems (book length), like Beowulf, should be Underlined or Italicized. Titles of plays and titles of novels (prose), like Frankenstein: or, the Modern Prometheus, or Paradise Lost should be Underlined or Italicized. Which ever you choose, however, be consistent. If you start out italicizing, the titles do not switch to underlining them part way through your paper. Titles of short, lyric poems, like George Herbert’s “The Collar,” should be in “Quotation Marks.” Titles of articles and sections of books (“Introduction,” “Preface”) should be in “Quotation Marks.”
In a paper that has only one source, say in a paper about Beowulf, all that is needed in the parenthetical citations in the text is the line or page numbers. Use line numbers for poems (Herbert, “The Collar” 5-8), page numbers for prose (Shelley 171), and act, scene and line (Shakespeare, Hamlet 3.3.1-3) for plays. If you are quoting from The Tragedy of Jane Shore, because we are given act and scene numbers but not line numbers – cite the page of the book. If you have more than one source, you use the last name of the author or the name of the work and the line or page number (Jonson 13). Also, scroll back up and look at the line numbering in the example from Beowulf used above. The lines quoted were 1753 through 1757, but since several of the digits repeat in the second number, only the digit that is different is needed after the dash (Beowulf 1753-7). If I had used lines 1753 through 1762 then the lines number would be written as follows (Beowulf 1753-62) and I would have included the 6.
Now for a discussion of the ellipses [. . .] within the first quote at the beginning of this paper. The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, the authority for all papers written in MLA style, admonishes the writer to be careful when using this “difficult” style format, “Whenever you wish to omit a word, a phrase, a sentence, or more from a quoted passage, you should be guided by two principles: fairness to the author quoted and the grammatical integrity of your writing” (Gibaldi 114). The use of the ellipses is to indicate to your reader that you have purposefully left something out. There are several reasons for doing so. You may not need the omitted words in order to convey the sense of what the author is saying, the material being omitted may only confuse your reader and you wish to keep the sense of your supporting research clear, or the words being left out may be redundant. The rule is, however, that you must always keep what is between quotation marks EXACTLY as the author/poet wrote them (note the spelling may not be standard spelling “ev’n” for evening or “thou” for you – you as the person quoting an author cannot change what the author has written unless you have good reason). If you must change something within a quote, you must put that change, whatever it is, within brackets. Thus, if you omit words from a quote, you place three periods within brackets. The following sample from Shakespeare’s Hamlet is an example of quotation where something is taken out for the sake of clarity, “To be, or not to be that is the question: / Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings [. . .] of outrageous fortune” (Shakespeare, Hamlet 3.3.1-3). Keep in mind that there are incidents where the author/poet has himself/herself put an ellipsis in his or her text – possibly for stylistic reasons (Faulkner did this all the time). If that is the case, then do not do anything about the ellipses, just put in the three periods without brackets. Only add the brackets when YOU put the ellipses in. It is by using the brackets that you tell your reader that YOU took something out – this is not the work of the author/poet being quoted, this is your work and you had good reason for doing it. Also, please note if you ADD anything to a quote (to maintain grammatical integrity), you must put the addition inside brackets as well.
This paper is written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. The margins are one inch all around (top, bottom, and sides). This is MLA format, and all your papers in this class should be in this style.
The Works Cited page is where you put information about where your quotes originated. You do this so other people can find them if they wish. Because the citation for Beowulf is somewhat nonstandard, I thought I would help you out with it. The last page of your paper should look like this:

Works Cited
Beowulf. Trans. Anne Schotter. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol. 1A: The Middle Ages. Gen Eds. David Damrosch and Kevin J.H. Dettmar. 5th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2012. 32-107. Print.
Gibaldi, Michael. The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. New York: Modern Language Press, 2010. Print.
Herbert, George. “The Collar.” The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol 1B: The Early Modern Period. Gen Eds. David Damrosch and Kevin J.H. Dettmar. 4th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2010. 1636-7. Print.
– – -. “Love (3).” The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol 1B: The Early Modern Period. Gen Eds. David Damrosch and Kevin J.H. Dettmar. 4th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2010. 1639.
Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol 1B: The Early Modern Period. Ed. David Damrosch. 3rd ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2006. 1303-5.

