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audit framework and regulation

    Use introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion headings
    Your paper should be 5 to 7 pages in length
    At least 5 references of an academic or scholarly source are required for this paper.  You are expected to use academic sources in peer-reviewed database or Internet sources, such as: .org, .edu, .mil, .gov, “.zm”  Sources not allowed are Wikipedia, Dictionaries, wikis, or blogs.
    Use APA, 6th edition, writing style for in-text citations and each reference source that you use.  Remember, all wording that is not your own must be cited.
        For APA writing assistance, select APA Format Resources on the Begin Here section of the Modules Tab
    Limit the use of direct quotes. Direct quotes should not exceed page in total.  Deductions will result if this rule is violated.
    Use 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and double-spacing.
    The cover sheet should include group members names and course information
    Include a reference page in APA 6th edition style.

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