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Whydidthecollapseofthe USSR happen?

Whydidthecollapseofthe USSR happen?

Research paper: Research Papers you have to have a research question, methodology and hypothesis, which should help you to answer your research question. You should, however, also think of at least one empirical case to which you could apply the theoretical approach that you are writing on.

Topic: Collapse of USSR

Research question: Whydidthecollapseofthe USSR happen?

Developyourhypothesestothisresearchquestion. IN anattempttoexplainyourhypothesestoyourresearchquestionyouemployvarioustheories. RealismandLiberalismcouldbeamongthem (alsoconstructivism). Whileyouarearguingyourpointyoucouldindicatewhichtheorydoesitbestandwhy.
Instructors suggested structure on how to write:

1. Case
Build the connection between case and theory

2. Theory to apply
3. Analysis
4. Conclusion
Also, please do use Chicago 16th style for your referencing and bibliography.The text should be double spaced and written with standard 12 pt Times New Roman.

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Whydidthecollapseofthe USSR happen?

Whydidthecollapseofthe USSR happen?

Research paper: Research Papers you have to have a research question, methodology and hypothesis, which should help you to answer your research question. You should, however, also think of at least one empirical case to which you could apply the theoretical approach that you are writing on.

Topic: Collapse of USSR

Research question: Whydidthecollapseofthe USSR happen?

Developyourhypothesestothisresearchquestion. IN anattempttoexplainyourhypothesestoyourresearchquestionyouemployvarioustheories. RealismandLiberalismcouldbeamongthem (alsoconstructivism). Whileyouarearguingyourpointyoucouldindicatewhichtheorydoesitbestandwhy.
Instructors suggested structure on how to write:

1. Case
Build the connection between case and theory

2. Theory to apply
3. Analysis
4. Conclusion
Also, please do use Chicago 16th style for your referencing and bibliography.The text should be double spaced and written with standard 12 pt Times New Roman.

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