campaign planning / competitive context
Order Description
write part for a group work essay about competitive context of (jador perfume Dior) campaign
My part will be about:
– Perfume Industry
– dior the brand and their ‘big creative idea’?
Positioning Map (How does their target market see them? Why do they position themselves in this way? USP, Product attributes and benefits)
– The campaign
– There target market
– how they are positioning them selves
– how customers lead or see the perfume and campiagn
– who are there competitors at that time and compare the competitor with jadore the perfume
Campaign Planning
Competitive Context: Dior
? Target Market and Positioning
? Marketing communications Strategies and IMC
? Case Study: J’Adore Dior Campaign
Contents Page
1.0 Introduction (150 words)
1.1 Target Market– Segmentation (600 words)
Theory: Selecting a target market – segmentation and CBBE Model/Brand Value BRIEFLY
1.2 Competitor Analysis
Competitors are often referred to as organisations in the same industry offering similar goods to the same target market. The objective of competitor analysis is to gain understanding of the market and predict itsbehaviour to inform an organisation on how it can respond – eitherattacking oravoiding its rivals.Market size and market share are the most common factors used by organisations to determinewho its competitorsare, howeverit is important to note that the competitive relationships amongst organisations are not symmetrical, therefore looking at strategies and resources at a organisational-level rather than market -level can better determine who your competitors are. A lack of theoretical model makes this harder (Chen, 1996; Few, 2009 and Keller 2012).
Direct and Indirect Competition & New entrants
According to Porter (1980)changes in the competitive environment can affect who an organisation’ competitors are. Competitor identification and analysis – categorising competitors into direct (similar market and similar resources), indirect (common market different resources) and potential competitors (similar resources but low market commonality). Thisprovides the opportunity to predictcompetitors’ future moves, threats and opportunities to maintain a competitive advantage. Criticisms have been drawn on the method of identification is not practical as firstly, labels change over time, and secondly managers do not actively engage in the sorting process of competitor identification in practise, so how can relevancy of a competitor be tracked?(Few, 2009).
Competitive Frame of Reference – POPS & PODS
Keller (2012) identifies that in order for an organisation to create the right positioning the correct points of difference and points of parity associations must be established. Keller (2012, page 112) states PODS are ‘strong favourable and unique associations’ and PODS are shared associations amongst brands.
What are the competitor’s objectives, how will they respond to you? How can you be better?
1.3 Positioning
The Positioning Concept (Perceptual Map and Perception)
SWOT Analysis
2.0 IMC and Marketing Communications Strategies (600 words)
2.1 Theory: SOSTAC( & IMCTools & Techniques (Schultz and Aaker (smart
2.2 Theory: Marketing Comms Mix (Advertising, Promotion, Direct Sales, PR, Personal Selling)
2.3 Theory: Celebrity Endorsement
3.0 J’Adore Dior Campaign (1000 words)
3.1 Perfume Industry
3.2 Dior the brand and their ‘big creative idea’?
Positioning Map (How does their target market see them? Why do they position themselves in this way? USP, Product attributes and benefits)
3.4 SWOT Analysis and Brand Challenges –Dior’s and Dior’s 2 Main Competitors (How does competitors Campaigns fair against Diors’ J’Adore Dior Campaign)
Competitive Frame of Reference (POPS&PODS)
3.5 J’Adore Dior Campaign –USP, What experiences, features/benefits do they offer in this campaign?
Execution of J’Adore Dior Campaign (How did they communicate to audience – Print, Digital, Broadcast – is it integrated?)
Results of the Campaign (increase in sales, awareness etc)
How they moved on from that Campaign and what they can do now?
Chen, M J. (1996) Competitor analysis and interim rivalry: Towards a theoretical integration. The Academy of Management [online]. 21(1), pp.100. Available from: [Accessed 21st October 2015].
Keller, L K. (2013) Strategic Brand Management; Building Managing and Measuring Equity. 4th Ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.
Few, W T. (2009) Managerial competitor identification: Integrating the categorisation, economic and identity perspectives. Proquest Dissertation and Theses [online]. [n.k], pp.289. Available from: [Accessed 21stOctober 2015]
Purpose of the Assessment
This group assignment has been designed to allow students the opportunity to explore just how campaign planning works in practice and, understand the factors that can influence the whole process. Through this assignment you will also be able to assess the benefits and difficulties associated with the process of campaign planning.