This stylistic format is called a hanging indent. The second line of each of your citations should be indented 5 spaces, which is one tab on most word processors.
[Put your cursor on this section in brackets, then look at the ruler at the top of your Word document – note the location of the little grey arrows on the ruler. By manipulating these small grey arrows, you can determine the indention of an entire section of your text.]
Note: if you have more than one entry by the same author, you do not repeat his / her name. Instead you place three dashes (separated by spaces) followed by a period. See the Herbert entries above. Also, noting that all entries in a Works Cited list are in alphabetical order – within the list of a singular author are alphabetized as well, but by title of the poem/literature (“collar” comes before “love”).
One final note: do not count the Works Cited page in the total number of pages due. If you have a four to six page paper to write, you may not count the Works Cited page as one of the minimum four pages. You should produce four full pages of text plus a Works Cited page.
One final – final note: I am your best resource! While I will not write your paper for you (that is PLAGIARISM), I am here to help. Do not waste this resource! Contact me if you have a question about how to do all of this. But do not plan on emailing me the night before your paper is due (or even worse – the day of) and expect an immediate response . . . plan ahead!

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You will choose ONE essay from the list below and write a paper that is 4-6 pages long.

You will choose ONE essay from the list below and write a paper that is 4-6 pages long.

Order Description

You must type your answers using Times New Roman font, 12 cpi, double spaced, and in MLA format (See “How to Quote Poetry” above). Essays will be graded for organization, clarity, use of persuasive examples, quotes & evidence – plus creative insight. Grammar and spelling will not matter as much – but please do a spell check. You may consult your notes as well as the text. For the most part you will be quoting out of our course textbook, The Longman Anthology of British Literature. See below for Works Cited information on all of the literature for this exam. This exam is an open book and open note exam. Use parenthetical citations when quoting and be sure to have a works cited page at the end of your essay. If you have any questions please contact me, I will answer as much as I can.

You must use all the works listed under a given question.

With the rise of Protestantism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, love becomes seen as a special spiritual bond between human beings and between people and God. Love shows how the individual’s relationship with God can be intimate and help that individual deal with sin. Discuss how the spiritual love described by the writers in the works below illustrates these Protestant ideas and show how these ideas on love also demonstrate what each author believes about the role of free will and Grace in combating sin.

John Milton’s Paradise Lost
John Donne’s “Holy Sonnet 14”


