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Any topic (writer’s choice)

TLIM3345 – Human Resources in Technology

Original work:
The assignment will be developed specifically and solely for this course TLIM 3345.
Do not submit work from a previous course mine or another instructors. Research papers or other
written work that is recycled from a previous course will not be acceptable without consent from the
instructor and may receive a grade of zero.
Do not copy-paste from any source: current student, past student or other source. You can expect a
plagiarism case if your work is not your own. You must abide by the UH Academic Honesty Policy.
Be honest and ethical.
The paper must be a minimum of 7 double spaced pages in CONTENT length (title pages, table
of contents, works cited pages and appendices do NOT count toward the page count) and must include:
Page numbers
Cover/Title page
Table of Contents
Abstract describing the premise of the paper
7-page body of supporting, cited information
Technology focus for the topic
Current issues and future trends related to the topic. This can be included as a
stand-alone section or blended into the paper. Either way, this element should be
Closing summary
– Works cited page
Failure to provide a minimum of 7 complete pages of content will result in a 5-point deduction. Failure to provide a minimum of 6 pages will result in a 10-point deduction. Failure to provide a minimum of 5 pages will earn the student a zero.
A copy of the research paper must be submitted on time to Blackboard, and it is recommended that you email a copy directly to the instructor – this way you will have a time stamp somewhere as to when your paper was submitted in case there is an issue with Blackboard.

Works cited:
Page 5 of 12
TLIM 3345 FALL 2020 Sarah A Malik
Sources for any information included in the presentation must be cited within the body of the presentation materials and should correspond to a listing on a Works Cited page.
A minimum of 5 juried, peer-reviewed sources are required. Peer-reviewed sources are typically found through the on-line databases available from the UH-M.D. Anderson Libraries; contact your librarian for assistance as needed at http://info.lib.uh.edu/help/ask- librarian.
Wikipedia is not an acceptable source in most cases.
Use of the textbook as resource is discouraged. Excessive reliance on the textbook as a
resource will be penalized.
Students are also encouraged to gather information from working HR professionals; an
interview with a HR professional may be included as one of the required peer-reviewed
Interviews questions and answers must be included as an appendix to the paper and be
cited correctly in the work and listed correctly in the Works Cited page.
Students are required to use standardized referencing formats, e.g., Modern Language
Association (MLA) or American Psychological Association (APA).
Proper use of English grammar, spelling, and punctuation will be a consideration in grading.

The student research paper may be reviewed through Turnitin on Blackboard in order to check for originality of student work and highlight any plagiarism for which penalties will follow those outlined by the University of Houston. Plagiarism is a serious offense if it intentional or not. I have issued plagiarism sanctions in past for plagiarized work. If you have concerns, have your work reviewed by the University Writing Center.

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