Assignment task 1. Check the marking guide the assessment feedback to ensure you have responded accordingly.
Textbook for the Summer Semester, 2015-2016:
Nankervis, A., Baird, M., Coffey, J. & Shields, J. (2014). Human Resource Management Strategy & Practice (8th ed.). Victoria, Australia: Cengage.
The word count is really 1500 words but without counting the in-text reference. Essay has no headings it is only intro, body, conclusion flow with no heading im sure you know. I think with this one i will just let you read the first assignment thoroughly and respond to it accordingly. In-text ref so it shows good evidence and link. and also check out essay writing federation university Australia, then go to general guide to writing and study skills otherwise you can just search any essay writing thing. Im sure you know, no table of content in the essay.
2015-2016: Strategic Human Resources-Individual essay