After read PDF reading material, write following instruction require each sections; (the quality of the sentences are more important than its length)
Please must write and classify each section and sub-section questions
1. Audience & Motivation (Approx. 300 words)
a. Establish the research motivation
b. Identify target audience(s)
c. Specify the research question(s)
d. Frame conceptual model
2. Data and Methodology (Approx. 200 wrods)
a. Describe data
b. Define the model mathematically, if possible.
3. Findings (Approx. 320 words)
a. What are the findings – relationship, size?
4. Implication (Approx. 100words)
a. BEFORE: What was known prior to findings?
b. AFTER: What change in behavior as a result of the findings?
5. Conclusions (Approx. 100words)
a. Interesting? Important? Limitations? Extensions? Learning?