Contemporary CSRissues
Assessment 1:
? Individualassignment
? 2500 words
? essayformat
? Note: Assessment 1 is marked on an anonymous basis – please use the appropriate front sheet with the fold-over flap and ensure your name is not visible in the document (eg in headers orfooters).
The case study sessions in weeks 1–4 have a range of discussion questions attached to them. In each case study, a question related tothat case study is identified as an essay question option (see list below). You will need to select one of the case studies we have done in class and the appropriate question for that case and write an essaythat:
• Addresses the question set for the casestudy
• Builds on the discussion in class and your own preparation for thecase studydiscussion
• Incorporates your reflection on the caseissues.
You should ensure that you offer a coherent and suitably structured response to the question chosen and that there is appropriateanalysis, drawing on relevant theoretical models whereappropriate.
Further research and reading beyond the case study materials is required, as you are aiming to produce a deeper and more considered responsethat builds on the discussion in class. You may need to add further examples, data or illustration of theissue
Essay question:
Is there a conflict of interest between the health of consumers and the profits of firms in some industries? If consumption of a product is bad for you, can firms who sell it ever beethical?
Critically compare the ethical issues in the tobacco and soft drinks industries and, for one of the industries, suggest appropriate CSRpolicies that firms mightpursue.
Recommended reading:
Campbell, D (2015), Radical action on childhood obesity will require political courage,The Guardian, Oct 22nd
Available at:
Doward, J (2013), Tobacco giant Philip Morris ‘spent millions in bid to delay EU legislation’, The Guardian, Sept 7th
Available at:
The Economist (2012), Food companies: Food for thought, The Economist, Dec 15th
Available at:
* Lustig, RH, Schmidt, LA and Brindis, CD (2012), Comment: The toxic truth about sugar,Nature, v482 Feb 2nd, pp27-29
McKay, B (2012), What Role Should Government Play in Combating Obesity?, The Wall Street Journal, Sept 18th
Available at:
Miller, D and Harkins, C (2010), Corporate strategy, corporate capture: Food and alcohol industry lobbying and public health, Critical Social Policy, v30 i4 pp1-26
Monbiot, G (2013), Oxford University won’t take funding from tobacco companies. But Shell’s OK, The Guardian, May 14th
Available at:
Renton, A (2013), Coca-Cola’s sugar problem, The Guardian [word of mouth blog], Jan 18th
Available at:
WHO (2008), Tobacco industry interference with tobacco control, Geneva: World health Organization
Availablw at:
Assessment criteria for assessment1
You are required to submit your assignments as hard copy to theStudent Advice Centre (SAC) in the Hugh Aston Building and also via Turnitin in Blackboard.
The essaymust:
• Provide evidence of suitably relevant reading andresearch.
• Demonstrate a clear and concise writingstyle.
• Show suitable reflection and development from the discussion inclass for thatcase
• Demonstrate the student’s understanding of the academicconcepts that the questionaddresses.
• Demonstrate a suitable grasp of relevant applied ormethodological concerns.
• Draw appropriate conclusions that are congruent with thepreceding analysis.
? The essay should be typed in 12 point Arial or Helvetica (with 1.5line spacing) and follow an essay-styleformat.
? It should be printed single sided (not double sided) and be stapledor presented in a simple binder (not loose pages in a plasticsleeve).
? It should cite a minimum of 8 academic sources, using Harvard format referencing in the text and the referencelist.
?Academic’ sources are textbooks and academic journal articles. Non- academic sources can be utilised but will not count against the minimum requirement for academic sources.
? The word count excludes the title page and referencelist.
? It must be submitted in hard copy to the SAC, plus submitted in digital form to the Turnitinassignment drop-box on the module’s Blackboard site. Digital submissions must be received by the assignmentdeadline. Don’t assume instantaneousdelivery.
? Good referencing and academic practice will be credited, as willgood standards of writtenEnglish.
? Any evidence of plagiarism will be dealt with severely inaccordance with DMUregulations.
? Late submissions will bepenalised.