7302ICT- Enterprise Architecture Applications
Student Name A Enigbokan
Student Number
Criteria Completed Comment
1. Introduction
Does the introduction explain clearly and succintly the business problem to be solved? Fully ok, but see important question in the text!
2. Exposure of the idea
2.1 Does the author explain clearly and in a language appropriate for a management
audience what ‘X’ is (X= Process Improvement / Information Architecture / SOA/…)?
To some extent
ok as a start, but you must expand on what you have
learnt about process improvement, and refer to the
practices we discussed in class. This assignment doe
snot show that you have learnt in class.
2.2 Is there a clear explanation of how ‘X’ is expected to solve the business problem? Fully
Is the content up-to-date? To some extent relate to notable process impriovement practices (kaizen,
six sigma)
3. Effect on the Enterprise
3.1 Why: Does the author describe a strategic motivation (objective) that companies
would want to achieve using ‘X’
3.2 Where / What Does the author describe in which part of the organisation this change
would have to be applied and what would change? (business and solution)
4. Implementing the change
4.1 When: Does the author describe under what circumstances this approach would be
4.2 Who: Does the author describe who would be responsible for initiating the necessary
To some extent
4.3 How Does the author describe the change could be approached organisationally? Fully
5. Conclusion
Have relevant issues from the body of white paper been accurately summarised? Fully
Cover Sheet To some extent
Layout and Format Fully
Referencing for all written material should follow one of the accepted referencing
standards (use APA6 or AGPS Harvard system of bibliographic referencing)
Referenced material is relevant Mostly include references to kaizen and six sigma so that the
reader knows you considered various existing methods
Does the author Quote a definition from a source, and explain in more detail in his/her
own words?
Does the author follow the rule that long text (>10% of your assignment) copied from the
Internet is not acceptable even if qouted?
Novelty of Thinking and Intellectual Ability in Expressing Ideas Fully
Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Fully
The white paper should have a minimum of spelling and grammatical errors, and have a
writing style suitable for presentation to company executives
Overall at this stage: 85%
Report for Business Process Improvement through EA for a Hospital
Enterprise Architecture Applications
Griffith University
Lecturer: Peter Berbus
Student: s2870815
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
1.0 Problem Background …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
1.1 Justification ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
1.2 Scope of the Business Change ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
1.3 Role of EA practice ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
2. Exposure of the idea …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
3. The effect of this Change on the Enterprise …………………………………………………………………………….. 7
4- Implementing the Change ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
4.1 When ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
4.2 Who …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
4.3 How …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
5. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Reference ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
1. Introduction
1.0 Problem Background
ABC is a medium enterprise specialized in the provision of medical health care to the people of region
Seneca. By 2013, it had an annual client base of estimate 100,000 patients with an average daily turnout
of 10,000 patients. As 2014, the number of patients had increased by nearly 10% and the patients were
noted to complain of the drag in the facilities’ operations. On the other hand, the institutions had noted
low efficiency from its processes that affected its returns. The management evaluated and noted that
these had extensive adverse impact on the organization and is likely to cause more challenges like the
loss of clients to the competitors, losses in revenue and wastage on human resources if not handled. As
such, the organization must work towards alleviating the following challenges;
1) To reduce time in patient data retrieval in various departments
2) To reduce the time of serving patients as a result of improving data processing capabilities
3) To achieve an effective and efficient database without redundancy and data error
4) To facilitate information sharing between the department
5) To enhance employees efficiency and effectiveness
This prompts for the need to analyze the business structures and processes to determine the solution to
the organization’s needs.
1.1 Justification
ABC has a business and strategic plan that target the following issues in their profile.
1. To increase revenue and the proceeds of the organizations by 10% in the next 2 years as
expected by the shareholders.
2. To enhance efficiency in its processes by over 40% to reduce customer wait time
3. To eliminate any bottle necks in its operations
4. To improve employee’s efficiency and effectiveness
The management of ABC is obliged and endeavors to achieve these requirements. It is worth noting that
these are some of the strategic goal and objective that motivating the enterprise to solve the above
business problem.
