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Case study Week 10

Case study Week 10

Write your 3-5 page paper either using the 11-steps as your outline or responding to one of the case studies

Pick one of case studies below:

Malia is a junior in high school. Like many students who are 11th graders, she is unsure about what she wants to do after high school. She wants to follow her parent?s wishes and apply to college but she doesn?t really know why she should or what she will do there. Malia has taken a fairly typical college prep course load in high school. She is currently taking AP courses in Psychology and Biology. They are very difficult and she isn?t really enjoying them. It makes her wonder if she will be able to do college level work. Because of her heavy course load throughout high school she hasn?t yet had the opportunity to take courses she is really interested in such as art and photography. She regrets that she hasn?t gotten any support to do that. One more note about her high school experience? She was involved in the Debate Team during sophomore year because her brothers encouraged her to join but she dropped off the team when her coursework got to be too demanding. Other than that, her involvement in school has been solely academic.
Malia had her first job last summer. She worked as an assistant Montessori teacher with students aged 3-5 and really enjoyed working with the children. She was surprised at how comfortable she felt in the classroom. School just hadn?t been a positive place for her.
First Meeting with Malia
During your initial interview, Malia expressed confusion about what she wants to do after high school. There is pressure coming from her classmates, teachers, and family to attend a four-year college. Her siblings have gcurrently 3.3 but she expects it to go down because of the difficulty she is having with her AP courses. She just isn?t convinced that college is for her. She realizes she has just been plodding along, doing what seems to be the right thing but she is concerned that she doesn?t know what the ?right? thing is for her. To help her ?calm down?, her parents suggested that she set up an appointment with you. They think she is insecure and that is the reason she isn?t doing well in school (?none to prestigious schools, as have her parents, but she doesn?t think that her grades are good enough to do the same. Her GPA is ot reaching her potential?). They want her to be more confident and they want her to go to college. Note: Malia has a learning disability but her parents think that with appropriate interventions from the teaching staff, dyslexia shouldn?t be an issue for her. No one is really sure what Malia thinks.
Question Set #1:
Now that you have read a brief bio of Malia, how would you work with her? Where would you begin? What would your goals be? Summarize the important issues. Is there a theory that would provide direction? If so, describe the theory and why you think it will be useful during your work with Malia. If not, what will you use as your ?road map??
Second Meeting with Malia
The second time that you meet with Malia she brings her Career Liftoff results. All sophomores take the Career Liftoff in high school. Her two highest overall types were Social and Artistic. Specifically, she scored high in Education. After reading this, she did some research on O*Net about Education and thought clicked on preschool teachers, since that was of interest. It mentioned that teachers communicate with students non-verbally and provide positive reinforcement, which seemed to interest her. Her other area of interest was Advertising. Specifically, on O*Net she researched Advertising Agency Creative Director and Copywriter. That really surprised her until as a top interest area until she saw the following phrases in the description: ?create commercials?, ?devise strategies to present ads? write scripts for TV and radio?, supervise filming and still photography sessions?, ?important to have an imagination but at the same time, be a logical thinker?, ?work with people who are bright, funny and creative?.
Malia also completed the WIL and her two highest work values are: relationships and working conditions.
Question Set #2:
Given these results and what you already know about Malia, where will you go from here?

