For your first research paper, please choose one of the topics below, answering the questions for each and expounding on them to flesh out your paper. Each of the topics has an associated video that should be one of the main sources for the paper. Follow the Research Paper guidelines in the syllabus for writing this paper. The video will be used IN ADDITION to the two outside sources in addition to the text mentioned in the syllabus. The total word count for both research papers will be 3,000 words, so this paper should be 1500 words +/- in length.Topic 1SocialismPlease note that Socialism will be a topic for the second research paper as well, so if you would like to do a 2 paper study of socialism, choose it for this paper. Otherwise you can simply do one paper on socialism and the other on another topic, or neither on socialism.Video URL: (Links to an external site.)Topic 2RevolutionFocusing on the revolutions of 1848, what is revolution and what does it embody? What conditions must exist in order for it to occur? What did the revolutions of 1848 achieve? Can their effects be seen today?
Video URL: (Links to an external site.)Topic 3Industrialization
Please note that there are 4 sections to this video and you must click on the next one after viewing the previous one in order to view it.Video URL: (Links to an external site.)
Socialism Revolution Industrialization What is the goal of socialism? How has it been applied? Why did it fail in the US while it thrived in Europe? Is socialism a beneficial ideology? What did the Industrial Revolution entail? What conditions gave rise to it? What areas of life did it affect and how? How did it affect family life? Are we better or worse off because of it?