Moreover, the current corporate field is characterized with high competition that can lead to
displacement of organizations that are not performing according to market standards. Performance is
here considered as the quality of service and products which influences customers’ satisfaction and
loyalty. Chevalier, Gutsatz and & MyiLibrary (2012) notes that customer are more likely to return to an
organization that offers quality services and products regardless of the prices. Chevalier et., al. (2012)
also asserts that customers can as well leave an enterprise for the competitors if the organization is
offering substandard service. In this regard, it is important to note that the competitors to organization
ABC have determined to offer more quality services and have the tools to do it. These possess a threat
to ABC losing its clients and having and a decline. In the recent 2 months, the 4 months that Monthly
client turn out is reducing by 5% each month.
It is important to note that the competitors like FEDA and BETO have relied on efficient IT system and
lean processes as their competitive advantage. Not only has these enhance time for a customer to be
served but also enhanced the customers experience, improved employees working environment and
boosted the organization returns. If ABC does react promptly, it will lose its client base by 30% in the
next 2years and revenue by over 40% in the next 5 years.
1.2 Scope of the Business Change
The enterprise intends to have the entire organization processes and operations reviewed to identify
the bottle necks and attended to them through IT support. Since all changes cannot be assessed and
implemented at once, this project intends to focus on the following issues;
1) Improving the processes trough which clients interact with various departments
2) To improve the process by which data is managed in the organization
3) To improve the coordination between various departments
Jones (2013) notes that a vertical approach to handling a problem is more efficient that horizontal
approach. This because a vertical approach focuses on to a problem into details whereas the horizontal
approach that just handles a little bit of every challenge (Jones, 2013).
1.3 Role of EA practice
It is worth noting that EA would be very important in addressing the current needs of this organization
given that it is a practice that deals with analysis, design, redesign and implementing an enterprise’
aspects. In particular, the EA practice will be used to analyze the business with focus directed towards
information technology. Lapalme (2012) notes that EA adds the concept of information technology to
the model of business architecture to enhance the alignment between the business concerns
(processes) and IT and thus foster the efficiency, effectiveness, agility and durability.
2. Exposure of the idea
Business Process Improvement
Business process improvement (BPI) refers to a methodology used by organization to optimize and
enhance its operational processes so as to enhance its performance and outcome. These outcomes
include profits, cost reduction and reduction in customer wait & service time. Börner, Moormann and &
Wang (2012) assert that its impact is highly associated with enhancing quality by over 60% and lowering
the costs and time of cycles by over 90%. This model has recurring procedure for improving an
organization processes to achieve the goals and objectives of an organization. The model goes through
identification, analysis and improvement of operational processes each time there is need to improve
the processes. Martin & Bell (2011) acknowledge that BPI is also targeted at products and services to
narrow the gap between the customers’ expectation and the experienced quality.
How Business Process Improvement solve the problem
This will solve the problem though undertaking all the procedure entailed in the model. In broad, BPI has
6 major steps namely; process analysis, training, interview, review cycle and problem analysis.
Process Team formation
This phase entails forming a team that comprises of at least representative from every processes area to
be assessed. In the case of organization ABC, it is important to note that it has 13 departments namely;
Reception, ICT, outpatient clinic, medical, surgical, psychiatric, laboratory, morgue, x-ray, PMER,
pharmacy and administration.
. A member was taken from each of the department to assist in the BPI.
Training for process analysis
The selected members for the process team are undertaking through a training program to gain
knowledge in analyzing and documenting of processes. In this regard, ABC has organized three day
training for this exercise.
This phase describes the feasibility process through which the processes are analyzed and recorded. The
trained process team members lead interview for their respective departments where the process
performance data and structures are recorded.