The Case of Sophie
Sophie is about to graduate from high school. She applied to eight small liberal arts colleges and was accepted to all of them. Although everyone else thought she would be accepted everywhere she applied, she didn?t think so. Now, she has an unanticipated decision to make and she has no idea how to go about figuring out where she will go to college.
Sophie is a very bright student and has always been involved in gifted and talented programs in elementary and middle school and then in Honors classes and AP courses. She did well in all her courses and when being honest with herself, she acknowledges that she does well in all subjects and sports (she could have lettered in a sport each season if she wanted to). Sophie has not only taken just about every advanced program at her high school but has also been taking courses at the University during her senior year. Again, she took a variety of subjects? math, foreign language, and genetics and she loved all of them.
Her friends and brothers have always envied her but she doesn?t see it the same way. Being good at everything makes life very confusing for her. How does one decide what to give up and what to pursue? Someone told her to stop whining and be happy that she is a success but her problem is that she has never thought about her preferences? what does she like best? What kind of work would she enjoy? What does she want to study? Although others can?t understand her worries, they feel very real to her and she is experiencing quite a bit of stress. The deadline to reserve her space in the incoming freshman class is looming.
First Meeting with Sophie
During your initial interview, Sophie expresses confusion about her impending decisions. She did say that she had made one small decision that eliminated two of the possible eight schools. She decided to stay in the Midwest so that she could drive back and forth between home and school. That leaves the following choices: Macalester, Beloit, Carlton, Grinnell, Earlham, and Lawrence.
Question Set #1:
Now that you have read a brief bio of Sophie, how would you work with her during your first meeting together? Where would you begin? What would your goals be? Summarize the important issues. Is there a theory that would provide direction? If so, describe the theory and why you think it will be useful during your work with Sophie. If not, what will you use as your ?road map?? (Don?t forget to use the resources and ideas that we have discussed in this class as you put together your plan.)
Second Meeting with Sophie ? Five Days before she needs to decide which college she will attend
Question Set #2:
I?d like you to build on the work that you completed during the first session. I?m expecting that during the first session, you somehow helped her to find out more about herself, her interests, her passions, her vocational self-concept, and which college will provide the kind of environment and education she is looking for. How would you follow up with her to be sure that she is ready to decide?

The Case of Tony
Tony is a first semester senior in high school. His math teacher and computer science teacher have suggested that he meet with you. Although Tony is a very bright student, he doesn?t intend to go to college. Tony would be a first generation college student. His teachers think that maybe his lack of interest in college is because he doesn?t have anyone at home who can explain the benefits of a postsecondary education. Tony is not a typical high school student. He has been working for his father for several years and knows exactly what kind of job he loves. His father is a mechanic and owns an auto repair business. Tony works for his father and is a whiz at anything that involves technology and numbers. As a result, he has become the ?go to? person in the business when there are new computer-based systems to learn. He is an independent learner and learns quickly. Typically, he will learn the new systems and then teach the other employees how to use them to repair the car?s systems. He is a trainer, manager, supervisor, and mechanic. He loves the work and wouldn?t think about letting his father down by going away to school. His family has been waiting for him to finish high school so he can move into a full-time position in the business.
Tony has taken a fairly typical college prep course load in high school. He was encouraged to take AP Math and AP Computer Science and is doing very well in those courses, along with his other courses. He has always been interested in cars but now that computers run just about everything in a car, he is even more excited about working on them. One more note about his high school experience? he hasn?t been involved in a lot of extra-curricular activities because he works after school and on weekends but he has tutored other students in the computer science classes and the teacher was very impressed with the quality of his work. In summary, school has been a positive place for him.
First Meeting with Tony
During your initial interview, Tony expressed confusion about why he was seeing you since he is clear about what he wants to do after high school. He respects his teachers and decided to come only because they asked him to. His parents know about the appointment and also feel that it is a sign of respect to abide by the teachers? wishes.
Question Set #1:
Now that you have read a brief bio of Tony, how would you work with him during your first hour together? Where would you begin? What would your goals be? Summarize the important issues. Is there a theory that would provide direction? If so, describe the theory and why you think it will be useful during your work with Tony. If not, what will you use as your ?road map??
Second Meeting with Tony
Tony did agree to come to a second meeting but he is bringing his parents so they can be part of the discussion. Something about the first meeting grabbed his attention. When you met before, he remembered that something of interest was on the Career Liftoff assessment that all sophomores take in high school. The second time that you meet with Tony he brings his CLII results. It shows that the highest scores are in Investigative and Realistic. He has a moderately high score in Enterprising. His highest skills areas were very similar. That wasn?t surprising, although he would not have predicted high scores in Enterprising. The results that really caught his eye were his suggested areas of interest on page 4. In those matches he saw the career of a Mechanical Engineer listed and he researched it further on O*Net. It listed that the job tasks are planning and directing research and development projects. It also mentioned working on machine designs and evaluating outcomes by performing advanced calculations while at the same time, working with the design folks, the manufacturing division, the branch of employees who assemble the machines and the sales engineers. Math was extensively used as were problem-solving skills and communication skills. Tony couldn?t stop thinking about how exciting it would be to have a job like that.
The second job of interest was a Computer Systems Analyst. This is a job that requires a Bachelor?s degree and includes designing, specifying and creating computer programs for a retail sales company. The individual creates software, tested software systems, investigates users? requirement and problem solves when needed. Again communication skills were very helpful in this job ? something he knew he was good at.
Question Set #2:
Given his reactions and what you already know about Tony, where will you go from here? How will you approach this dilemma and ?conflict? that is unfolding? How will you work with him and his family? Are there other resources you learned about in the course that you would also use with Tony?

