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Assessment Note-taking Sheet

Assessment Note-taking Sheet
This document contains the assessment questions that you will find in the assessments in your course. You may use this document to take notes and compose answers.
You may NOT submit this document in place of the assessments; it is a working file only.
Assessment 1
Instructions/Purpose of assessment
In the following assessment tasks you will be examined on your ability to
• Plan documents by considering the purpose, the audience, the format and the requirements to ensure that the document meets its objectives
• Draft the document by reviewing and organising data and including graphics as appropriate
• Ensure that the document meets the document requirements and genre
• Proof read document and ensure that the draft is approved by relevant personnel
• Use word processing software to choose and apply basic design elements
• Create documents that require review and analysis of a range of information sources
Question 1
Refer to the GSE Intranet > Policies & Procedures > Style Guides and Templates. Compare and contrast a report and a business letter. In your response explain when it would be appropriate to create a report or write a business letter.
Question 2
Access and download the following document on the GSE Intranet > Policies & Procedures > Style Guides and Templates > Style Guide, to answer the following 4 questions.
Name four (4) things that are consistent on all documents.
Question 3
If you were writing a business letter name three (3) general guidelines that you must follow.
Question 4
Identify at least four (4) things you need to remember when including dates and numbers in documents.
Question 5
Explain the connection between style guides and the corporate image of GSE.
Question 6
Recreate, complete and upload the table below.
Purpose of written communication Type of document that best suits this purpose Why?
A request to your assistant to display new safety signs in lunchroom
Organise a meeting with all team members
Urgent order for stationary from preferred supplier
Responding to positive feedback from a customer
Analysis of safety audits and recommendations to be presented at a Board Meeting

Question 7
In the planning stage of writing a document you can conduct an audience analysis. The more you know about your potential reader the better you can meet their needs. Imagine that you work for GSE and provide administrative support to Al Perez, the General Manager of Manufacturing at GSE. You have been asked to create a safety analysis document to be presented at the Board Meeting.
The first step you take is to complete an audience analysis. Recreate, complete and upload the table below.
Who are they?
What position do they occupy in the organisation?
What responsibilities do they have?
What do they need?
Where will they be reading?
When will they be reading?
Why will they be reading?
How will they be reading?

Question 8
After completing this audience analysis, summarise the critical factors you would take into consideration when you were preparing the document. Consider purpose, format and requirements of the document.
Question 9
If you had to present the same information at a team meeting would you use the same format that was used for the Board Meeting? Why or why not?
Question 10
Explain the benefits of including graphics in documents. Provide examples from your experience where the use of graphics has enhanced a document.
Question 11
Imagine you have collected some data through an informal survey on the work practices of the Finance and Administration department at GSE. You have asked each team member verbally and recorded their responses on a scrap piece of paper.

You had been asked to send out a memo to the team. The purpose of the memo is remind them of the risks associated with poor work practices. Interpret the data above and summarise it so that it can be used in the memo you are about to create.
Question 12
Draft the text that you would include in the memo.
Question 13
The following business letter has numerous mistakes. Re write the letter correctly so it meets the requirements of GSE style guide.

Question 14
Explain three (3) functions available in the word processing software that you use to apply basic design elements to text.
Question 15
Recreate, complete and upload the table below.
Stages of document development Actions taken by the writer (identify at least 3 points in each section)
Plan document
Draft text
Prepare final text
Produce document

Assessment 2
Instructions/Purpose of assessment
In the following assessment tasks you will be assessed on your ability to:
• Plan documents
• Draft text
• Prepare final text
• Produce documents
This assessment consists of two pathways – you are only required to complete either:
Option 1 – Your Workplace OR Option 2 – Simulated Workplace (GSE)
Read through the options and choose the one that is most appropriate for you and follow the option through.