Process documentation
The data gathered from the interview phase are utilized in sketching out the first process map. It is
important to note that even the operational process descriptions are still incorporated into new map
though sparingly based on needs. The recommended process improvements as evident from the
interview are adopted as appropriate.
Review cycle
In this stage, all employees in the respective processes are welcomed to review their corresponding
sections of the process map while contributing their recommendation in order to reach at a unanimous
mental image. For organization ABC, the following process was map was the product of process
Figure 1: Final unanimous Mental Image or process map from the process analysis
Problem analysis
Once the process map is established, is used alongside the collected data to analyze the process
problems. It is necessary to have strategy audit so that the process goals are be retrieved for problem
analysis and forming measures for process improvement. From the process map above, the following
problems were noted;
a. Data redundancy
Every department a patient went to, the patient’s personal details were collected.
b. Disjointed database
Every department or section in the hospital has its own system for managing records. The lack of
synergy in the data systems hinders real-time coordination of various departments and the
aggregation of data.
c. Long wait time
The records are majorly manual which takes time to retrieve and act upon. This causes patients to wait
with one patient estimated to wait over 3 minutes.
d. Insufficient data analysis to drive business intelligence
Implementation of Business Process Improvement through How EA
Enterprise architecture (EA) is a precise drill for undertaking analysis, designing & redesigning, planning
and implementing of enterprises processes and operations through holistic technique to facilitate the
full realization of an organization’s strategies sand goals (Gartner IT Glossary – Enterprise Architecture,
2013). This practice is noted to adopt and apply principles from architect to help an organization achieve
its strategies by analyzing and redesigning the changes in its processes, businesses, information and
technology among others aspects. As such, the process involves gathering substantial information from
the organization’s business structure and processes, and analyzing it to come with comprehensive
conclusions. The conclusions are expected to help in making informed decision to steer the organization
in the right direction with respect to its goals and objectives. The target aspects of EA in organization are
to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, durability and agility.
3. The effect of this Change on the Enterprise
a. The strategic objective motivating the organization to implement Business Process
I. To increase revenue and the proceeds of the organizations by 10% in the next 2 years as
expected by the shareholders.
II. To enhance efficiency in its processes by over 40% to reduce customer wait time
III. To eliminate any bottle necks in its operations
IV. To improve employee’s efficiency and effectiveness
b. Aspects of changes introduced by Business Process Improvement
As a result of Business improvement process, the organization will be required to introduce an
integrated ICT system to handle most of the tasks in the organization. Saeed & Abdinnour-Helm (2008)
note that introduction of information systems have significant impact in an organization from both a
negative and positive perspective. For the purpose of this project, the positive changes outdo the
negative changes and they include;
I. Introduce of a distributed information management system in the organization
II. Making lean the process and cycles in accomplishing various tasks
III. Cutting down the unnecessary number of employees from certain departments
4- Implementing the Change
4.1 When
Since the changes that are to be introduced by BPI are extensive and involve a lot restructuring in the
organization, it may slow down the operations of the organization if implemented at once. This is
because it will require time for the employees to learn, accept and adapt to the changes. As such, the
implementation will be undertaken within a span of 1 year where the development of the appropriate
information system will take place and the employees trained before deploying the IS in parallel to
legacy system for over 3 months.
4.2 Who
The changes will be implemented by the ICT department under the lead of the department head. The
team will be expected to outsource a firm specialized in distributed systems to help make a proposal of
IS based on the process map and the recommended improvements. The outsourced team will also help
in selecting and forming a manageable technical and administrative team for the solution.
4.3 How
The implementation of the changes at ABC requires a programme that will be suitable for ensuring
changes over a long period of time. This will involve acquiring the appropriate staff to steer the program
from the time of its initiation. As such, it is worth noting that the programme will run on an annual
budget of $30,000.
It is also worthwhile noting that the programme will be having an independent leader and its own
specialized team. However, it will coordinate and require the aid of other departments including the ICT
department and the customers of the organization in needs assessments.
