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personal essay

a personal essay,Project 2: Genre & Personal Profile Reports
Total Points: 100 10% of Final Course Grade
Guidelines and Checklist
As a part of your research leading up to the end of Project 3 where you will turn in a final Discourse Community Profile article, you will be conducting research to learn more about your community. In addition to researching your community directly, you will also conduct research about (A) a genre that your community uses, and (B) a prominent person in your community. For Project 2, you will take the knowledge you gained from this research and write up a (A) Genre Analysis Report and (B) a Personal Profile report. These reports will be turned in together as a major project in Due Date 24, and then you will also use these reports as evidence of your communitys goals and values in your Project 3: Discourse Community Profile report.
The Research
Genre Analyses: Research and analyze two different texts from your selected community. What
information is available to the general public? What information circulates inside the group?
Personal Profile: Research a prominent individual who is a knowledgeable and experienced community member. This research can be completed through researching written, audio, or video texts.
The Reports
Genre Analysis Report
Based on your research about the community and your analyses of the genre examples, write a three – four paragraph report.
Think carefully about the organization of your ideas and information.
Support your ideas with detailed reasons and examples using quotes paraphrases, and summaries.
Accurately provide in-text citations and Works Cited entries in MLA style for all source material.
Include responses to the following in your report:
Context for the community: name, membership, goals, values, activities, literacy practices
Discussion of the selected genre:
o What conventional patterns of design, organization, content, rhetoric, and style are required in your community genre?
o Why do you think these conventions are common in the genre?
o What do these genre conventions help readers and writers in your community do? o How important is this genre to the community members?
o What ways of thinking does this genre encourage in the community? How?

Reflection on the research:
o What insight or understanding have you developed about the community through this research? o What ideas about the community are most important for outsiders to learn?
Personal Profile Report
Based on your research about the community and your analysis of the Personal Profile, write a two – three paragraph report.
Think carefully about the organization of your ideas and information.
Support your ideas with detailed reasons and examples using quotes paraphrases, and summaries.
Accurately provide in-text citations and Works Cited entries in MLA style for all source material.
o Note: If you conducted a personal interview, there is no Works Cited entry. Use the in-text citation in this format: (Author Last Name, First Name. Personal Interview. Date of Interview).
Include responses to the following in your report:
Description of the prominent individual in your community in general
Explanation of why this individual is an appropriate representative of this community
Context for the individual’s involvement in / relation to the UA community
Discussion of the individual’s goals, values, and communication practices within the community
Summary of the most important ideas and information you gained from researching this individual
Format Requirements
~800 words total (min. 550 for the Genre Analysis Report and minimum 350 for the Personal Profile Report)
Use MLA or APA format (See Student Handbook/St. Martin’s Handbook)
Include in-text citations and a Works Cited in MLA format.
Cite all source material (quotes, paraphrases, summaries, facts, and visuals). Note: Plagiarism is not accepted.
Essays including plagiarism will not be read but returned to the student for correction.
Course Objectives
After completing this project you will have made progress towards the following student learning objectives:
1A. identify the purposes of, intended audiences for, and arguments in a text, as situated within particular cultural, economic, and political contexts.
1C. analyze how genres shape reading and composing practices.
1D. read in ways that contribute to their rhetorical knowledge as writers.
2C. incorporate evidence, such as through summaries, paraphrases, quotations, and visuals.
2E. support ideas or positions with compelling discussion of evidence from multiple sources.
3B. produce multiple revisions on global and local levels.
3C. suggest useful global and local revisions to other writers.
4A. follow appropriate conventions for grammar, punctuation, and spelling, through practice in
composing and revising.
4E. apply citation conventions systematically in their own work.

Final Draft of Project 2: 100 points / 10% of the Course Grade
Percentage of
Trait    Grade Description
  Genre Analysis: Context for the community
Clearly outlines & explores the community’s name, membership, goals, values, activities, literacy practices
Genre Analysis: Discussion of the selected genre
Clearly outlines & explores the conventional patterns of design, organization, content & rhetoric, why these conventions are common in the genre, & why/how these serve the community’s goals/values.
Genre Analysis: Reflection on the research
Clearly outlines & explores the insight or understanding developed about the community through this research and the ideas about the community that are most important for outsiders to learn.
Personal Profile: Description, Explanation, and Summary of the most important points
Clearly describes the prominent individual, explains why this individual is an appropriate representative of this community, and summarizes the most important details gained from this research.
Personal Profile: Context of individual & their relationship to the community, Discussion of individual’s goals, values, and literacy practices
Clearly & thoroughly gives context for the individual’s involvement in/relation to the community & discusses the individual’s goals, values, and literacy practices within the community.

extra information

Your assignment is to tell a story about your experience with language in a specific situation. An effective story does more than entertain: it shares and experience and reveals an insight, belief, or value that you, or a community you belong to, hold about language and/or an aspect of your identity as a multilingual person.

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