John Q. Smith
Mrs. Page
ENGL 2322.001
20 October 2012
How to Quote Poetry
There are several particulars that you must know when writing a paper about poets and poetry. Since this is an English course, it is important that the Modern Language Association (MLA) style be followed throughout your paper, the basics of which are: the paper has 1” margins all around (top, bottom and sides), the entire paper is double spaced, the font is Times New Roman 12-point, and a Works Cited page is last and not counted in your total number of pages that are due, however, it does follow in page numbering (pagination). Another stylistic requirement of MLA is that there is no cover sheet. The very first page should look exactly like this page; there is a Header with your last name and the page number (at the very top right of the page – above the top 1” margin), there is a Heading with your name, your instructor’s name, the official designation of your class, and the date in military format (see above left – within the 1” margins). All four of these lines are left justified and double-spaced. There are no extra lines between the Heading and the title, or between the title and the first line of your text. These are the basics; there are more particulars that pertain specifically to poetry in the following paragraphs.
It will be imperative that you use quotes from our text as support for your thoughts and ideas throughout your paper. A good rule of thumb is there should be at least one quote per paragraph. If your quote exceeds four lines, indent ten spaces (two tabs) then write the poetry line by line just as it is written in the book. Your block quotes of poetry should look like this:
Then finally the end arrives
when the body he was lent collapses and falls
prey to its death; [ . . . ]
and the goods he hoarded are inherited by another
who lets them go with a liberal hand. (Beowulf 1753-7)
Please note: since your paper is double-spaced, the quotation will be double-spaced. There are no extra spaces between the quotation and the body of the paper. The line number is in parenthesis at the end of the quote, and the period is after the last word of the quote, not the parenthetical line number citation (this is poetry so I cite line numbers only).
However, there is another way to do it: “If you use four lines or less / embed them in the paragraph this way” (1-2). To indicate line breaks “is to put this forward slash / between the lines” (3-4). A double slash // indicates a break in stanzas. Please note: “The quotation marks go at the beginning of the quotation and at the last word of the quotation” (5). The line number is outside the quotation, and the period is after the closing parenthesis of the parenthetical citation of page or line numbers.
Titles of long poems (book length), like Beowulf, should be Underlined or Italicized. Titles of plays and titles of novels (prose), like Frankenstein: or, the Modern Prometheus, or Paradise Lost should be Underlined or Italicized. Which ever you choose, however, be consistent. If you start out italicizing, the titles do not switch to underlining them part way through your paper. Titles of short, lyric poems, like George Herbert’s “The Collar,” should be in “Quotation Marks.” Titles of articles and sections of books (“Introduction,” “Preface”) should be in “Quotation Marks.”
In a paper that has only one source, say in a paper about Beowulf, all that is needed in the parenthetical citations in the text is the line or page numbers. Use line numbers for poems (Herbert, “The Collar” 5-8), page numbers for prose (Shelley 171), and act, scene and line (Shakespeare, Hamlet 3.3.1-3) for plays. If you are quoting from The Tragedy of Jane Shore, because we are given act and scene numbers but not line numbers – cite the page of the book. If you have more than one source, you use the last name of the author or the name of the work and the line or page number (Jonson 13). Also, scroll back up and look at the line numbering in the example from Beowulf used above. The lines quoted were 1753 through 1757, but since several of the digits repeat in the second number, only the digit that is different is needed after the dash (Beowulf 1753-7). If I had used lines 1753 through 1762 then the lines number would be written as follows (Beowulf 1753-62) and I would have included the 6.
Now for a discussion of the ellipses [. . .] within the first quote at the beginning of this paper. The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, the authority for all papers written in MLA style, admonishes the writer to be careful when using this “difficult” style format, “Whenever you wish to omit a word, a phrase, a sentence, or more from a quoted passage, you should be guided by two principles: fairness to the author quoted and the grammatical integrity of your writing” (Gibaldi 114). The use of the ellipses is to indicate to your reader that you have purposefully left something out. There are several reasons for doing so. You may not need the omitted words in order to convey the sense of what the author is saying, the material being omitted may only confuse your reader and you wish to keep the sense of your supporting research clear, or the words being left out may be redundant. The rule is, however, that you must always keep what is between quotation marks EXACTLY as the author/poet wrote them (note the spelling may not be standard spelling “ev’n” for evening or “thou” for you – you as the person quoting an author cannot change what the author has written unless you have good reason). If you must change something within a quote, you must put that change, whatever it is, within brackets. Thus, if you omit words from a quote, you place three periods within brackets. The following sample from Shakespeare’s Hamlet is an example of quotation where something is taken out for the sake of clarity, “To be, or not to be that is the question: / Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings [. . .] of outrageous fortune” (Shakespeare, Hamlet 3.3.1-3). Keep in mind that there are incidents where the author/poet has himself/herself put an ellipsis in his or her text – possibly for stylistic reasons (Faulkner did this all the time). If that is the case, then do not do anything about the ellipses, just put in the three periods without brackets. Only add the brackets when YOU put the ellipses in. It is by using the brackets that you tell your reader that YOU took something out – this is not the work of the author/poet being quoted, this is your work and you had good reason for doing it. Also, please note if you ADD anything to a quote (to maintain grammatical integrity), you must put the addition inside brackets as well.
This paper is written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. The margins are one inch all around (top, bottom, and sides). This is MLA format, and all your papers in this class should be in this style.
The Works Cited page is where you put information about where your quotes originated. You do this so other people can find them if they wish. Because the citation for Beowulf is somewhat nonstandard, I thought I would help you out with it. The last page of your paper should look like this:

Works Cited
Beowulf. Trans. Anne Schotter. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol. 1A: The Middle Ages. Gen Eds. David Damrosch and Kevin J.H. Dettmar. 5th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2012. 32-107. Print.
Gibaldi, Michael. The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. New York: Modern Language Press, 2010. Print.
Herbert, George. “The Collar.” The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol 1B: The Early Modern Period. Gen Eds. David Damrosch and Kevin J.H. Dettmar. 4th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2010. 1636-7. Print.
– – -. “Love (3).” The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol 1B: The Early Modern Period. Gen Eds. David Damrosch and Kevin J.H. Dettmar. 4th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2010. 1639.
Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol 1B: The Early Modern Period. Ed. David Damrosch. 3rd ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2006. 1303-5.

This stylistic format is called a hanging indent. The second line of each of your citations should be indented 5 spaces, which is one tab on most word processors.
[Put your cursor on this section in brackets, then look at the ruler at the top of your Word document – note the location of the little grey arrows on the ruler. By manipulating these small grey arrows, you can determine the indention of an entire section of your text.]
Note: if you have more than one entry by the same author, you do not repeat his / her name. Instead you place three dashes (separated by spaces) followed by a period. See the Herbert entries above. Also, noting that all entries in a Works Cited list are in alphabetical order – within the list of a singular author are alphabetized as well, but by title of the poem/literature (“collar” comes before “love”).
One final note: do not count the Works Cited page in the total number of pages due. If you have a four to six page paper to write, you may not count the Works Cited page as one of the minimum four pages. You should produce four full pages of text plus a Works Cited page.
One final – final note: I am your best resource! While I will not write your paper for you (that is PLAGIARISM), I am here to help. Do not waste this resource! Contact me if you have a question about how to do all of this. But do not plan on emailing me the night before your paper is due (or even worse – the day of) and expect an immediate response . . . plan ahead!

