Introduction to OSHA
Safety 3433 assignment #7
Egress and Fire Protection Exercise
September 29, 2015Summarize in paragraph form. The paper should be no greater than three pages and no less than two type written-arial 12pt. Summarize each question in your own words (do not copy word for word). This assignment is due at the start of class on October 6, 2015.1. List and describe the three parts to an appropriate escape route.2. Discuss at least four characteristics of an effective escape route.3. Give four reasons for developing an emergency action plan.4. Name the required elements of a fire prevention plan.5. List and discuss at least four of the five classes of fire extinguishers and the types of fires they can properly extinguish. How would you fight a fire that starts in your garage?6. Describe at least four requirements for proper maintenance of portable fire extinguishers.
2 papers answer 6 questions