The development of this program will adopt an agile approach to development. It will span from pilot
study to facilitate planning, feasibility study to assess the needs of the organization, programme
planning and design and programme implementation. Some of the projects of the projects to be
undertake by the as time goes by include review& redesign of processes and introduction of completely
Information system.
This program will run independently to avoid interference from other section of the organization.
However, it is important note that the support and cooperation of other sections is appreciated. The
change mission, vision, policies and principles of the entities that require change will be redefined by the
management with the full support of the programme.
5. Conclusion
It is important to note that BPI depends on EA for successful alignment of IT to the business processes in
order to improve the organization’s performance and outcome. Undertaking BPI is a project and as such
all aspects of project management apply to ensure its success. For ABC, the process analysis and
changes will be managed through an independent programme of the organization which will run on an
annual budget of $30,000. From the BPI which was conducted through interview with various members
of the hospital, a process map was established and problem analysis done. The institution suffers data
redundancy, high customer wait time, insufficient analysis and bottlenecks in department co-ordination.
The suggested changes were the development of information systems and review of the business
Ball, M. J., Weaver, C. A., & Kiel, J. M. (2004). Healthcare information management systems: Cases,
strategies, and solutions (3rd ed.). New York: Springer.
Börner, R., Moormann, J., & Wang, M. (2012). Staff training for business process improvement. Journal
of Workplace Learning, 24(3), 200-225. doi:10.1108/13665621211209276
Chevalier, M., Gutsatz, M., & MyiLibrary. (2012). Luxury retail management: How the world’s top brands
provide quality product and service support. Singapore: John Wiley & Sons.
Gartner IT Glossary – Enterprise Architecture (EA). Gartner.com. Retrieved on September 18, 2015. From
Jones, D. J., Recardo, R. J., Recardo, R. J., & MyiLibrary. (2013). Leading and implementing business
change management: Making change stick in the contemporary organization. Abingdon, Oxon;
New York, NY: Routledge.
Lapalme, J., (2012). Three Schools of Thought on Enterprise Architecture, IT Professional, vol. 14, no. 6,
pp. 37–43, Nov.–Dec. 2012, doi:10.1109/MITP.2011.109
Martin, T. D., & Bell, J. T. (2011). New horizons in standardized work: Techniques for manufacturing and
business process improvement. Boca Raton, Fla: CRC Press.
Saeed, K. A., & Abdinnour-Helm, S. (2008). Examining the effects of information system characteristics
and perceived usefulness on post adoption usage of information systems. Information &
Management, 45(6), 376-386. doi:10.1016/j.im.2008.06.002
7302ICT- Enterprise Architecture Applications
7302ICT- Enterprise Architecture Applications
7302ICT- Enterprise Architecture Applications
Student Name A Enigbokan
Student Number
Criteria Completed Comment
1. Introduction
Does the introduction explain clearly and succintly the business problem to be solved? Fully ok, but see important question in the text!
2. Exposure of the idea
2.1 Does the author explain clearly and in a language appropriate for a management
audience what ‘X’ is (X= Process Improvement / Information Architecture / SOA/…)?
To some extent
ok as a start, but you must expand on what you have
learnt about process improvement, and refer to the
practices we discussed in class. This assignment doe
snot show that you have learnt in class.
2.2 Is there a clear explanation of how ‘X’ is expected to solve the business problem? Fully
Is the content up-to-date? To some extent relate to notable process impriovement practices (kaizen,
six sigma)
3. Effect on the Enterprise
3.1 Why: Does the author describe a strategic motivation (objective) that companies
would want to achieve using ‘X’
3.2 Where / What Does the author describe in which part of the organisation this change
would have to be applied and what would change? (business and solution)
4. Implementing the change
4.1 When: Does the author describe under what circumstances this approach would be
4.2 Who: Does the author describe who would be responsible for initiating the necessary
To some extent
4.3 How Does the author describe the change could be approached organisationally? Fully
5. Conclusion
Have relevant issues from the body of white paper been accurately summarised? Fully
Cover Sheet To some extent
Layout and Format Fully
Referencing for all written material should follow one of the accepted referencing
standards (use APA6 or AGPS Harvard system of bibliographic referencing)
Referenced material is relevant Mostly include references to kaizen and six sigma so that the
reader knows you considered various existing methods
Does the author Quote a definition from a source, and explain in more detail in his/her
own words?