The Case of Howard
Howard just began his senior year and knows that he needs to start thinking seriously about his college applications. To date, he has completed some of the higher level courses offered at his high school, including several AP courses and feels fine about his SAT and ACT scores. His GPA is 3.5. He has been busy with sports throughout high school but isn?t good enough to apply for an athletic scholarship. Up until now he just hasn?t thought much about college. It has been just a vague idea – what was going to happen in his future. That ?future? is here and he hasn?t done much about it. His parents did not go to college so he doesn?t really know what is involved with applying, although he has been hearing a lot about it from his friends. He just doesn?t know where to begin. A few people told him to begin with the courses he enjoyed in high school. He has taken several courses that he has loved (literature and public speaking) but he has a feeling it was because the teachers were engaging, not the materials. He has a few months to think about what he wants to do and where to apply. He comes to you for help.
One more note about Howard? since he was a young boy he has worked in his parent?s luggage and leather goods store. He is physically strong so he began in the shipping and receiving department but also has served as the replacement person when employees took vacations in the bookkeeping and the marketing departments. He understands the requirements of those jobs quite well but can?t picture himself doing any of those jobs for more than a few weeks at a time.
Question Set #1:
Now that you have read a brief bio of Howard, how would you work with him? Where would you begin? What would your goals be? Summarize the important issues. Is there a theory that would provide direction? If so, describe the theory and why you think it will be useful during your work with Howard. If not, what will you use as your ?road map??
Second Meeting with Howard
In Howard?s Psychology class he completed a structured interview similar to the one that we did in class. He brings his themes to you because he didn?t have an opportunity to talk about them yet. They are:
? Very principled and only wants to work in an occupation where he can make an honest contribution after a hard day?s work; money is not a motivator for him
? Sense of humor
? Importance of building relationships with friends, family and co-workers ? a team player
? Doesn?t enjoy situations with a lot of controversy, dissent, and stress
? Appreciates the plight of the average guy
Other results of assessment instruments include: Howard completed the WIL and his two highest work values are: achievement and recognition. His Holland code is SAI.
Question Set #2:
Given these results and what you already know about Howard, where will you go from here?

