The Benefits of Video Games
Paper details:
Nowadays youth generation addicted to video games that are helping to them for improve their knowledge and behaviour. Research (reference1) says video games have more benefits than hazards.
Main Body Paragraph Point 1:
There are many cognitive skills people can learn from video games
Supporting Details: -quick thinks
-quick decisions
Main Body paragraph Point 2:
Another important positive effect on video games…
Supporting Details: -educational
-relaxing and feeling happy
Main Body paragraph Point 3:
Stying at the home and playing the video games can look; it makes unsocialise the people but it is not….
Supporting Details: -social network
-meeting with new people
-team play
Video games have a main role in everyone’s lives. People should use of them for therapy, having fun and of course educating better.
1-Cover page
3- Body paragraph 1
4- Body paragraph 2
5- Body Paragraph 3
6- Conclusion
7- References