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Evidence-Based Essay (60 Points Total/12 Points per Paragraph) Write a five-paragraph essay between 1000-1500 words (or approximately 200-300 words per paragraph) responding to the prompt below. Begin your essay with an introductory paragraph that explicitly includes a thesis and defines any key terms or ideas necessary to articulate your argument. In the body of the essay (three paragraphs), use at least three sources (primary sources or case studies) to support your argument. In the conclusion, compare/contrast your cases and summarize how your evidence supports your main thesis. Use material from lectures and contextual readings to offer the historical context necessary to understand the thesis you are presenting. Finally, assume that we do not know what you know, so remember to show your knowledge and engagement with class concepts/materials by using evidence in your writing.

Agree or Disagree: Most societies governed people and classified difference in similar ways across the early modern world. (Note that difference could be based on race, gender, class, religion, and/or a more general “otherness”).

Please note that there is no right or wrong answer. You can agree or disagree as it makes sense to you. We are assessing your ability to formulate a thesis and support it with historical evidence.

For a successful essay, be sure to include the following:

Paragraph 1 (12 Points):
Articulate whether or not you agree or disagree with the statement.
Write a clear thesis that states why you agree or disagree with the statement. The following are NOT examples of a thesis:
I agree that most societies governed people and classified difference in similar ways across the early modern world
It is evident in X and Y sources that most societies governed people and classified difference in similar ways across the early modern world. 
Describe your conception of governance and/or difference.
Choose three sources to compare/contrast.
Note that these points do not have to be addressed in order. Instead, write your paragraph(s) in a narrative form. You will be deducted points if you make a list rather than write a cohesive essay.
Paragraph 2 (12 Points):
Use one example that supports your argument, using specific examples from a primary source or case study.
Remember the 5Ws and that time, place, and context matter.
Paragraph 3 (12 Points):
Use a second example that supports your argument, using specific examples from a primary source or case study.
Remember the 5Ws and that time, place, and context matter.
Paragraph 4 (12 Points):
Use a third example that supports your argument, using specific examples from a primary source or case study.
Remember the 5Ws and that time, place, and context matter.
Paragraph 5 (12 Points):
Conclude by explicitly comparing/contrasting your examples.
Explain how and why your examples were similar and/or different.

Must use readings in file

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