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BUS402 Interactive Assignment

Prior to entering this discussion, review section 4 of the Environmental-Trend Analysis in the Abrahams textbook.

As you have learned in this weeks readings, many businesses exist in dynamic markets that pose unique economic, political, and technological challenges. Select a medium- to large-sized, publicly traded corporation that currently exists in a challenging business environment. Refer to the seven common categories of trend analysis as laid out in your textbook: Economic, regulatory/legislative, political, demographic, sociocultural, attitude/lifestyle, and technological. Research the company online by accessing the Mergent  Ashford University Library online database which offers company financials, descriptions, history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors. Also, access the Business  Insights: Global Ashford University Library online database which offers information on global companies and industries. It includes environment analysis, market share data, financial reports, case studies, business news, and company comparison charts. (View the Mergent tipsheet and Business Insights tipsheet documents for suggested methods of searching Ashford University Library databases generally, as well as specific advice for searching these two databases). You can always conduct research using credible online sources of corporate financial information, just be sure that wherever you obtain financial information that you cite your source. Use this Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document for guidance. Choose one of the seven categories to use as a basis of analysis for this discussion. Ensure that the time frame is now and that the challenges are continuing.

In your initial post of at least 200 words,

  • Provide a general description of the publicly traded company you chose.
  • Describe the challenges facing the company in the chosen category of analysis.
  • Assess its current performance in your chosen category of analysis.
  • Forecast its projected performance in your chosen category of analysis.
  • Evaluate impending opportunities or challenges that result from your environmental scan.

(NOTE: Incorporate the feedback you receive from your instructor and peers and save your work. It will be part of your Strategic Plan Final Project for this course).

Required Resources


Abraham, S. (2012). Strategic management for organizations. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/

  • Chapter 4: External Environmental Analysis
  • Chapter 5: Assessing the Company Itself


virtualstrategist. (2016, October 19). How to perfom a SWOT analysis (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_161788243&feature=iv&src_vid=GNXYI10Po6A&v=I_6AVRGLXGA

Recommended Resources


Conner, C. (2014). Top online reputation management tips for brand marketers (Links to an external site.). Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/cherylsnappconner/2014/03/04/top-online-reputation-management-tips-for-brand-marketers/

Dyer, J. & Gregersen, H. (2014). How we rank the world’s most innovative growth companies 2014 (Links to an external site.). Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/search/?q=Assessing+a+company

Moore, K. (2011). Porter or Mintzberg: Whose view of strategy is the most relevant today? (Links to an external site.) Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/karlmoore/2011/03/28/porter-or-mintzberg-whose-view-of-strategy-is-the-most-relevant-today/

  • This article compares two points of view to consider which may be the most relevant today and may assist you with your assignments this week.
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Trefis Team. (2014). Better market conditions complement Gap Inc.s strong position and brands (Links to an external site.). Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2014/06/16/better-market-conditions-complement-gap-incs-strong-position-and-brands/


Harvard Business Review. (2008, June 30). The five competitive forces that shape strategy (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYF2_FBCvXw&feature=player_detailpage

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