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analytical summary and briefing note

analytical summary and briefing note

Your task:
Choose 1 (one) case study from below and prepare:

•    an analytical summary; and
•    a briefing note
Step 1.
Based on the risk assessment framework for the chosen case study, write a 1,000-word (maximum) analytical summary. The summary should include:
•    the background (i.e. issues)
•    a summary of  the key findings (i.e. hazard and exposure)
•    implications (i.e. the risk characterisation) of the study.

Step 2.
Based on the provided template, prepare a two-page (maximum) briefing note for the Minister/Executive Director/Chief Executive. The briefing note should be completed with all headings and without altering spacing.

You may use tables/figures in the summary. It must not be a table from the study, but can summarise key findings from it. Do not quote directly from the report.

Whilst in practice references are not used extensively in preparing briefing notes, this is an academic assessment and therefore it is essential that evidence-based literature (minimum 5 references) will support your arguments.

The important aspect from the assignment perspective is that you understand the Environmental Health Risk Assessment (EHRA) framework and can use it to interpret an environmental study. It is essential that your writing is succinct and salient.  An example briefing note will be provided on Blackboard.

PU67 Environmental Health students (choose 1 case study from below)
You are to prepare the analytical summary and briefing note of an environmental health study for a State Government Minister. The purpose is to provide the Minister with enough information to respond to questions from the media.

1.    Gladstone air study:
Kennedy, K., Bentley, C., Heffernan, A., Paxman, C., Stevenson, G., Mueller, J. 2010, Gladstone Air Study 2009 to 2010: Monitoring for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) &-furans (PCDFs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology (Entox), The University of Queensland. Available from:

2.    Mt Isa lead report:
Mt Isa Lead Report [Lead Screening Program 2010], prepared by Tropical Regional Services, Division of the Chief Health Officer, Queensland Health. Available from:

PU65 OHS students
You are to prepare the analytical summary and briefing note of an occupational risk assessment for an Executive Director/Chief Executive of an organisation. The purpose is to provide the Executive Director/Chief Executive with enough information to respond to questions from the company Board of Directors.  The company board is currently considering starting a new production process to manufacture particle board using formaldehyde resin. You have been asked to advise on the occupational risks of using formaldehyde resin in the process.
Base your briefing note and analytical summary on the NICNAS Priority Existing Chemical Report on Formaldehyde available from:http://www.nicnas.gov.au/chemical-information/pec-assessments.

Other students
Students who are not enrolled in PU65 or PU67 may choose any of the environmental health or OHS assignment topics detailed above.
Relates to Learning Outcomes:    1 and 2
Length:    Analytical summary: maximum 1000 words.
Briefing note: 300-400 words (not including the hidden text).
The reference list is not included in the word count. The use of tables and diagrams is encouraged.
Appendices should not be included.
Weight:    40%

Due date:
Thursday  27 August 2015

Submission procedure:
Submit to:
•    Turnitin

Presentation: A4 format, 2.5cm left and right margin, page numbers;  with a submission form at the front, indicating your full name, student number, assignment topic area, assignment title and word count.
Students should follow the guidelines set out in QUT cite|write, available as a printable PDF from www.citewrite.qut.edu.au

Individual/group    Individual
Feedback:    Feedback will be provided before the second assessment item is due.
Criteria for assessment:    see attached

Assessment Item No. 1
Assessment name: Briefing Note & Analytical Sum
Description: Briefing Note and Analytical Summary

You will be required to apply knowledge to characterise either an environmental or an occupational health risk.

Reference to current peer review literature is expected.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

analytical summary and briefing note

analytical summary and briefing note

Your task:
Choose 1 (one) case study from below and prepare:

•    an analytical summary; and
•    a briefing note
Step 1.
Based on the risk assessment framework for the chosen case study, write a 1,000-word (maximum) analytical summary. The summary should include:
•    the background (i.e. issues)
•    a summary of  the key findings (i.e. hazard and exposure)
•    implications (i.e. the risk characterisation) of the study.

Step 2.
Based on the provided template, prepare a two-page (maximum) briefing note for the Minister/Executive Director/Chief Executive. The briefing note should be completed with all headings and without altering spacing.

You may use tables/figures in the summary. It must not be a table from the study, but can summarise key findings from it. Do not quote directly from the report.

Whilst in practice references are not used extensively in preparing briefing notes, this is an academic assessment and therefore it is essential that evidence-based literature (minimum 5 references) will support your arguments.

The important aspect from the assignment perspective is that you understand the Environmental Health Risk Assessment (EHRA) framework and can use it to interpret an environmental study. It is essential that your writing is succinct and salient.  An example briefing note will be provided on Blackboard.

PU67 Environmental Health students (choose 1 case study from below)
You are to prepare the analytical summary and briefing note of an environmental health study for a State Government Minister. The purpose is to provide the Minister with enough information to respond to questions from the media.

1.    Gladstone air study:
Kennedy, K., Bentley, C., Heffernan, A., Paxman, C., Stevenson, G., Mueller, J. 2010, Gladstone Air Study 2009 to 2010: Monitoring for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) &-furans (PCDFs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology (Entox), The University of Queensland. Available from:

2.    Mt Isa lead report:
Mt Isa Lead Report [Lead Screening Program 2010], prepared by Tropical Regional Services, Division of the Chief Health Officer, Queensland Health. Available from:

PU65 OHS students
You are to prepare the analytical summary and briefing note of an occupational risk assessment for an Executive Director/Chief Executive of an organisation. The purpose is to provide the Executive Director/Chief Executive with enough information to respond to questions from the company Board of Directors.  The company board is currently considering starting a new production process to manufacture particle board using formaldehyde resin. You have been asked to advise on the occupational risks of using formaldehyde resin in the process.
Base your briefing note and analytical summary on the NICNAS Priority Existing Chemical Report on Formaldehyde available from:http://www.nicnas.gov.au/chemical-information/pec-assessments.

Other students
Students who are not enrolled in PU65 or PU67 may choose any of the environmental health or OHS assignment topics detailed above.
Relates to Learning Outcomes:    1 and 2
Length:    Analytical summary: maximum 1000 words.
Briefing note: 300-400 words (not including the hidden text).
The reference list is not included in the word count. The use of tables and diagrams is encouraged.
Appendices should not be included.
Weight:    40%

Due date:
Thursday  27 August 2015

Submission procedure:
Submit to:
•    Turnitin

Presentation: A4 format, 2.5cm left and right margin, page numbers;  with a submission form at the front, indicating your full name, student number, assignment topic area, assignment title and word count.
Students should follow the guidelines set out in QUT cite|write, available as a printable PDF from www.citewrite.qut.edu.au

Individual/group    Individual
Feedback:    Feedback will be provided before the second assessment item is due.
Criteria for assessment:    see attached

Assessment Item No. 1
Assessment name: Briefing Note & Analytical Sum
Description: Briefing Note and Analytical Summary

You will be required to apply knowledge to characterise either an environmental or an occupational health risk.

Reference to current peer review literature is expected.

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