An annotated bibliography is used to highlight the key points of scholarly research that you will be conducting throughout the semester. The format of the annotated bibliography will be APA. Bethel University put together a very useful guide for annotated bibliographies that you can check out as well ( Typically speaking, I expect annotated bibliographies to be around six to eight sentences long.This week I am looking for two very specific articles. First, I want you to find an article that discusses both temperature and precipitation. In the MSUB databases, you can enter in keywords precipitation and temperature and get a lot of results. Or you can include additional keywords such as extreme temperature or heat, snow, snow back, or drought. The second article that I want you to pull is related to water recharge. I searched Ebsco Host on the MSUB databases using keywords recharge, water, and recharge rate and it returned over 400 articles. Ill put a few example articles in the assignment for your reference. Note, I have changed the components that I am looking for in these articles, so follow the instructions very closely.PLEASE NOTE. Annotated bibliographies should be completely INDEPENDENTLY by each student. If you so choose, you can use the Annotated Bibliographies Group folder to review other group member work. This is not required, but is encouraged. Please note by policy on academic misconduct from the syllabus. You will pull the articles independently, and you will write the annotated bibliography independently. You can work with your group within your folder to check each others formatting, grammar, spelling, and content requirements. Each individual student will be responsible for submitting their own work via assignment link by 11:59pm. The submission should be via Microsoft Word Document. If you have questions, take a look at the example I provided below or check out the link from Bethel in the previous paragraph.Annotated bibliographies should be in APA format. You will first correctly cite the article, including correct punctuation and use of italics. The components that I am looking for in this weeks assignment include:1. Correct APA citation of the scholarly journal article, and correct format of the annotation. There is an APA guide on the content home page see the Purdue Online Writing Lab for assistance ( Please see the attachment from Bethel above or you can see an example I provided below.
2. Provide one to two summary sentences that can include the purpose, issues, and / or problem the study is addressing.
4. Does the article use quantitative (e,g., numbers, statistics) or qualitative (e.g., interviews, field research, focus groups) methods? (one to two sentences)
5. What are the most interesting or important finings in the article? (two sentences)
6. How are the findings relevant or important to Montana in general or Billings? (one to two sentences)Example:
Christopher Craig Annotated Bibliography Week 2Craig, C. A., & Allen, M. W. (2015). The impact of curriculum-based learning on environmental literacy and energy consumption with implications for policy. Utilities Policy, 35, 41 49.
Craig and Allen (2015) conducted a case study in a K 12 school to determine the impact of curriculum-based learning interventions on student knowledge and energy consumption. The theory of planned behavior (TPB) contends that knowledge and awareness precede attitudes and perceived behavioral control, which in turn precede planned pro-conservation behaviors. The study was a longitudinal study using mixed methodologies including surveys and self-reported energy consumption. Findings demonstrated that students saved over 15% energy in their homes, the school saved over 30% energy in the facility, and student knowledge increased. The results support the use of the TPB by demonstrating increased knowledge levels and decreased energy consumption after interventions were introduced. The study highlights that organizations of all shapes and sizes can leverage interventions within their facilities that focus on the occupants in order to achieve organizational goals, enhance occupant knowledge about energy, and to encourage pro-conservation outside the walls of the organization.those are the articles :
10.2.2016 Annotated bibliography assignment