The Impact of Scripture on Counseling
I need help with the following areas:
• Developing Thesis into a dissertation. My Thesis is the foundation for the dissertation. You can use every bit of information in thesis to formulate the dissertation.
• My assignment and goal is to further develop my topic, and thus create my dissertation.
• You are to incorporate only 15 more additional pages to the 33 page Thesis I have provided.
• References are to be included. You are limited to only adding 1 to 2 additional reference pages within the reference section. This will give my paper more substance.
• You must write examples of at least 2 to 4 of the points you express in the paper.
• Maintain my character and style of writing.
• Change/Fix the Roman Numerals in the Table of Content, ex; (I, II, etc.) they should read; (I, ii, etc.).
• The Table of Content #s must match pages that in body of Dissertation. Just want numbers to correctly match main subjects and sub-titles etc.
• Dissertation with your input must be submitted back to me by April 10th for my final review.
• Need information completed and return or sent to by April 10th.
The Impact of Scripture on Counseling
March 25th, 2017