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The Intro:

Creativity is a broad spectrum, its not a fixed trait-it is a mindset. Everyone has the potential to be creative.
What is creative confidence
Where you can gain your confidence
Everyone is a creative type
Creative confidence is a way of experiencing the world that generates new approaches and solutions
Creative confidence is a way of seeing that potential and your place in the world more clearly unclashed anxiety and doubt
Design for Innovation 4 Steps:

Inspiration (proactively seek new experiences and insights and find connections from various industries-observe people)
Synthesis (putting inspirations together, pieces of a puzzle)
Ideation & Experimentation (narrowing down ideas and seeing which ones work for you and which ones dont)
Implementation (testing out your final ideas and seeing where to improve upon)
Nurturing Creative Thinkers:

Think of as many possible approaches to a problem
Believe innovation skills or qualities are not set in stone-that we can improve ourselves and become creative
Creative Confidence creates a desire to guide life rather than be guided by it.
You can achieve audacious goals if you have courage and perseverance to pursue them.
The Failure Paradox:

Myth suggests that creative geniuses rarely fail, but the opposite is actually true. Artists are quite prolific when it comes to failure-they just dont let that stop them.
If you want more success you have to be prepared to shrug off more failure.  Experiments ending in failure, isnt failure as long as constructive learning is gained.
Learning from enlightened trial and error.
Example: Thomas Edison, the Node Chair
Designing for courage:

Theyre trying people to get through failure is to get people to fail earlier on because failure is constructive. We must face failure to wipe away the fear.
Example: Must do it by baby steps Bandura
The Drop -the juggler needs to learn that its okay you drop the ball) Failure is part of the process of learning everything. — What is your Drop?
Urgent Optimisim

Jane McGonical- The Game-ification Theory
Definition: the desire to act immediately to tackle an obstacle, motivated by the belief that you can have a reasonable hope of success. (Think your favorite video games.)
Trying over and over again
Team members believe that if their ideas are taken into consideration they tend to have their energy and creative talents to work on idea and proposals for change .
continue to exercise new strengths to keep them in shape
Permission to Failure

Lower expectations, so failure can lead to learning without career damage
embrace your failures
Drawing Confidence

The Clay Horse: creativity can be discouraged at a young age by other peers or their environment.
If theres no respect among colleagues then they will try to boost themselves through self-promotion.
never happy with what they produce bc they compare self to others.
Whether you work alone or team its best to disarm incentives at an early stage.
Dan Rome The Napkin Academy- encourages people to draw anything
5 basic shapes
a sketch is often worth a 1000 words
Embrace Example

The whole philosophy of embrace is that you have to be close to your end user to make a really good design
village beliefs
made change to creation
Think like a traveller

Travel broadens the mind
Things stand out because they are different
when you travel you observe things more closely
trying to approach everything from a beginners mindset
Reframe Challenges

step back from obvious solutions
alter focus or point of view
uncover the real issues
look for ways to bypass resistance/mental blocks
think of the opposite
Original Material and Discussions from Ken Robinson, Radio Lab, Ted Talks,  and  Dr. Kelley

Here are some brief ideas to get you started.

Myths or Conceptions to understand and argue Pro and cons:

1) Children are more creative than adults;

2) Insight comes from the unconscious

3) Creativity is spontaneous inspiration

4) Everyone is creative

Which Authors and Lectures would agree and disagree with those conceptions, be specific.

Do you think that our culture values or nurtures creativity versus conformity?  Explain your answer.

Why do people study creativity?

Explain and give examples of the two theoretical camps of Creativity- the Big C creative researchers and the little C creative theorists. Which one is David Kelley, explain your answer.

How do the ideas of Ken Robinson, Radio Lab,  the Sleep Podcasts, and Dr. Kelley relate?  If you did the extra credit you can add in ideas from Carol Dweck, Jo Boaler, Be specific. See below, add to the list.

Agrees might include: 1)  Failure is part of the process; 2) Takes time to develop creativity; 3) Shared goal to unlock peoples creativity to create solutions to world problems, make the world a better place; 4) They think there is a process to becoming more creative; 5) Process Oriented

Disagrees might include: 1) Creativity is a Mindset vs. Creativity is a result of hard work; 2) Coachable moments to overcome fears and inabilities vs. inner motivation as driving the process; 3) Expanded definition of creativity to include small creative moments vs. Big C only; 4) Individual resilience, resourcefulness vs. dependent on group dynamics; 5) Everyone is creative part of human nature vs. not everyone being creative; Feelings and intuition and inspiration being valued vs. rational thought, hardwork and practice is the root of Creativity.


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