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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings. As you read their responses, note those to which you would like to respond with advice, questions, comments, and/or encouragement.

Respond colleagues’ postings in any of the following ways:

Provide additional information about other organizations that have common themes, issues, and topics.
Propose an alternative viewpoint about the organizations mentioned in your colleagues post.
Share professional experiences with the organizations mentioned by your colleague.
Note a similarity or difference to your posting.

This is one paragraph respond******

First off, I would like to say that your post was a great piece of information and I wanted to ask you one question, how important do you feel is it for higher educational institutions to promote career development and critical thinking skills? The reason I ask is because I remember my time when I was enrolled in a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program and they did not prepare us with realistic scenarios. My first day on the job, I immediately realized that I was not ready and this was not the field for me. Frank Newman (2004) stated that students develop career and societal skills needed in thinking critically, solving problems and in the ability to continue to learn. Thank you again for a great post and I look forward to your response. Have a great.
Frank Newman, L. C. (2004). Chapter 8: Who is Responsible for Student Learning. In L. C. Frank Newman, The Future of Higher Education: Rhetoric, Reality, and the Risks of the Market (pp. 135-153). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.********************

These rest paper u will do the following
Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings in any of the following ways:

Provide additional information about other organizations that have common themes, issues, and topics.
Propose an alternative viewpoint about the organizations mentioned in your colleagues post.
Share professional experiences with the organizations mentioned by your colleague.
Note a similarity or difference to your posting.

Here is my colleagues post….:::::::::::::::
Are there common themes that you see running through the issues and topics addressed by several associations?

The following are the common themes shared by all associations:

Diversity- Although some associations are specific, it is clear that they are welcoming to all in the specific fields of higher education. Diversity has been the goal for many organizations and this is a common theme amongst the various associations. According to Renn (2020), We can employ the strengths of chaos-within-order and order-within-chaos to offer the intellectual, methodological, and ideological, diversity necessary to shrink the ocean and bridge the gulf that we ourselves had a hand in creating (pg. 931).
Innovative- Students are asked to be innovative and many organizations promote 21st Century actions. Renn (2020) stated that the types of students that are needed are those who are willing to take positive risks and doing things that are outside of the norm.
Student-centered the higher education professionals dedicate their significance of deliberating strategy from the start. CUE and partners worldwide are reporting on the consideration of how to cater to school fees at scale.
Are there some associations whose list seems to be very different from those of others?

Every association has their own specific set of missions, visions, goals, and objectives. To say if some are very different from others would be an accurate statement. For instance, the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education would provide resources and guidance on how to improve the education of future teachers. On the other end of the spectrum, the American Association of School Administrators would focus on building and supporting school administrators. Although both roles are different, there is a commonality in both, the role of teacher and administrator are to serve students and to ensure that they are successful in their learning.

How do the agendas of these organizations overlap with the issues we’ve been investigating in this course so far?

This course has showed us that although organizations’ agendas are different, they often overlap because course completion and student learning primarily focus on higher education for quality instruction and student learning. Transparency of higher education costs are common agendas of organizations and there continues to be challenges for higher education institutions to work within budget funding and the ability for students to pay tuition and fees.
Are the associations working on issues that genuinely concern most higher education professionals, and is their work likely to provide resources that will help us with our key challenges?

Frank Newman (2004) stated that students to develop career and societal skills needed in thinking critically, solving problems and in the ability to continue to learn. The importance of this statement lies in the ability for all higher education institutions to keep a student-centered focus which will prepare them for whatever field they choose. Associations are focused on providing students with the necessary tools to be successful in their career fields or specialties and each one has a different way of getting results. Ultimately, student success is at the forefront of what is being done at each higher education institution and best practices are present in research.
Do you see any gaps?Gaps amongst associations are evident, however, it is important to state that every association has different missions, visions, goals, and objectives. However, the gaps are not as evident amongst providing efficient instruction and student-centered learning.
Frank Newman, L. C. (2004). Chapter 8: Who is Responsible for Student Learning. In L. C. Frank Newman, The Future of Higher Education: Rhetoric, Reality, and the Risks of the Market (pp. 135-153). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Renn, K.A. (2020). Reimagining the Study of Higher Education: Generous Thinking, Chaos, and Order in a Low Consensus Field. The Review of Higher Education 43(4), 917-934. doi:10.1353/rhe.2020.0025.::::::::::::

Here is my post —–
Examining the ideas and agendas shared by the associations, its easy to note common themes that appear to explain the areas of focus. The following subjects identify similar issues and solution tactics among the explored associations.

