Powerpoint Presentation on Same Sex Marriage
Prepare a conclusive presentation providing an overview of Same Sex Marriage in the US, including what led to the passing of the law and the provisions of the law. Include information from any news reports or articles written on the issue to show the general public or others views on the law. Explain any applicable constitutional provisions, statutes, and administrative regulations. Provide two actual cases related to the topic. You may base your research on any state you choose, however, be sure to reference any federal laws that may impact the state law. You may also choose to compare similar laws in other states.
Also, include some discussion on whether the law might be more suitable for one state over another and why. The final product will be a PowerPoint presentation (with notes) on the research you have performed. The slides must include citations.
Instructions for the Assignment:
Please include a title slide with your name and the title of your presentation.
Length should be 15-20 slides in length.
Utilize the notes section of the PowerPoint program to explain your slides
Display and discuss the pros and cons of the law.
Include at least two case examples.
Include at least one news article showing opinion.
Enhance your slides with pictures, graphs, timelines, charts, etc.