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U.S. American Government

SOCIAL CAPITAL EXERCISE You will need to read the Bowling Alone article by Robert Putnam. Next, read the list of 100 Things You Can Do to Increase Social Capital, as well as the student examples found in the Social Capital folder. You will need to select one of these social capital activities in order to begin constructing your paper. In selecting your activity, here are a couple of items to note:
You may select an activity that you have completed in the past, but you MUST complete the activity again during this semester for purposes of this assignment. In addition, due to social distancing, there are plenty of activities you can complete that still fulfill an activity in the light of social capital that is, FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, etc. with a friend; reaching out to an old friend via email, phone call, text, etc. Be creative in the light of social distancing.
***Successful Social Capital Papers: Papers will be graded on activity selection, format, grammar, style, content delivery, analysis, and general quality. Overall, your professor needs to see: 1). Introduction discuss why you chose a particular activity or activities; 2). Body in essence, this portion of the paper will be more of a reflection paper. You will reflect on the activity as you were participating and completing it; and 3). Conclusion discuss how it impacted or affected you as well as other individuals and society. Lastly, in the conclusion, you will need to illustrate your understanding of social capital as presented by Putnam. In order to grasp the concept(s) from Putnam, you should be referencing and briefly citing him throughout the entire paper, but especially in the conclusion.

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