Assessment Task
In groups of 3-4 you will be allocated and required to research one of the following topics (whole area or an aspect) within the Context Analysis of a Campaign Plan and show how this can influence final campaign development:
• Customer context
• Competitor context
• Brand context
• Macro-environment context
• Ethical context
• Internal context
Groups and topic must be agreed by the Seminar Leader in seminar 2 and final outline structure in seminar using the Assignment 1 Outline Agreement form included at the end of this brief which must be handed in at the end of this seminar.
The student led seminar should last for 45-50minutes and should include a roughly equal mix of:
• Theory: review current academic thinking and present a theoretical framework that informs campaign development
• Practice: illustrative communication campaign(s)
• Activities: interactive activities to engage your fellow students and achieve the learning outcomes you set.
At the end of the seminar you are required to submit a 2500 word report (+/- 10%) which contains your literature review and illustrative campaign example(s). You should also include the details of your seminar activities in an appendix to your report that is not included in the overall word count.
Format for the submitted work
The work will be submitted in powerpoint presentation and report format and should be approximately 2500 words. University policy regarding the presentation of references must be followed.
Assessment Breakdown
Student names:
Date: Seminar
Topic: Overall
Grade: Comments:
Grade A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F+ F F- G
Quality of literature review and application to practice
25% Comprehensively researched Main academic theories understood, criticised and applied. Very relevant to chosen area Well researched. A number of theories used, which are relevant to chosen area and applied Evidence of research shown. Appropriate use of theory. Some understanding shown Some research shown, although not all relevant, understood or applied Poorly written. Poor demonstration of research, lacking understanding and application No work
Grade A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F+ F F- G
ness and quality of campaign example(s)
25% Relevant, detailed and interesting example(s). Clear link between theory and practice in campaign execution Good use of examples that use a variety of comm’s tools although application and presentation less clear Some use of examples,
although application and presentation not always clear Limited examples used, not always relevant and lacking in detail Little use of examples. Not directly relevant to chosen area No work
Grade A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F+ F F- G
Participative nature of seminar and
evidence of student learning
25% Interactive in nature. Creative use of activities.High levels of student involvement throughout, evidence of student learning sort Interactive seminar with good levels of student
involvement. Less creative teaching methods.
Some challenge of student ideas Standard interactive activities. Some thought into teaching methods. Lacks challenge, flow and organisation in part Limited use of interactive methods.
Regularly lacks flow. Little student involvement and learning No participation.
Lacks organisation and thought into teaching methods No work
Grade A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F+ F F- G
Quality of
25% Well organised, engaging, creative and convincing
presentation from all group members Good organisation, engagement, and some creativity. Good presentation skills from all group members Slightly disjointed in areas, less attention to detail, little creativity.
Variability in presentation skills Lacking ‘flow’, some parts incomplete or missing. Standard approach that fails to engage. Marked variability in presentation skills Elements missing, disjointed and disorganised. Poor presentation skills from most/all group members No work
This assignment carries 40% of the marks for the Campaign Planning module. Marks will be allocated equally between group members. Each group member is required to participate equally towards the task set and any evidence of non-commitment by individual group members may be reflected in his or her mark (any adjusted mark allocation will need to be discussed and agreed by all group members and the Module Leader prior to the presentation).
Assessment Submission
To submit your work, please go to the ‘Submit your work’ area of the Module NILE site. It is important that you submit your work to the correct module NILE site, and that your work is submitted on time.
Assessment Guidance
Please consult the Assessment Matters section of the Student Guide for information on the general grading criteria.
You will be assessed in the following areas:
• Appropriateness, understanding and depth of theoretical review
• Appropriateness and quality of campaign example(s)
• Participative nature of the seminar and evidence of student learning
• Quality of the presentation in the seminar
Higher grades will demonstrate greater depth, integration, critical and creative thinking in each of these areas.
Please also remember to consider the structure and clarity of expression with regards to your presentation and report.
Academic Practice
This is agroup assignment. The University of Northampton policy will apply in all cases of copying, plagiarism or any other methods by which students have obtained (or attempted to obtain) an unfair advantage.
Support and guidance on assessments and academic integrity can be found from the following resources
Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes being addressed through this assignment are:
Knowledge and Understanding
a) identify the composition and significance of key factors for analysis in the formulation of marketing communication strategies
c) Explain the synergy to be gained from the effective integration of marketing communication tools and techniques.
Subject-specific Skills
d) Select and apply appropriate theoretical models by which a mass audience may be segmented into discrete clusters and by which each
cluster may be evaluated as target groups.
Key Skills
f) Explain concepts and theories clearly and cogently and apply these to
new problems and contexts.
g) Demonstrate an ability to communicate by effective persuasion, conviction and