The assignment consists in four questions that aim to evaluate the knowledge of a course in corporate finance. This evaluation presupposes a search in books and some websites (you can not use the most common websites like wikipedia), so you should give priority to the information contained in books. This assignment evaluates concepts of Net Present Value (NPV), Capital asset pricing model, dividend growth model, among others. I suggest you to find more than one book where these topics are explained, one of the books may be the Fundamentals of Corporate Finance ( ForFun / corporatefinance.pdf). This work must be authentic, it is imperative that there is no plagiarism, any information that is not original must respect the HARVARD REFERENCING SYSTEM. The goal is to get a mark above 70% and to achieve this the following results must be obtained:
-very significant ability to plan, organise and execute independently a research project or coursework assignment;
-very significant ability to evaluate literature and theory critically and make informed judgements;
– very high levels of creativity, originality and independence of thought;
-very significant ability to evaluate critically existing methodologies and suggest new approaches to current research or professional practice;
-very significant ability to analyse data critically;
-outstanding levels of accuracy, technical competence, organisation,expression.
It is essential that you follow all the instructions given on pages 4,5 and 6 of the assignment. In relation to plagiarism the following is said
“Your attention is drawn to InterActive’s stated position on plagiarism. The work of others that is included in your assignment must be attributed to its source. Apart from in-text referencing, a list of references must be submitted. Please note that this is intended to be an individual piece of work. Ensure that you read through your work prior to submission. Action will be taken where a student is suspected of having cheated or engaged in any dishonest practice. Students must not copy or collude with one another or present any information that they themselves have not generated.”
I’ll attach the assignment file