The Case of Ellie
Ellie is a second semester senior who has a fairly high GPA and good scores on her SAT and ACT. She was accepted to the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Iowa. She is quite excited but is not sure what to do next. Ellie experienced a significant hearing loss when she was a young child. As a result, she has a speech impediment that she is very self-conscious about.
First Meeting with Ellie
When you first meet with Ellie, she tells you that she doesn?t know how to decide where to go to school. She was pleased to tell you, however, that she has selected a major. When you ask her how she went about making that decision, she says that she based her decision on the ?fact? that occupations related to her chosen major don’t need to work intensively with others and don’t need to do any public speaking. She selected the major of Information Systems within a Business School. She thinks she would enjoy it and feel comfortable doing the work. When you ask her if she has had work experiences or taken a class that led her to that conclusion, she says she has had some experience at her father?s office and her uncle has a job like that and he thinks she would be good at it.
Ellie also alludes to two other concerns. Ellie has worked with the Special Education Department in her high school for the past four years and has gotten the accommodations she needed to succeed. Her parents are worried about how she will succeed without that support once she gets to college. She knows that will be difficult for her.
She also knows that she needs to make a decision soon about where she will go to school. People keep telling her where she should go. Her Dad is an Alum from Pittsburgh. Her sister goes to the University of Minnesota and promises to support her, help her find the accommodations she needs, and show her around. Yet, she heard that Iowa has a great Business School and it would be kind of nice to be the first in her family to go there. She really liked the description of Iowa City. It didn’t seem as overwhelming as Minneapolis or Pittsburgh.
Question Set #1:
Now that you have read a brief bio of Ellie, how would you work with her? Where would you begin? What would your goals be? Summarize the important issues. Is there a theory that would provide direction? If so, describe the theory and why you think it will be useful during your work with Ellie. If not, what will you use as your ?road map??
Second Meeting with Ellie
The second time that you meet with Ellie she talks about the work she has been doing at her father?s business. He is a dentist and she has been working in the office bringing his technology up-to-date. She has revamped their bookkeeping procedures, set up systems so he can purchase all the equipment he needs online, and established a database of his patients. She reports that one day the receptionist called in sick and she had to work at the front desk greeting patients. She generally avoids talking to strangers but much to her surprise, she really enjoyed doing that kind of work too.
Ellie brings her Interest Profiler results to the second meeting. All sophomores take the Interest Profiler in her high school. Her Holland code in the Interests section is AS You went to the O*NET web site with her Holland code and entered it into the system. Teachers, counselors, childcare workers, recreation workers, announcers, music directors, and clergy were some of the occupations on the list.
Question Set #2:
Given these results and what you already know about Ellie, where will you go from here?

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Case study Week 10

Case study Week 10

Write your 3-5 page paper either using the 11-steps as your outline or responding to one of the case studies

Pick one of case studies below:

Malia is a junior in high school. Like many students who are 11th graders, she is unsure about what she wants to do after high school. She wants to follow her parent?s wishes and apply to college but she doesn?t really know why she should or what she will do there. Malia has taken a fairly typical college prep course load in high school. She is currently taking AP courses in Psychology and Biology. They are very difficult and she isn?t really enjoying them. It makes her wonder if she will be able to do college level work. Because of her heavy course load throughout high school she hasn?t yet had the opportunity to take courses she is really interested in such as art and photography. She regrets that she hasn?t gotten any support to do that. One more note about her high school experience? She was involved in the Debate Team during sophomore year because her brothers encouraged her to join but she dropped off the team when her coursework got to be too demanding. Other than that, her involvement in school has been solely academic.
Malia had her first job last summer. She worked as an assistant Montessori teacher with students aged 3-5 and really enjoyed working with the children. She was surprised at how comfortable she felt in the classroom. School just hadn?t been a positive place for her.
First Meeting with Malia
During your initial interview, Malia expressed confusion about what she wants to do after high school. There is pressure coming from her classmates, teachers, and family to attend a four-year college. Her siblings have gcurrently 3.3 but she expects it to go down because of the difficulty she is having with her AP courses. She just isn?t convinced that college is for her. She realizes she has just been plodding along, doing what seems to be the right thing but she is concerned that she doesn?t know what the ?right? thing is for her. To help her ?calm down?, her parents suggested that she set up an appointment with you. They think she is insecure and that is the reason she isn?t doing well in school (?none to prestigious schools, as have her parents, but she doesn?t think that her grades are good enough to do the same. Her GPA is ot reaching her potential?). They want her to be more confident and they want her to go to college. Note: Malia has a learning disability but her parents think that with appropriate interventions from the teaching staff, dyslexia shouldn?t be an issue for her. No one is really sure what Malia thinks.
Question Set #1:
Now that you have read a brief bio of Malia, how would you work with her? Where would you begin? What would your goals be? Summarize the important issues. Is there a theory that would provide direction? If so, describe the theory and why you think it will be useful during your work with Malia. If not, what will you use as your ?road map??
Second Meeting with Malia
The second time that you meet with Malia she brings her Career Liftoff results. All sophomores take the Career Liftoff in high school. Her two highest overall types were Social and Artistic. Specifically, she scored high in Education. After reading this, she did some research on O*Net about Education and thought clicked on preschool teachers, since that was of interest. It mentioned that teachers communicate with students non-verbally and provide positive reinforcement, which seemed to interest her. Her other area of interest was Advertising. Specifically, on O*Net she researched Advertising Agency Creative Director and Copywriter. That really surprised her until as a top interest area until she saw the following phrases in the description: ?create commercials?, ?devise strategies to present ads? write scripts for TV and radio?, supervise filming and still photography sessions?, ?important to have an imagination but at the same time, be a logical thinker?, ?work with people who are bright, funny and creative?.
Malia also completed the WIL and her two highest work values are: relationships and working conditions.
Question Set #2:
Given these results and what you already know about Malia, where will you go from here?