Option 1: Refer to key operational elements of your organisation and consider situations where you would be required to create reports, information and general promotion documents that require review and analysis of a range of information sources.
Option 2: Refer to the scenario that describes the requirement to create documents within the GSE simulated workplace.
You work in the WHS Department of GSE as an administrative assistant. You are relatively new to the position and Cheng Ho is your workplace mentor. Peter Habib, the manager of the WHS department has asked you to produce 3 documents. These are the first complex documents you have been asked to create. You know that all GSE documents must comply with the GSE style guide and templates.
For further information locate the “Style guide and templates” in the GSE Intranet > Policies & Procedures.
Question 1
a) Create a document called Work Instructions for Completing Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) according to GSE Policy and Procedures. This document will be used during induction training for new employees who start in the manufacturing department.
b) Document your planning process. Imagine that you will be having one on one meeting’s with your mentor during the development stages of your document creation. Keep notes on the steps that you undertook to create your document. Your planning notes need to address the following points: (minimum of 1 A4 page)
o how you planned the content that would be in the document
o how you organised and sequenced the content
o how you ensured that the content met the requirements of the relevant GSE policy and procedures
o the steps you took to get approval for your draft text.
c) Provide copies of your draft text that shows your own proofreading and amendments to be made on the final document
For further information refer to the GSE Intranet > Policies & Procedures > Work Health and Safety > General > “Work Instruction Template” and the relevant policies and procedures for MSDS form in the GSE simulated workplace.
Upload your planning notes
Upload your draft text
Upload your completed final copy document

Question 2
a) Write a Research Report that makes recommendations for a voluntary health promotion program that could be implemented across all GSE departments. Your report will include at least one graphic to enhance the document, for example a graph, a table, a diagram or a picture. The report will be tabled at the WHS committee meeting for discussion.
b) Document your planning process. Imagine that you will be having one on one meeting’s with your mentor during the development stages of your document creation. Keep notes on the steps that you undertook to create your document. Your planning notes need to address the following (at least 1 A4 page):
• how you planned the content that would be in the document, what research strategies you use
• how you organised and sequenced the content, data and information in the document,
• why you chose the graphic that you included
• how you ensured that the content met the requirements of the document.
c) Provide copies of your draft text that shows your own proofreading and amendments to be made on the final document
For further information locate the following documents in the GSE Intranet > Policies & Procedures:
• Style Guides and Templates > General > Report writing template
• Style Guides and Templates > General > Referencing
• Work Health and Safety > General > any relevant WHS policies and procedures
Upload your planning notes.
Upload your draft text.
Upload your completed final copy document.
Question 3
a) Create a brochure that advertises Global Star Enterprises (GSE) commitment to reduce its carbon footprint by 50% by the year 2030 and to be a leader in eco-friendly manufacturing. The purpose of the brochure is to show GSE’s Vision, Mission and Values in action. The brochure will be displayed in the reception area of the organisation.
b) Document your planning process. Imagine that you will be having one on one meeting’s with your mentor during the development stages of your document creation. Keep notes on the steps that you undertook to create your document. Your planning notes need to address the following (At least 1 A4 page)
• how you planned the content that would be in the document, who you asked for any additional content and what they provided
• how you organised and sequenced the content, data, visuals and information in the document,
• how you ensured that the content met the requirements of the document through consultation , feedback and review
c) Provide copies of your draft document that shows your own proofreading and amendments to be made on the final document
For further information locate the following documents in the GSE Intranet > Policies & Procedures:
• Style Guides and Templates > General > Publication Brochure and Leaflet Template
• Work Health and Safety > General > Environmental Policy
• Strategic & Operational Plans > General > GSE Mission and Vision
• Strategic & Operational Plans > General > GSE Values
Upload your planning notes.
Upload your draft text.
Upload your completed final copy document.

Question 4
Prepare a summary report (minimum of 400 words) that identifies how you met the organisational requirements for ergonomics, work periods and breaks and resource conservation techniques. In your summary consider:
a) Lighting
b) Equipment layout and access
c) Manual Handling
d) Work station and equipment
e) Posture
f) Varying tasks and breaks
g) Resource conservation



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