400 word (maximum) executive summary of the report you have been allocated (25/100 marks).
The executive summary should clarify and justify the high-level aims, the low-level objectives, the overall scope, the key deliverables, and the potential added value of the project
Marking criteria:
Justification of high-level project aims
Description of low-level objectives
Clear specification of the scope of the project
Discussion of the added value
Quality of writing
400 word (maximum) summary of strengths, weaknesses and possible extensions to your project (25/100 marks).
Marking criteria:
Evidence of critical thinking
Well supported discussion of strengths and weaknesses of project
Specification of potential project extensions
Quality of writing
400 word (maximum) high-level summary of the broad field and context in which this project has been carried out (25/100 marks).
Marking criteria:
Coverage and selection of appropriate literature
Evidence of critical thought
Structured presentation
Quality of writing
400 word (maximum) discussion of ethical issues associated with this project or domain, and potential impact of the work (25/100 marks).
Marking criteria
Breadth and/or depth of the content covered
Ability to apply learning from the unit
Ability to go beyond the material presented in the unit to demonstrate engagement with contemporary debates
Use of evidence to support discussion
Quality of writing