The Case of Sophie
Sophie is about to graduate from high school. She applied to eight small liberal arts colleges and was accepted to all of them. Although everyone else thought she would be accepted everywhere she applied, she didn?t think so. Now, she has an unanticipated decision to make and she has no idea how to go about figuring out where she will go to college.
Sophie is a very bright student and has always been involved in gifted and talented programs in elementary and middle school and then in Honors classes and AP courses. She did well in all her courses and when being honest with herself, she acknowledges that she does well in all subjects and sports (she could have lettered in a sport each season if she wanted to). Sophie has not only taken just about every advanced program at her high school but has also been taking courses at the University during her senior year. Again, she took a variety of subjects? math, foreign language, and genetics and she loved all of them.
Her friends and brothers have always envied her but she doesn?t see it the same way. Being good at everything makes life very confusing for her. How does one decide what to give up and what to pursue? Someone told her to stop whining and be happy that she is a success but her problem is that she has never thought about her preferences? what does she like best? What kind of work would she enjoy? What does she want to study? Although others can?t understand her worries, they feel very real to her and she is experiencing quite a bit of stress. The deadline to reserve her space in the incoming freshman class is looming.
First Meeting with Sophie
During your initial interview, Sophie expresses confusion about her impending decisions. She did say that she had made one small decision that eliminated two of the possible eight schools. She decided to stay in the Midwest so that she could drive back and forth between home and school. That leaves the following choices: Macalester, Beloit, Carlton, Grinnell, Earlham, and Lawrence.
Question Set #1:
Now that you have read a brief bio of Sophie, how would you work with her during your first meeting together? Where would you begin? What would your goals be? Summarize the important issues. Is there a theory that would provide direction? If so, describe the theory and why you think it will be useful during your work with Sophie. If not, what will you use as your ?road map?? (Don?t forget to use the resources and ideas that we have discussed in this class as you put together your plan.)
Second Meeting with Sophie ? Five Days before she needs to decide which college she will attend
Question Set #2:
I?d like you to build on the work that you completed during the first session. I?m expecting that during the first session, you somehow helped her to find out more about herself, her interests, her passions, her vocational self-concept, and which college will provide the kind of environment and education she is looking for. How would you follow up with her to be sure that she is ready to decide?