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

You will choose ONE essay from the list below and write a paper that is 4-6 pages long.

You will choose ONE essay from the list below and write a paper that is 4-6 pages long.

Order Description

You must type your answers using Times New Roman font, 12 cpi, double spaced, and in MLA format (See “How to Quote Poetry” above). Essays will be graded for organization, clarity, use of persuasive examples, quotes & evidence – plus creative insight. Grammar and spelling will not matter as much – but please do a spell check. You may consult your notes as well as the text. For the most part you will be quoting out of our course textbook, The Longman Anthology of British Literature. See below for Works Cited information on all of the literature for this exam. This exam is an open book and open note exam. Use parenthetical citations when quoting and be sure to have a works cited page at the end of your essay. If you have any questions please contact me, I will answer as much as I can.

You must use all the works listed under a given question.

With the rise of Protestantism in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, love becomes seen as a special spiritual bond between human beings and between people and God. Love shows how the individual’s relationship with God can be intimate and help that individual deal with sin. Discuss how the spiritual love described by the writers in the works below illustrates these Protestant ideas and show how these ideas on love also demonstrate what each author believes about the role of free will and Grace in combating sin.

John Milton’s Paradise Lost
John Donne’s “Holy Sonnet 14”


John Q. Smith
Mrs. Page
ENGL 2322.001
20 October 2012
How to Quote Poetry
There are several particulars that you must know when writing a paper about poets and poetry. Since this is an English course, it is important that the Modern Language Association (MLA) style be followed throughout your paper, the basics of which are: the paper has 1” margins all around (top, bottom and sides), the entire paper is double spaced, the font is Times New Roman 12-point, and a Works Cited page is last and not counted in your total number of pages that are due, however, it does follow in page numbering (pagination). Another stylistic requirement of MLA is that there is no cover sheet. The very first page should look exactly like this page; there is a Header with your last name and the page number (at the very top right of the page – above the top 1” margin), there is a Heading with your name, your instructor’s name, the official designation of your class, and the date in military format (see above left – within the 1” margins). All four of these lines are left justified and double-spaced. There are no extra lines between the Heading and the title, or between the title and the first line of your text. These are the basics; there are more particulars that pertain specifically to poetry in the following paragraphs.
It will be imperative that you use quotes from our text as support for your thoughts and ideas throughout your paper. A good rule of thumb is there should be at least one quote per paragraph. If your quote exceeds four lines, indent ten spaces (two tabs) then write the poetry line by line just as it is written in the book. Your block quotes of poetry should look like this:
Then finally the end arrives
when the body he was lent collapses and falls
prey to its death; [ . . . ]
and the goods he hoarded are inherited by another
who lets them go with a liberal hand. (Beowulf 1753-7)
Please note: since your paper is double-spaced, the quotation will be double-spaced. There are no extra spaces between the quotation and the body of the paper. The line number is in parenthesis at the end of the quote, and the period is after the last word of the quote, not the parenthetical line number citation (this is poetry so I cite line numbers only).
However, there is another way to do it: “If you use four lines or less / embed them in the paragraph this way” (1-2). To indicate line breaks “is to put this forward slash / between the lines” (3-4). A double slash // indicates a break in stanzas. Please note: “The quotation marks go at the beginning of the quotation and at the last word of the quotation” (5). The line number is outside the quotation, and the period is after the closing parenthesis of the parenthetical citation of page or line numbers.
Titles of long poems (book length), like Beowulf, should be Underlined or Italicized. Titles of plays and titles of novels (prose), like Frankenstein: or, the Modern Prometheus, or Paradise Lost should be Underlined or Italicized. Which ever you choose, however, be consistent. If you start out italicizing, the titles do not switch to underlining them part way through your paper. Titles of short, lyric poems, like George Herbert’s “The Collar,” should be in “Quotation Marks.” Titles of articles and sections of books (“Introduction,” “Preface”) should be in “Quotation Marks.”
In a paper that has only one source, say in a paper about Beowulf, all that is needed in the parenthetical citations in the text is the line or page numbers. Use line numbers for poems (Herbert, “The Collar” 5-8), page numbers for prose (Shelley 171), and act, scene and line (Shakespeare, Hamlet 3.3.1-3) for plays. If you are quoting from The Tragedy of Jane Shore, because we are given act and scene numbers but not line numbers – cite the page of the book. If you have more than one source, you use the last name of the author or the name of the work and the line or page number (Jonson 13). Also, scroll back up and look at the line numbering in the example from Beowulf used above. The lines quoted were 1753 through 1757, but since several of the digits repeat in the second number, only the digit that is different is needed after the dash (Beowulf 1753-7). If I had used lines 1753 through 1762 then the lines number would be written as follows (Beowulf 1753-62) and I would have included the 6.
Now for a discussion of the ellipses [. . .] within the first quote at the beginning of this paper. The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, the authority for all papers written in MLA style, admonishes the writer to be careful when using this “difficult” style format, “Whenever you wish to omit a word, a phrase, a sentence, or more from a quoted passage, you should be guided by two principles: fairness to the author quoted and the grammatical integrity of your writing” (Gibaldi 114). The use of the ellipses is to indicate to your reader that you have purposefully left something out. There are several reasons for doing so. You may not need the omitted words in order to convey the sense of what the author is saying, the material being omitted may only confuse your reader and you wish to keep the sense of your supporting research clear, or the words being left out may be redundant. The rule is, however, that you must always keep what is between quotation marks EXACTLY as the author/poet wrote them (note the spelling may not be standard spelling “ev’n” for evening or “thou” for you – you as the person quoting an author cannot change what the author has written unless you have good reason). If you must change something within a quote, you must put that change, whatever it is, within brackets. Thus, if you omit words from a quote, you place three periods within brackets. The following sample from Shakespeare’s Hamlet is an example of quotation where something is taken out for the sake of clarity, “To be, or not to be that is the question: / Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings [. . .] of outrageous fortune” (Shakespeare, Hamlet 3.3.1-3). Keep in mind that there are incidents where the author/poet has himself/herself put an ellipsis in his or her text – possibly for stylistic reasons (Faulkner did this all the time). If that is the case, then do not do anything about the ellipses, just put in the three periods without brackets. Only add the brackets when YOU put the ellipses in. It is by using the brackets that you tell your reader that YOU took something out – this is not the work of the author/poet being quoted, this is your work and you had good reason for doing it. Also, please note if you ADD anything to a quote (to maintain grammatical integrity), you must put the addition inside brackets as well.
This paper is written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. The margins are one inch all around (top, bottom, and sides). This is MLA format, and all your papers in this class should be in this style.
The Works Cited page is where you put information about where your quotes originated. You do this so other people can find them if they wish. Because the citation for Beowulf is somewhat nonstandard, I thought I would help you out with it. The last page of your paper should look like this:

