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Introduction to social research methods

Introduction to social research methods

Order Description

Subject area : social science

textbook : The practice of social research by Earl babbie, 13th edition 2013

THINK: Education – Health & Wellness Faculty- Academic Writing Guide

Think: CLASS (Centre for Learning and Academic Skills Support)
Books In-text Example Reference List Example
Multiple authors for a single citation or paraphrase
If there are multiple authors all supporting the same argument and you are paraphrasing, they are to be placed in chronological order separated by semi-colons. Hypnotic herbs can induce sleep (Green, 1986; Hall, 1987; Hoffman 2006).
All authors ‘names are to be provided in the reference list in alphabetical order.
No author
Cite the sponsoring organisation or the title in place of the author where the author is unknown. Do not use anonymous.
‘Echinacea consists of the dried underground parts of…’ (British Herbal Pharmacopeia Part 1, 1976, p.73).
In the British Herbal Pharmacopeia Part 1 (1976, p.73) it was claimed that…’
British herbal pharmacopeia Part 1. (1976).West Yorks, United Kingdom: British Herbal Medicine Association.
Editor single
(Porter, 1986, p.99)
Porter, J.F. (Ed.), (1986).The control of human fertility (2nd ed.). Melbourne, Australia: Blackwell Scientific.
Ed. is used to denote editor, ed. is used for edition.
Editors two or three
(Cauchi, Gilbert,& Brown, 1984, p.44)
Cauchi, M.N., Gilbert, G.L., & Brown, J.B. (Eds.) (1984).The clinical pathology of pregnancy and the newborn infant. London, United Kingdom: Edward Arnold.
Eds. is used to denote editors.
All editors’ names are to be provided in the citation in the order they appear in the publication.

Assessment 2 – Essay
Introduction to Social Research Methods

Length 1500 words
This assessment addresses learning outcomes a, b & c
3) Define social research and explain its contribution to the
Learning outcomes addressed by this as- concept of know’edge
b) Demonstrate knowledge of techniques used for sampling,
data collection and analysus in quantitative and qualitative
c) Describe the steps of the research process, including pro-
posal, ethics and methodology
Submission Date: End Of Week 6 – 11.59 pm.
Students are required to discuss the importance of social
research and how social research produces knowledge, cit-
Assessment brief summary: ing examples to support their discussion. Students are re-
quired to refer to the text book and other references to
support their response.
Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10% penalty per day, calculated from
the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 40 will incur a 4 mark penalty per day.
Please note: you must attempt all tasks in a subject to be eligible to pass the subject.
More information, please refer to the Academic Progression Policy on httpzflwwwthink.edu.au[about-
SOCZOZA – ABZ, Essay Page 1

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Introduction to social research methods

Introduction to social research methods

Order Description

Subject area : social science

textbook : The practice of social research by Earl babbie, 13th edition 2013

THINK: Education – Health & Wellness Faculty- Academic Writing Guide

Think: CLASS (Centre for Learning and Academic Skills Support)
Books In-text Example Reference List Example
Multiple authors for a single citation or paraphrase
If there are multiple authors all supporting the same argument and you are paraphrasing, they are to be placed in chronological order separated by semi-colons. Hypnotic herbs can induce sleep (Green, 1986; Hall, 1987; Hoffman 2006).
All authors ‘names are to be provided in the reference list in alphabetical order.
No author
Cite the sponsoring organisation or the title in place of the author where the author is unknown. Do not use anonymous.
‘Echinacea consists of the dried underground parts of…’ (British Herbal Pharmacopeia Part 1, 1976, p.73).
In the British Herbal Pharmacopeia Part 1 (1976, p.73) it was claimed that…’
British herbal pharmacopeia Part 1. (1976).West Yorks, United Kingdom: British Herbal Medicine Association.
Editor single
(Porter, 1986, p.99)
Porter, J.F. (Ed.), (1986).The control of human fertility (2nd ed.). Melbourne, Australia: Blackwell Scientific.
Ed. is used to denote editor, ed. is used for edition.
Editors two or three
(Cauchi, Gilbert,& Brown, 1984, p.44)
Cauchi, M.N., Gilbert, G.L., & Brown, J.B. (Eds.) (1984).The clinical pathology of pregnancy and the newborn infant. London, United Kingdom: Edward Arnold.
Eds. is used to denote editors.
All editors’ names are to be provided in the citation in the order they appear in the publication.

Assessment 2 – Essay
Introduction to Social Research Methods

Length 1500 words
This assessment addresses learning outcomes a, b & c
3) Define social research and explain its contribution to the
Learning outcomes addressed by this as- concept of know’edge
b) Demonstrate knowledge of techniques used for sampling,
data collection and analysus in quantitative and qualitative
c) Describe the steps of the research process, including pro-
posal, ethics and methodology
Submission Date: End Of Week 6 – 11.59 pm.
Students are required to discuss the importance of social
research and how social research produces knowledge, cit-
Assessment brief summary: ing examples to support their discussion. Students are re-
quired to refer to the text book and other references to
support their response.
Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10% penalty per day, calculated from
the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 40 will incur a 4 mark penalty per day.
Please note: you must attempt all tasks in a subject to be eligible to pass the subject.
More information, please refer to the Academic Progression Policy on httpzflwwwthink.edu.au[about-
SOCZOZA – ABZ, Essay Page 1

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