1: Analysis and interpretation of interpersonal meaning in discourse Objective(s): b, c and dWeight: 50%
Task: Students select instance/s of discourse from a limited set of texts, as the basis for their analyses and interpretation of patterns of ideational and textual meaning and how they relate to the genre. Analyses and interpretation are supported through modelling of the process and group workshop tasks, and with detailed specifications for the construction of the assignment paper. The interpretation component includes interpretation of analysis to meaning, as well as meaning to social application.
Length: 3000 words
Due: Week 7
Criteria: To critically deconstruct instances of discourse, demonstrating in the process
a familiarity with the theoretical models introduced in the subject
an ability to apply the tools introduced in the subject in the accurate analysis of texts
an ability to interpret the analyses with reference to the social context
an ability to represent the analysis and interpretation in a clear and comprehensible way.
????Criteria Criteria Weight (%)
SLOs CILOs c 2.1 b 1.2 c 6.1
d 1.2
a. Accuracy of analyses
b. Appropriateness of interpretations
c. Coherence of structure and clarity of expression
d. Integration of literature
SLOs: subject learning objectives
CILOs: course intended learning outcomes
35 35 20
?Further Further detailed guidance on constructing the analysis and interpretation paper will be available on information: UTSOnline.
Assessment task 2: Analysis and interpretation of ideational and textual meaning in discourse Objective(s): b, c and d
Weight: 50%
Task: Students select instance/s of discourse from a limited set of texts, as the basis for their analyses and interpretation of patterns of ideational and textual meaning and how they relate to the genre. Analyses and interpretation are supported through modelling of the process and group workshop tasks, and with detailed specifications for the construction of the assignment paper. The interpretation component includes interpretation of analysis to meaning, as well as meaning to social application.
Length: 3000 words Due
1: Analysis and interpretation of interpersonal meaning in discourse Objective(s): b, c and dWeight: 50%

1: Analysis and interpretation of interpersonal meaning in discourse Objective(s): b, c and dWeight: 50%

1: Analysis and interpretation of interpersonal meaning in discourse Objective(s): b, c and dWeight: 50%
Task: Students select instance/s of discourse from a limited set of texts, as the basis for their analyses and interpretation of patterns of ideational and textual meaning and how they relate to the genre. Analyses and interpretation are supported through modelling of the process and group workshop tasks, and with detailed specifications for the construction of the assignment paper. The interpretation component includes interpretation of analysis to meaning, as well as meaning to social application.
Length: 3000 words
Due: Week 7
Criteria: To critically deconstruct instances of discourse, demonstrating in the process
a familiarity with the theoretical models introduced in the subject
an ability to apply the tools introduced in the subject in the accurate analysis of texts
an ability to interpret the analyses with reference to the social context
an ability to represent the analysis and interpretation in a clear and comprehensible way.
????Criteria Criteria Weight (%)
SLOs CILOs c 2.1 b 1.2 c 6.1
d 1.2
a. Accuracy of analyses
b. Appropriateness of interpretations
c. Coherence of structure and clarity of expression
d. Integration of literature
SLOs: subject learning objectives
CILOs: course intended learning outcomes
35 35 20
?Further Further detailed guidance on constructing the analysis and interpretation paper will be available on information: UTSOnline.
Assessment task 2: Analysis and interpretation of ideational and textual meaning in discourse Objective(s): b, c and d
Weight: 50%
Task: Students select instance/s of discourse from a limited set of texts, as the basis for their analyses and interpretation of patterns of ideational and textual meaning and how they relate to the genre. Analyses and interpretation are supported through modelling of the process and group workshop tasks, and with detailed specifications for the construction of the assignment paper. The interpretation component includes interpretation of analysis to meaning, as well as meaning to social application.
Length: 3000 words Due
1: Analysis and interpretation of interpersonal meaning in discourse Objective(s): b, c and dWeight: 50%

1: Analysis and interpretation of interpersonal meaning in discourse Objective(s): b, c and dWeight: 50%
Task: Students select instance/s of discourse from a limited set of texts, as the basis for their analyses and interpretation of patterns of ideational and textual meaning and how they relate to the genre. Analyses and interpretation are supported through modelling of the process and group workshop tasks, and with detailed specifications for the construction of the assignment paper. The interpretation component includes interpretation of analysis to meaning, as well as meaning to social application.
Length: 3000 words
Due: Week 7
Criteria: To critically deconstruct instances of discourse, demonstrating in the process
a familiarity with the theoretical models introduced in the subject
an ability to apply the tools introduced in the subject in the accurate analysis of texts
an ability to interpret the analyses with reference to the social context
an ability to represent the analysis and interpretation in a clear and comprehensible way.
????Criteria Criteria Weight (%)
SLOs CILOs c 2.1 b 1.2 c 6.1
d 1.2
a. Accuracy of analyses
b. Appropriateness of interpretations
c. Coherence of structure and clarity of expression
d. Integration of literature
SLOs: subject learning objectives
CILOs: course intended learning outcomes
35 35 20
?Further Further detailed guidance on constructing the analysis and interpretation paper will be available on information: UTSOnline.
Assessment task 2: Analysis and interpretation of ideational and textual meaning in discourse Objective(s): b, c and d
Weight: 50%
Task: Students select instance/s of discourse from a limited set of texts, as the basis for their analyses and interpretation of patterns of ideational and textual meaning and how they relate to the genre. Analyses and interpretation are supported through modelling of the process and group workshop tasks, and with detailed specifications for the construction of the assignment paper. The interpretation component includes interpretation of analysis to meaning, as well as meaning to social application.
Length: 3000 words Due