The Case of Tony
Tony is a first semester senior in high school. His math teacher and computer science teacher have suggested that he meet with you. Although Tony is a very bright student, he doesn?t intend to go to college. Tony would be a first generation college student. His teachers think that maybe his lack of interest in college is because he doesn?t have anyone at home who can explain the benefits of a postsecondary education. Tony is not a typical high school student. He has been working for his father for several years and knows exactly what kind of job he loves. His father is a mechanic and owns an auto repair business. Tony works for his father and is a whiz at anything that involves technology and numbers. As a result, he has become the ?go to? person in the business when there are new computer-based systems to learn. He is an independent learner and learns quickly. Typically, he will learn the new systems and then teach the other employees how to use them to repair the car?s systems. He is a trainer, manager, supervisor, and mechanic. He loves the work and wouldn?t think about letting his father down by going away to school. His family has been waiting for him to finish high school so he can move into a full-time position in the business.
Tony has taken a fairly typical college prep course load in high school. He was encouraged to take AP Math and AP Computer Science and is doing very well in those courses, along with his other courses. He has always been interested in cars but now that computers run just about everything in a car, he is even more excited about working on them. One more note about his high school experience? he hasn?t been involved in a lot of extra-curricular activities because he works after school and on weekends but he has tutored other students in the computer science classes and the teacher was very impressed with the quality of his work. In summary, school has been a positive place for him.
First Meeting with Tony
During your initial interview, Tony expressed confusion about why he was seeing you since he is clear about what he wants to do after high school. He respects his teachers and decided to come only because they asked him to. His parents know about the appointment and also feel that it is a sign of respect to abide by the teachers? wishes.
Question Set #1:
Now that you have read a brief bio of Tony, how would you work with him during your first hour together? Where would you begin? What would your goals be? Summarize the important issues. Is there a theory that would provide direction? If so, describe the theory and why you think it will be useful during your work with Tony. If not, what will you use as your ?road map??
Second Meeting with Tony
Tony did agree to come to a second meeting but he is bringing his parents so they can be part of the discussion. Something about the first meeting grabbed his attention. When you met before, he remembered that something of interest was on the Career Liftoff assessment that all sophomores take in high school. The second time that you meet with Tony he brings his CLII results. It shows that the highest scores are in Investigative and Realistic. He has a moderately high score in Enterprising. His highest skills areas were very similar. That wasn?t surprising, although he would not have predicted high scores in Enterprising. The results that really caught his eye were his suggested areas of interest on page 4. In those matches he saw the career of a Mechanical Engineer listed and he researched it further on O*Net. It listed that the job tasks are planning and directing research and development projects. It also mentioned working on machine designs and evaluating outcomes by performing advanced calculations while at the same time, working with the design folks, the manufacturing division, the branch of employees who assemble the machines and the sales engineers. Math was extensively used as were problem-solving skills and communication skills. Tony couldn?t stop thinking about how exciting it would be to have a job like that.
The second job of interest was a Computer Systems Analyst. This is a job that requires a Bachelor?s degree and includes designing, specifying and creating computer programs for a retail sales company. The individual creates software, tested software systems, investigates users? requirement and problem solves when needed. Again communication skills were very helpful in this job ? something he knew he was good at.
Question Set #2:
Given his reactions and what you already know about Tony, where will you go from here? How will you approach this dilemma and ?conflict? that is unfolding? How will you work with him and his family? Are there other resources you learned about in the course that you would also use with Tony?