Does the author follow the rule that long text (>10% of your assignment) copied from the
Internet is not acceptable even if qouted?
Novelty of Thinking and Intellectual Ability in Expressing Ideas Fully
Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning Fully
The white paper should have a minimum of spelling and grammatical errors, and have a
writing style suitable for presentation to company executives
Overall at this stage: 85%
Report for Business Process Improvement through EA for a Hospital
Enterprise Architecture Applications
Griffith University
Lecturer: Peter Berbus
Student: s2870815
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
1.0 Problem Background …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
1.1 Justification ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
1.2 Scope of the Business Change ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
1.3 Role of EA practice ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
2. Exposure of the idea …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
3. The effect of this Change on the Enterprise …………………………………………………………………………….. 7
4- Implementing the Change ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
4.1 When ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
4.2 Who …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
4.3 How …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
5. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Reference ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
1. Introduction
1.0 Problem Background
ABC is a medium enterprise specialized in the provision of medical health care to the people of region
Seneca. By 2013, it had an annual client base of estimate 100,000 patients with an average daily turnout
of 10,000 patients. As 2014, the number of patients had increased by nearly 10% and the patients were
noted to complain of the drag in the facilities’ operations. On the other hand, the institutions had noted
low efficiency from its processes that affected its returns. The management evaluated and noted that
these had extensive adverse impact on the organization and is likely to cause more challenges like the
loss of clients to the competitors, losses in revenue and wastage on human resources if not handled. As
such, the organization must work towards alleviating the following challenges;
1) To reduce time in patient data retrieval in various departments
2) To reduce the time of serving patients as a result of improving data processing capabilities
3) To achieve an effective and efficient database without redundancy and data error
4) To facilitate information sharing between the department
5) To enhance employees efficiency and effectiveness
This prompts for the need to analyze the business structures and processes to determine the solution to
the organization’s needs.
1.1 Justification
ABC has a business and strategic plan that target the following issues in their profile.
1. To increase revenue and the proceeds of the organizations by 10% in the next 2 years as
expected by the shareholders.
2. To enhance efficiency in its processes by over 40% to reduce customer wait time
3. To eliminate any bottle necks in its operations
4. To improve employee’s efficiency and effectiveness
The management of ABC is obliged and endeavors to achieve these requirements. It is worth noting that
these are some of the strategic goal and objective that motivating the enterprise to solve the above
business problem.
Moreover, the current corporate field is characterized with high competition that can lead to
displacement of organizations that are not performing according to market standards. Performance is
here considered as the quality of service and products which influences customers’ satisfaction and
loyalty. Chevalier, Gutsatz and & MyiLibrary (2012) notes that customer are more likely to return to an
organization that offers quality services and products regardless of the prices. Chevalier et., al. (2012)
also asserts that customers can as well leave an enterprise for the competitors if the organization is
offering substandard service. In this regard, it is important to note that the competitors to organization
ABC have determined to offer more quality services and have the tools to do it. These possess a threat
to ABC losing its clients and having and a decline. In the recent 2 months, the 4 months that Monthly
client turn out is reducing by 5% each month.
It is important to note that the competitors like FEDA and BETO have relied on efficient IT system and
lean processes as their competitive advantage. Not only has these enhance time for a customer to be
served but also enhanced the customers experience, improved employees working environment and
boosted the organization returns. If ABC does react promptly, it will lose its client base by 30% in the
next 2years and revenue by over 40% in the next 5 years.
