(1) Write a C program that includes a function called lobster() that accepts three arguments: a character and two integers. The character argument is the character to be printed by lobster(). The second argument is the number of times that the character will be printed on a row. The third argument is the number of rows to be printed. Call your function from within your program in order to demonstrate that it works (use ‘z’, 3, 5 as parameters). Comment your code, make sure it looks professional, and use meaningful variable names.
(2) Write a C program that includes a function called moveEm() that accepts the ADDRESSES of three double variables as input. The function should move the value of the smallest variable into the first variable, the middle value into the middle variable, and the largest value into the third variable.Call your function from within your program using the arguments 7.8, 3.5, and 1.1 in order to demonstrate that it works (make sure your logic works for any order of largest, smallest, middle however). Comment your code, make sure it looks professional, and use meaningful variable names. (NOTE: This function does something similar to swap3.c–I recommend using it as a model.)
For example: if I had three double variables as follows_x=7.8, y=3.5, z=1.1 then I would call moveEm like so:
moveEm(&x, &y, &z);
After moveEm() returned x would contain 1.1, y would contain 3.5, and z would contain 7.8.
(1) Write a C program that includes a function called lobster() that accepts three arguments: a character and two integers. The character argument is the character to be printed by lobster(). The second argument is the number of times that the character w(1) Write x x xxxxxxx that xxxxxxxx x function xxxxxx lobster() that accepts xxxxx arguments: a character and xxx integers. xxx character xxxxxxxx xx xxx character xx be printed xx xxxxxxxxxx xxx second xxxxxxxx xx xxx number of times that the xxxxxxxxx x