Works Cited
Beowulf. Trans. Anne Schotter. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol. 1A: The Middle Ages. Gen Eds. David Damrosch and Kevin J.H. Dettmar. 5th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2012. 32-107. Print.
Gibaldi, Michael. The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 7th ed. New York: Modern Language Press, 2010. Print.
Herbert, George. “The Collar.” The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol 1B: The Early Modern Period. Gen Eds. David Damrosch and Kevin J.H. Dettmar. 4th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2010. 1636-7. Print.
– – -. “Love (3).” The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol 1B: The Early Modern Period. Gen Eds. David Damrosch and Kevin J.H. Dettmar. 4th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2010. 1639.
Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol 1B: The Early Modern Period. Ed. David Damrosch. 3rd ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2006. 1303-5.

This stylistic format is called a hanging indent. The second line of each of your citations should be indented 5 spaces, which is one tab on most word processors.
[Put your cursor on this section in brackets, then look at the ruler at the top of your Word document – note the location of the little grey arrows on the ruler. By manipulating these small grey arrows, you can determine the indention of an entire section of your text.]
Note: if you have more than one entry by the same author, you do not repeat his / her name. Instead you place three dashes (separated by spaces) followed by a period. See the Herbert entries above. Also, noting that all entries in a Works Cited list are in alphabetical order – within the list of a singular author are alphabetized as well, but by title of the poem/literature (“collar” comes before “love”).
One final note: do not count the Works Cited page in the total number of pages due. If you have a four to six page paper to write, you may not count the Works Cited page as one of the minimum four pages. You should produce four full pages of text plus a Works Cited page.
One final – final note: I am your best resource! While I will not write your paper for you (that is PLAGIARISM), I am here to help. Do not waste this resource! Contact me if you have a question about how to do all of this. But do not plan on emailing me the night before your paper is due (or even worse – the day of) and expect an immediate response . . . plan ahead!

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