1.2 Scope of the Business Change
The enterprise intends to have the entire organization processes and operations reviewed to identify
the bottle necks and attended to them through IT support. Since all changes cannot be assessed and
implemented at once, this project intends to focus on the following issues;
1) Improving the processes trough which clients interact with various departments
2) To improve the process by which data is managed in the organization
3) To improve the coordination between various departments
Jones (2013) notes that a vertical approach to handling a problem is more efficient that horizontal
approach. This because a vertical approach focuses on to a problem into details whereas the horizontal
approach that just handles a little bit of every challenge (Jones, 2013).
1.3 Role of EA practice
It is worth noting that EA would be very important in addressing the current needs of this organization
given that it is a practice that deals with analysis, design, redesign and implementing an enterprise’
aspects. In particular, the EA practice will be used to analyze the business with focus directed towards
information technology. Lapalme (2012) notes that EA adds the concept of information technology to
the model of business architecture to enhance the alignment between the business concerns
(processes) and IT and thus foster the efficiency, effectiveness, agility and durability.
2. Exposure of the idea
Business Process Improvement
Business process improvement (BPI) refers to a methodology used by organization to optimize and
enhance its operational processes so as to enhance its performance and outcome. These outcomes
include profits, cost reduction and reduction in customer wait & service time. Börner, Moormann and &
Wang (2012) assert that its impact is highly associated with enhancing quality by over 60% and lowering
the costs and time of cycles by over 90%. This model has recurring procedure for improving an
organization processes to achieve the goals and objectives of an organization. The model goes through
identification, analysis and improvement of operational processes each time there is need to improve
the processes. Martin & Bell (2011) acknowledge that BPI is also targeted at products and services to
narrow the gap between the customers’ expectation and the experienced quality.
How Business Process Improvement solve the problem
This will solve the problem though undertaking all the procedure entailed in the model. In broad, BPI has
6 major steps namely; process analysis, training, interview, review cycle and problem analysis.
Process Team formation
This phase entails forming a team that comprises of at least representative from every processes area to
be assessed. In the case of organization ABC, it is important to note that it has 13 departments namely;
Reception, ICT, outpatient clinic, medical, surgical, psychiatric, laboratory, morgue, x-ray, PMER,
pharmacy and administration.
. A member was taken from each of the department to assist in the BPI.
Training for process analysis
The selected members for the process team are undertaking through a training program to gain
knowledge in analyzing and documenting of processes. In this regard, ABC has organized three day
training for this exercise.
This phase describes the feasibility process through which the processes are analyzed and recorded. The
trained process team members lead interview for their respective departments where the process
performance data and structures are recorded.
Process documentation
The data gathered from the interview phase are utilized in sketching out the first process map. It is
important to note that even the operational process descriptions are still incorporated into new map
though sparingly based on needs. The recommended process improvements as evident from the
interview are adopted as appropriate.
Review cycle
In this stage, all employees in the respective processes are welcomed to review their corresponding
sections of the process map while contributing their recommendation in order to reach at a unanimous
mental image. For organization ABC, the following process was map was the product of process
Figure 1: Final unanimous Mental Image or process map from the process analysis
Problem analysis
Once the process map is established, is used alongside the collected data to analyze the process
problems. It is necessary to have strategy audit so that the process goals are be retrieved for problem
analysis and forming measures for process improvement. From the process map above, the following
problems were noted;
a. Data redundancy
Every department a patient went to, the patient’s personal details were collected.
b. Disjointed database
Every department or section in the hospital has its own system for managing records. The lack of
synergy in the data systems hinders real-time coordination of various departments and the
aggregation of data.
c. Long wait time
The records are majorly manual which takes time to retrieve and act upon. This causes patients to wait
with one patient estimated to wait over 3 minutes.