Quality learning and development aspects for improvement- The higher education improvement and development professionals are targeting to influence the sector in a more productive state than what has been experienced over the years (Trivellas et al., 2012). The focus by Carnegie Foundation as one among the three improving education identifies quality for all American schools as its priority.

Diversity and equality promotion for the benefit of all members- The issues surrounding inequality and racism explains a severe challenge that education promoting associations are working to include better and engage all community members (Lumina Foundation, 2020). The consideration of previously excluded races by encouraging equality and benefit for all explains the positive change development for diverse roles in education.

Research and development programs priority-Higher education and skill development directors as conveyed through Lumia, Carnegie, and Association of American Colleges and Universities focus on liberal education, growth, and new knowledge schemes include the significant drivers of improvement programs.

Among the three organizations I analyzed as they apply in higher education improvement and support plans, they appeared to be serving similar goals in general development focus for all the students. However, in close observation Carnegie association focuses highly on teaching advancement modes instead of generalized and diversified approaches to quality improvement in higher education (Carnegie Foundation, 2020). Assessing the ideas shared about the improvement activities, educators use of teaching principles dominates in outlining the agendas and themes the foundation embraces to increase quality within American schools.

The agendas running on the different associations overlap with existing structures and bureaucracy in higher education settings. For instance, quality improvement experiences complex issues regarding resource availability and access to education by all the target groups (Trivellas et al., 2012). Development in community setup includes a central theme overlapping with how government and curriculum policies function (Lumina Foundation, 2020). In areas where equality regardless of race and gender are yet to be settled, prohibit the inclusiveness of all students in research and improvement programs forming barriers to implement the agendas successfully (Carnegie Foundation, 2020). Affordability relies on access probabilities for all community members and availability of resources, which includes an issue spreading across different departments; hence the objectives of diversity and liberal education encounter the problematic stereotypes and dominant social policies of class and community development limitations.

I agree that the associations are working on issues that affect the majority of the higher education sector. Several arguments exist on quality and improvement programs efficiency, which exhibits in the efforts developed by the organization directors in determination to solve the issues affecting quality skills development practically. The efficiency of research commitments as addressed in Lumina Foundation, a commitment by Carnegie and the expression of great determination by the Association of American Colleges and Universities to promote quality curriculum and improved learning explain a critical issue that explains among the shared interest to meet education standards (Association of American Colleges & Universities, 2020). However, the provision of adequate resources to fulfill the challenging scenarios solution development is limited in some cases, leaving a gap between set objectives and practical attainments (Parjanadze & Kapanadze, 2016). Issues of compliance with ethical and legal guidelines still exhibit a lack of coherency in action designs.


Association of American Colleges & Universities. (, 2020). About AAC&U. Association of American Colleges & Universities. Retrieved 22 October 2020, from https://www.aacu.org/about.

Carnegie Foundation. (, 2020). Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching | Home. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Retrieved 22 October 2020, from https://www.carnegiefoundation.org/.

Lumina Foundation. (, 2020). Lumina’s Work: Key Areas of Focus to sow the seeds of a better-educated. Lumina Foundation. Retrieved 22 October 2020, from https://www.luminafoundation.org/our-work/areas-of-focus/.

Parjanadze, N., & Kapanadze, I. (2016). Equity in Access to Higher Education for Special Needs and Socially Deprived Students in Georgia. Journal Of Education In Black Sea Region, 2(1). Retrieved 22 October 2020,

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