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Class Presentation

ENGL 1101
Class Presentation
Prepare in class: Thursday, November 19
Present:Tuesday, December 1

Present to the class a lesson on how to do well in English 1101.

You may work alone or with a partner

• What do I include?
o Explain to an incoming student how to survive English 1101.
? Provide 10tips for being successful in the class.
? You can write about big or small things, such as things they should learn that relate generally being a successful student (coming to class on time) or things that were specifically helpful for this class (investing time in research or using a topic sentence). You can also talk about an assignment or reading you liked.
? Each tip should be two at least two sentences. It should include the tip and why you are suggesting it. (Optional: You may also use a personal example to reinforce the point.)

• What else do I need to include?
o Four quotes from our textbook,class handout, and/or Purdue OWL. In other words, at least 4 out of 10 tips should include a quote—not all of the tips. The in-text citation can simply be the page number and title: (Concise, page 25) or (Purdue OWL)
o Include one hyperlink to a video or webpage that may be helpful. In other words, at least 1 out of 10 tips should include a link—not all of the tips.
o Include at least one picture on each slide. Feel free to use many more.

• How many slides should it be?
o One title slide, including your name(s), date, and the title for your project.
o 10 slides with one tip on each slide.

• What is the length of the presentation?
o Your presentation should be 5 to 6 minutes.
o If you work with a partner, one person may present or both.
o The most important thing is to remember you are just having a conversation with the class, sharing your ideas.

• Where do I post it?
o Post in Discussions>Class Presentation

• How will it be graded?
o A rubric is on the next page of this handout


High Proficiency

20-18 Good Proficiency

17-16 Needs Improvement

15-14 Non-Proficiency

10 Tips

There are 10 clear and relevant tips and each tip also explains why you are suggesting it. There are 10 clear and relevant tips, but some of the explanations are not clear, need more information, or are inappropriate. There are less than 10 tips or some of the tips may not have explanations. There are far less than 10 tips or they are often not relevant.

All 10 tips have relevant pictures. Some of the pictures may not seem relevant. Some of the tips may not contain pictures. Many of the tips contain no pictures

Provides 4 constructive and relevant quotes. Provides 4 constructive quotes; however, they may not all be relevant. There are less than 4 quotes or some of the quotes are inappropriate. There is one or no quotes.

Provides a hyperlink to a constructive and relevant website or video. Provides a hyperlink; although, it may be not be constructive and relevant website or video. N/A Does not provide hyperlink.
Presentation clearly address all ten tips and highlights the quotes and hyperlink used.

Analysis demonstrates an exceptional insight or understanding of the material.

Discusses and highlights information from the slides; does not simply read them word for word.

At least 5 to 6 minutes.
Presentation clearly address all ten tips and highlights the quotes and hyperlink used.

At least 5 to 6 minutes.

Occasionally relies too heavily on slides by reading every word. Presentation clearly address most of the ten tips and most likely highlights the quotes and hyperlink used.

Close to 5 to 6 minutes.

May often rely heavily on the slides, reading every word as opposed to having a conversation with the class. Presentation does not address many of the ten tips and most likely does not highlight the quotes and hyperlink used.

May be much less than 5 to 6 minutes.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Class Presentation

ENGL 1101
Class Presentation
Prepare in class: Thursday, November 19
Present:Tuesday, December 1

Present to the class a lesson on how to do well in English 1101.

You may work alone or with a partner

• What do I include?
o Explain to an incoming student how to survive English 1101.
? Provide 10tips for being successful in the class.
? You can write about big or small things, such as things they should learn that relate generally being a successful student (coming to class on time) or things that were specifically helpful for this class (investing time in research or using a topic sentence). You can also talk about an assignment or reading you liked.
? Each tip should be two at least two sentences. It should include the tip and why you are suggesting it. (Optional: You may also use a personal example to reinforce the point.)

• What else do I need to include?
o Four quotes from our textbook,class handout, and/or Purdue OWL. In other words, at least 4 out of 10 tips should include a quote—not all of the tips. The in-text citation can simply be the page number and title: (Concise, page 25) or (Purdue OWL)
o Include one hyperlink to a video or webpage that may be helpful. In other words, at least 1 out of 10 tips should include a link—not all of the tips.
o Include at least one picture on each slide. Feel free to use many more.

• How many slides should it be?
o One title slide, including your name(s), date, and the title for your project.
o 10 slides with one tip on each slide.

• What is the length of the presentation?
o Your presentation should be 5 to 6 minutes.
o If you work with a partner, one person may present or both.
o The most important thing is to remember you are just having a conversation with the class, sharing your ideas.

• Where do I post it?
o Post in Discussions>Class Presentation

• How will it be graded?
o A rubric is on the next page of this handout


High Proficiency

20-18 Good Proficiency

17-16 Needs Improvement

15-14 Non-Proficiency

10 Tips

There are 10 clear and relevant tips and each tip also explains why you are suggesting it. There are 10 clear and relevant tips, but some of the explanations are not clear, need more information, or are inappropriate. There are less than 10 tips or some of the tips may not have explanations. There are far less than 10 tips or they are often not relevant.

All 10 tips have relevant pictures. Some of the pictures may not seem relevant. Some of the tips may not contain pictures. Many of the tips contain no pictures

Provides 4 constructive and relevant quotes. Provides 4 constructive quotes; however, they may not all be relevant. There are less than 4 quotes or some of the quotes are inappropriate. There is one or no quotes.

Provides a hyperlink to a constructive and relevant website or video. Provides a hyperlink; although, it may be not be constructive and relevant website or video. N/A Does not provide hyperlink.
Presentation clearly address all ten tips and highlights the quotes and hyperlink used.

Analysis demonstrates an exceptional insight or understanding of the material.

Discusses and highlights information from the slides; does not simply read them word for word.

At least 5 to 6 minutes.
Presentation clearly address all ten tips and highlights the quotes and hyperlink used.

At least 5 to 6 minutes.

Occasionally relies too heavily on slides by reading every word. Presentation clearly address most of the ten tips and most likely highlights the quotes and hyperlink used.

Close to 5 to 6 minutes.

May often rely heavily on the slides, reading every word as opposed to having a conversation with the class. Presentation does not address many of the ten tips and most likely does not highlight the quotes and hyperlink used.

May be much less than 5 to 6 minutes.

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