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Is mentoring beneficial to the mentor?

construct a fully developed APA-style research paper. The paper should range from 10 to 15 concisely written pages, typed in accordance with the most current version of the APA Style Manual. Papers printed with nonstandard fonts, margins, etc. will be returned for further editing. Drafts of key sections will be turned in on the dates specified in the course syllabus. To be considered for full credit, the paper must include all of the following:
Specification of the conceptual rationale for the study and the research question or hypotheses to be investigated.
A review of the relevant background literature.
Concise descriptions of the methods, measures, and data analyses used in the study.
Presentation of results.
Discussion of results.
Conclusions and directions for future research.
Basic Organization of the Paper
The paper will have the following components:
Title page
1. Title Page APA Style (see APA Publication Manual). 2. Abstract APA Style (see APA Publication Manual).
Refer to the research hypotheses, purposes, or questions.
Highlights of the methods should be summarized.
Highlights of the results should be included.
Follow the APA guidelines for length.
3. Introduction APA Style (see APA Publication Manual).
Introduce topic area (i.e., its scope and significance)
Review relevant empirical research and theoretical writings (survey at least 15 ARTICLES).
Integrate readings, highlighting common themes across the articles. These common themes
may include: theoretical background, empirical findings, procedures or measures used, samples used, etc. Discuss some controversies in the research literature or differences among the articles you reviewed. By discussing a controversy, this is where you are most likely to generate a research question to address, as well as a hypothesis to test. The best way to emphasize differences among the articles you have obtained is by comparing and contrasting key features of those articles (e.g., their conceptualization, methods, results, etc.) Please DO NOT summarize sequentially a group of articles.

State the problem to be addressed.
State the purpose of the research.
Describe any predictions about the outcomes; state hypotheses used to generate those
The link between the reviewed research and your hypotheses should be clear.
4. Method APA Style (see APA Publication Manual).
Participants: Who are they? (General population and Tarleton State University students.)How many are there and how were they recruited?( 50-55 participants )What was the sampling strategy?(you decide) What are the demographic characteristics?(you decide) Does the sample have any special characteristics? (You decide)Were there any specific inclusion/exclusion criteria? Include any other details an independent researcher would need to replicate your study.(you decide)
Measures: What measures were used in your study?Survey (Agree/ Disagree Questions) If applicable, give detailed descriptions of any equipment was used. What are the psychometric properties of the instruments or measures? Information about reliability (e.g., interrater, test-retest, split-half, or internal consistency) and validity (e.g., predictive, concurrent, construct, face, convergent, or discriminant) should be included here for each instrument used.
Procedures: What procedures were followed through the course of the study? Make sure another researcher could follow your directions. Give enough detail that your procedures could be replicated.(you decide)
Specific details to be included: To what conditions were the participants exposed or under what conditions were the observations made? What behaviors were recorded? How were the behaviors measured (e.g., self-report) or scored? When were the measures taken. What instructions did the participants receive? What informed consent procedures were used? How were participants assigned to any treatment conditions? How were any experimental manipulations introduced? Were there any debriefing procedures? How was informed consent obtained?
5. Results APA Style (see APA Publication Manual).
Organize the results section around the research hypotheses, purposes, or questions stated in the introduction.
Standard statistical procedures (e.g., ANOVA, multiple regression) need only be names. You do not need to show calculations.
Present descriptive statistics (e.g., means and standard deviations) first.
Organize large numbers of statistics in tables and give each table a number and descriptive
title. Readers should be able to understand the table without reading the text.
When describing the statistics presented in a table, point out highlights for the reader.
6. Discussion APA Style (see APA Publication Manual).
Start the discussion with a summary.
Synthesize the results and draw conclusions about what the results mean.
Refer to the research hypotheses, purposes, or questions stated in the introduction. Do the
results support your hypotheses and rule out other alternative answers to the research
questions? How do you explain any discrepancies between your predictions and findings?
Point out the extent to which results of the current study are consistent with (or contradict)
the results in the literature reviewed in the introduction.
Interpret the results and alternative explanations for the results in this section. Do NOT
introduce new data or results in this section.

Explicitly state the implications of the findings.
What are the real world implications for your findings?
Describe important strengths and limitations of the study. Limitations may include sampling,
measures, procedures, analyses, etc.
Make specific, manageable, concrete recommendations for future research.
7. References APA Style (see APA Publication Manual for examples).
8. Appendices Format for appendices will be discussed in class. Suggested appendices
include results tables (see APA Publication Manual for examples). THE SURVEY CREATED FOR THIS RESEARCH PAPER


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