The Case of Howard
Howard just began his senior year and knows that he needs to start thinking seriously about his college applications. To date, he has completed some of the higher level courses offered at his high school, including several AP courses and feels fine about his SAT and ACT scores. His GPA is 3.5. He has been busy with sports throughout high school but isn?t good enough to apply for an athletic scholarship. Up until now he just hasn?t thought much about college. It has been just a vague idea – what was going to happen in his future. That ?future? is here and he hasn?t done much about it. His parents did not go to college so he doesn?t really know what is involved with applying, although he has been hearing a lot about it from his friends. He just doesn?t know where to begin. A few people told him to begin with the courses he enjoyed in high school. He has taken several courses that he has loved (literature and public speaking) but he has a feeling it was because the teachers were engaging, not the materials. He has a few months to think about what he wants to do and where to apply. He comes to you for help.
One more note about Howard? since he was a young boy he has worked in his parent?s luggage and leather goods store. He is physically strong so he began in the shipping and receiving department but also has served as the replacement person when employees took vacations in the bookkeeping and the marketing departments. He understands the requirements of those jobs quite well but can?t picture himself doing any of those jobs for more than a few weeks at a time.
Question Set #1:
Now that you have read a brief bio of Howard, how would you work with him? Where would you begin? What would your goals be? Summarize the important issues. Is there a theory that would provide direction? If so, describe the theory and why you think it will be useful during your work with Howard. If not, what will you use as your ?road map??
Second Meeting with Howard
In Howard?s Psychology class he completed a structured interview similar to the one that we did in class. He brings his themes to you because he didn?t have an opportunity to talk about them yet. They are:
? Very principled and only wants to work in an occupation where he can make an honest contribution after a hard day?s work; money is not a motivator for him
? Sense of humor
? Importance of building relationships with friends, family and co-workers ? a team player
? Doesn?t enjoy situations with a lot of controversy, dissent, and stress
? Appreciates the plight of the average guy
Other results of assessment instruments include: Howard completed the WIL and his two highest work values are: achievement and recognition. His Holland code is SAI.
Question Set #2:
Given these results and what you already know about Howard, where will you go from here?

The Case of Ellie
Ellie is a second semester senior who has a fairly high GPA and good scores on her SAT and ACT. She was accepted to the University of Pittsburgh, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Iowa. She is quite excited but is not sure what to do next. Ellie experienced a significant hearing loss when she was a young child. As a result, she has a speech impediment that she is very self-conscious about.
First Meeting with Ellie
When you first meet with Ellie, she tells you that she doesn?t know how to decide where to go to school. She was pleased to tell you, however, that she has selected a major. When you ask her how she went about making that decision, she says that she based her decision on the ?fact? that occupations related to her chosen major don’t need to work intensively with others and don’t need to do any public speaking. She selected the major of Information Systems within a Business School. She thinks she would enjoy it and feel comfortable doing the work. When you ask her if she has had work experiences or taken a class that led her to that conclusion, she says she has had some experience at her father?s office and her uncle has a job like that and he thinks she would be good at it.
Ellie also alludes to two other concerns. Ellie has worked with the Special Education Department in her high school for the past four years and has gotten the accommodations she needed to succeed. Her parents are worried about how she will succeed without that support once she gets to college. She knows that will be difficult for her.
She also knows that she needs to make a decision soon about where she will go to school. People keep telling her where she should go. Her Dad is an Alum from Pittsburgh. Her sister goes to the University of Minnesota and promises to support her, help her find the accommodations she needs, and show her around. Yet, she heard that Iowa has a great Business School and it would be kind of nice to be the first in her family to go there. She really liked the description of Iowa City. It didn’t seem as overwhelming as Minneapolis or Pittsburgh.
Question Set #1:
Now that you have read a brief bio of Ellie, how would you work with her? Where would you begin? What would your goals be? Summarize the important issues. Is there a theory that would provide direction? If so, describe the theory and why you think it will be useful during your work with Ellie. If not, what will you use as your ?road map??
Second Meeting with Ellie
The second time that you meet with Ellie she talks about the work she has been doing at her father?s business. He is a dentist and she has been working in the office bringing his technology up-to-date. She has revamped their bookkeeping procedures, set up systems so he can purchase all the equipment he needs online, and established a database of his patients. She reports that one day the receptionist called in sick and she had to work at the front desk greeting patients. She generally avoids talking to strangers but much to her surprise, she really enjoyed doing that kind of work too.
Ellie brings her Interest Profiler results to the second meeting. All sophomores take the Interest Profiler in her high school. Her Holland code in the Interests section is AS You went to the O*NET web site with her Holland code and entered it into the system. Teachers, counselors, childcare workers, recreation workers, announcers, music directors, and clergy were some of the occupations on the list.
Question Set #2:
Given these results and what you already know about Ellie, where will you go from here?

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