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Compare and Contrast

The spread of the Renaissance to Europe and England is further highlighted by an increase of national pride resulting regional interpretations and differences in the stylistic development of furniture items and interiors.  Select a furniture type: chair, table, bed, etc. and choose one French, one Spanish and one English example for which to conduct additional research.

Provide a three-paragraph minimum descriptive analysis of the stylistic characteristics and culture from which it originated using relevant terminology.  Include the following information:

– Artist, designer and/or patron (if known)
– Date of creation
– Medium/materials used
– Dimensions
– Important decorative elements
– Images of each furniture item

Why did you select these three examples?  Describe the stylistic link between your selection – what elements are similar, what are different?  Which do you feel best represents the overarching ideals of the Renaissance?  Why?

Remember to include a bibliography of your research and image sources.

I have attached an example for reference.. it does not need to be in the same format.

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