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1.5 UA-Expository and Topical Sermon

Topic: 1.5 UA-Expository and Topical Sermon
Order Description
Again, this week we plan to focus on the following:
Analyze the use of expository and topical preaching, each in the appropriate context.

Expository preaching may also be characterized as textual preaching or exegetical preaching. Whatever you wish to call it, this approach starts with the grammatical and historical setting of the text, and then applies the findings of the text to the lives of the hearers.
The Word>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Culture
Starting point

Topical preaching may also be characterized as thematic preaching, or preaching which begins with relevant contemporary life or current events. Again, whatever you wish to call it, while it starts in culture, it reaches back into the Word for answers to questions that arise from the culture.
The Word<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Culture
Starting point

Please notice that regardless of the preacher’s starting point, he or she must bring the two together.
Upon completion of this unit you should be able to:
1. Analyze the characteristics of expository preaching.
2. Analyze the characteristics of topical preaching.
3. Compare and contrast the characteristics of each to the other.
4. Model the completion of either an expository or a topical sermon.

? Textbook: The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching
? Media Clip: John MacArthur on expository preaching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTYtzEDuhvA
? Media Clip: Andy Stanley, Why Worry? Part 1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOt8- EGczfg
? Media Clip: Andy Stanley, Why Worry? Part 2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G9XarUlwOg
? 1.1a PowerPoint: Expository and Topical Characteristics


Our course text goes to some length to compare and contrast the differences between expository and topical preaching, in an effort to expose the student to a variety of thought regarding these two approaches.

Upon completion of this assignment you should be able to:
? Analyze the characteristics of both expository and topical preaching.

? Textbook: The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching
? Media Clip: John MacArthur on expository preaching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTYtzEDuhvA
? Media Clip: Andy Stanley, Why Worry? Part 1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOt8- EGczfg
? Media Clip: Andy Stanley, Why Worry? Part 2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1G9XarUlwOg
? 1.1a PowerPoint: Expository and Topical Characteristics

The readings for this assignment compare and contrast both expository and topical preaching. You will be wise to read through this material with a critical eye and any past preaching experience you may have. Naturally, you may well find yourself gravitating to one approach over another, perhaps even to the point of disregarding the one style you do not like. This, however, would be a mistake. The fact of the matter is that each of them has their appropriate place in Gospel communication. Your task is to learn, and relearn, which approach is best, given the preaching occasion before you.

The media clips are for the purposes of critical evaluation of the techniques of preaching, rather than doctrine, theology, etc. Regarding the MacArthur video, because of its length (56 minutes), you may be tempted to “skip through” portions of it. That would be a mistake. MacArthur knows expository preaching – you are sitting at the feet of a master, and you will learn much, if you listen. With the Andy Stanley videos, you again may be tempted to “skip through” portions of them (each video is 18 minutes). However, Stanley knows topical preaching- you are sitting at the feet of an experienced communicator, and it would be a mistake not to listen and learn from his experience.

The two PowerPoints provided for this unit help highlight the characteristics of each of the two preaching foci we are giving attention to this week. Please take some time to review them.

1. Regarding expository preaching, read chapters 109-111 in the textbook.
2. View the Media Clip: John MacArthur on expository preaching.
3. Regarding topical preaching, read chapters 112-116 in the textbook.
4. View the 2 parts of Andy Stanley’s Why Worry? Part 1 and Part 2.
5. Read the Johnson’s Characteristics of Expository and Topical Preaching PowerPoints.
6. Feel free to consult any other scholarly sources regarding expositor and topical preaching.

This assignment is intended to direct the student toward the crafting of an actual expository or topical sermon. The focus of the study of homiletics does not culminate in study, but rather it leads toward a biblical message delivered in a relevant way addressing the needs of people. This assignment aligns with the purposes of this course by actually leading the student to create a message that can then be given, now or at a later time.

Upon completion of this assignment you should be able to:
? Model the completion of either an expository or a topical sermon.
? Textbook: The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching
? Your Bible
? Scholarly works and commentaries germane to your text and subject matter

God gave us His Word to be studied, interpreted and delivered to His people for their edification and growth. The great joy of the preacher is that he or she gets to give the euangelion, the good news of the Gospel to a people who desperately need it and can greatly benefit from it.

If you are to preach an expository sermon, you will start with the biblical text itself, mining it out for truth and then looking for ways to apply what you have learned in a relevant way to your audience. Again, remember this simple diagram

The Word>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Culture
Starting point

Remember that you must connect the Word with the culture, or you will have failed to effectively communicate the Gospel.

If you are to preach a topical sermon, you will start out in the culture. You will be seized by some trend, worldview or idea, and then look up, and ponder what Scripture has to say about that. Then, you will go back to the Bible, do your research, and then look for ways to apply what you have learned in a relevant way to your audience. One more time, remember this simple diagram:

The Word<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Culture
Starting point

And, one more time, remember that you must connect the culture with the Word, or you will have failed to effectively communicate the Gospel.

Regardless of your starting point, you must connect the Word and culture. To do anything less misses the point of Biblical preaching.

1. Choose your approach, either expository or topical.
2. Choose a biblical text, and then apply it to a current cultural issue (school gun violence, for instance), or start with a current cultural issue and trace it back to what Scripture has to say about it.
3. Be careful to do good exegesis with your text(s). Make sure to deal with the grammatical and historical setting of the original audience. In other words, what was the original intent of the scripture(s) you chose, and then what does that have to say to us today?
4. Develop and present either an expository or a topical message in the following format.
a. Prepare a sermon of no less than 4 pages in the following format:
? the title of the message
? the biblical text
? a brief introduction
? 3-5 main points, with a germane illustration for each main point
? any sub-points you wish to include
? a brief conclusion
5. Remember, you must show real connection between Scripture and application to culture. You must also use a minimum of 4 scholarly sources, not including your Bible or Bible notes.
6. Then create a second item in Word format, of no less than 250 words, stating specifically why you took this approach – either expository or topical- what you think your trend might be in future ministry, and why.

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