d. Insufficient data analysis to drive business intelligence
Implementation of Business Process Improvement through How EA
Enterprise architecture (EA) is a precise drill for undertaking analysis, designing & redesigning, planning
and implementing of enterprises processes and operations through holistic technique to facilitate the
full realization of an organization’s strategies sand goals (Gartner IT Glossary – Enterprise Architecture,
2013). This practice is noted to adopt and apply principles from architect to help an organization achieve
its strategies by analyzing and redesigning the changes in its processes, businesses, information and
technology among others aspects. As such, the process involves gathering substantial information from
the organization’s business structure and processes, and analyzing it to come with comprehensive
conclusions. The conclusions are expected to help in making informed decision to steer the organization
in the right direction with respect to its goals and objectives. The target aspects of EA in organization are
to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, durability and agility.
3. The effect of this Change on the Enterprise
a. The strategic objective motivating the organization to implement Business Process
I. To increase revenue and the proceeds of the organizations by 10% in the next 2 years as
expected by the shareholders.
II. To enhance efficiency in its processes by over 40% to reduce customer wait time
III. To eliminate any bottle necks in its operations
IV. To improve employee’s efficiency and effectiveness
b. Aspects of changes introduced by Business Process Improvement
As a result of Business improvement process, the organization will be required to introduce an
integrated ICT system to handle most of the tasks in the organization. Saeed & Abdinnour-Helm (2008)
note that introduction of information systems have significant impact in an organization from both a
negative and positive perspective. For the purpose of this project, the positive changes outdo the
negative changes and they include;
I. Introduce of a distributed information management system in the organization
II. Making lean the process and cycles in accomplishing various tasks
III. Cutting down the unnecessary number of employees from certain departments
4- Implementing the Change
4.1 When
Since the changes that are to be introduced by BPI are extensive and involve a lot restructuring in the
organization, it may slow down the operations of the organization if implemented at once. This is
because it will require time for the employees to learn, accept and adapt to the changes. As such, the
implementation will be undertaken within a span of 1 year where the development of the appropriate
information system will take place and the employees trained before deploying the IS in parallel to
legacy system for over 3 months.
4.2 Who
The changes will be implemented by the ICT department under the lead of the department head. The
team will be expected to outsource a firm specialized in distributed systems to help make a proposal of
IS based on the process map and the recommended improvements. The outsourced team will also help
in selecting and forming a manageable technical and administrative team for the solution.
4.3 How
The implementation of the changes at ABC requires a programme that will be suitable for ensuring
changes over a long period of time. This will involve acquiring the appropriate staff to steer the program
from the time of its initiation. As such, it is worth noting that the programme will run on an annual
budget of $30,000.
It is also worthwhile noting that the programme will be having an independent leader and its own
specialized team. However, it will coordinate and require the aid of other departments including the ICT
department and the customers of the organization in needs assessments.
The development of this program will adopt an agile approach to development. It will span from pilot
study to facilitate planning, feasibility study to assess the needs of the organization, programme
planning and design and programme implementation. Some of the projects of the projects to be
undertake by the as time goes by include review& redesign of processes and introduction of completely
Information system.
This program will run independently to avoid interference from other section of the organization.
However, it is important note that the support and cooperation of other sections is appreciated. The
change mission, vision, policies and principles of the entities that require change will be redefined by the
management with the full support of the programme.
5. Conclusion
It is important to note that BPI depends on EA for successful alignment of IT to the business processes in
order to improve the organization’s performance and outcome. Undertaking BPI is a project and as such
all aspects of project management apply to ensure its success. For ABC, the process analysis and
changes will be managed through an independent programme of the organization which will run on an
annual budget of $30,000. From the BPI which was conducted through interview with various members
of the hospital, a process map was established and problem analysis done. The institution suffers data
redundancy, high customer wait time, insufficient analysis and bottlenecks in department co-ordination.
The suggested changes were the development of information systems and review of the business
Ball, M. J., Weaver, C. A., & Kiel, J. M. (2004). Healthcare information management systems: Cases,
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