Historian Eric Foner
Historian Eric Foner has suggested people often write history in a way that “suits their own needs”, and has also suggested that both scholars and the public at large often disagree about how history is taught and studied because “dominant voices emerge” that often “silence” some others.
Consider any of the texts we have read so far as parts of a “conversation” about the way history is studied. How does a particular author use his or her text to suggest (or even argue) that mainstream history might not fully represent some voices or stories? What are the voices or stories emerging in the work by the author you’ve chosen for this assignment? Why have they been “excluded”, and how does the author make the case for their “inclusion”?
This question should be answered in 3-4 paragraphs, and should draw specifically on text (in quote or paraphrase) for evidence and support. There is no need to write an introduction and conclusion in this response; keep focused instead on a thorough, specific and engaged answer to the question.
Texts we’ve read this semester that qualify for inclusion in this assignment include Silko’s short story “Lullaby”; Paula Gunn Allen’s article “Patriarchalization of Native American Tribes”; Butler’s novel Kindred; and Austen’s article “Who Owns History?”
When responding to the question , keep in mind that you’re being assessed based on your ability to 1) respond directly and thoroughly to the question, 2) support that response by incorporating material from our coursework, and 3) reflect the analytical ideas from course notes and readings.