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Comm Research, Gender, Part B

Comm Research, Gender, Part B

interested in researching the perception of women vs men in media, how women typically wind up shopping through theory. I will attach a paper I wrote that deals with this idea. you are only doing PORTION A and if done well I will reorder. The attached paper is from a different class on the topic I wish to do. Just portion A, four pages. B and C later. Only do portion A! Must be peer reviewed sources from five years. Aside from the other guidelines found in the syllabus, you should consider the following when preparing your research proposal paper. The objective for this paper is for you to prepare a research proposal. You will only be preparing a proposal. You will not collect any data. The assignment is designed to assist you in meeting Goal 1, Objective 1: Understand the functions of theory and its relationship to methodology and Goal 3, Objective 1: Identify ethical issues relevant to communication. These are the Department’s objectives for students in the undergraduate program and are assessed in COMM 499: Senior Project. Organization of Paper/Instructions. Portion ‘A’ Due: 8/16/2015 at 11:59pm I. Introduction: Formulate a research objective, research question, or hypothesis that is appropriate for communication research. Your topic should further scholarly understanding of communication and/or respond to a need in society. Your topic must concern a theory you discussed in COMM 306. Describe the nature of the situation and provide an overview of the selected topic. Describe your topic area and state your RQ/H. a. Develop one hypothesis or research question that your study will address. If you are proposing a hypothesis, limit the number of variables you will study to two (one IV and one DV). These must be very carefully and precisely worded. b. Be sure to start your paper with an introductory paragraph that explains the purpose of this paper and previews the contents of this paper. As you add portions B and C, edit this introductory paragraph to reflect the changing contents of the paper. II. Rationale: Justify your selection of the topic. Describe its prevalence, implications for individuals, families, organizations, and/or society at large. Focus your research by indicating why others should be interested in the selected topic. Convince the audience that the topic is worthy of study. a. When you add Portion B for the next portion of this assignment, write a paragraph that both summarizes portion A and introduces Portion B. Portion ‘B’ Due: 8/26/2015 at 11:59pm Add this portion to the revised Portion A III. Literature Review: Your literature review should justify your theory and RQ/H, and should summarize previous research done on your topic area. a. Use the Pfau Library databases (Communication & Mass Media Complete, PsychINFO, EbscoHost, etc.) to identify a sufficient number of scholarly articles related to your topic and/or selected theory from COMM 306. b. Organize your literature review in a meaning way by synthesizing ideas from your scholarly articles. Do not simply summarize one article after another in your literature review. c. Begin this section with a paragraph that introduces the topics to be discussed in the literature review. d. After your introductory paragraph, you should have a section that describes your selected theory and its major tenets. e. End this section by summarizing the literature review. Link the ideas reviewed in the literature review back to your research question/hypothesis. Write a paragraph that both summarizes your literature review and previews Portion C. Portion ‘C’ Due: 9/3/2015 at 11:59pm Add this portion to the revised Portions A+B IV. Methodology: Decide on the best method for getting an answer to your RQ/H. Describe in detail what methodology you will use, and justify your decisions: a. Experimental research, survey research, textual analysis, ethnographic research, etc. b. Based upon the theory you are examining and the method you have selected, explain whether or not your study takes an inductive or deductive approach. Explain why the inductive or deductive approach is appropriate to your study. c. Sampling i. Define and describe your population and sample. 1. What is your sampling design? Who will you talk to? When/where/how? ii. (If applicable) Describe how you will select your sample. iii. Describe your unit of analysis. d. Ethics i. Describe ethical considerations 1. How will you protect participants’ right to privacy? 2. How will you protect your participants’ right to free choice about participating in the study? 3. How will you protect the participants’ right to be treated with respect? e. Procedures i. (If applicable) Describe how you will administer your instrument. Explain how you will attempt to increase your response rate. ii. (If applicable) Describe how/when you will conduct observation(s). iii. (if applicable) Describe how you will unitize and code your data. iv. How will you control for validity and reliability. f. Measurement i. (If applicable) What are your variable(s)? 1. Conceptual definition (Note: you must cite and reference academic sources that conceptually define the variables you are using in this paper. For example, if violence is a variable for your hypothesis, you need to use an academic source to define violence.) ii. Operational definition 1. Describe how you will measure your variables (if applicable). Explain the level of measurement being used. 2. Explain how you will determine that your measurement is reliable and valid. iii. Which are independent/dependent (if applicable) g. Describe your experimental design (if applicable) i. Describe the placement procedure you will use to put your participants into comparison groups. ii. Describe how you will manipulate the independent variable. iii. Describe other concepts relevant to your experimental design (manipulation check, confederates, etc.) h. Include an estimated timeline of your project. V. Analysis: Describe how you intend to analyze the data. a. For survey, quantitative text analysis, or experimental research: Statistical analysis plan, and criteria for accepting or rejecting your hypothesis (if applicable) b. For textual analysis or ethnographic research: Coding and analytic method to be used. How will you write up your results? Narrative? Quotes? VI. Limitations: What are the limitations to your research? VII. Suggestions for future research: What future research might your study point to? VIII. Appendix: Include the following items a. Copy of survey/instrument to be used, or observation protocol. (if applicable) b. Copy of coding categories with description of each category. (if applicable) c. Consent forms (if applicable) The paper will be submitted in three portions: 1. The first portion to be submitted should include Portion ‘A.’ This should be approximately 2-3 pages, excluding title page and references. See syllabus schedule for peer review and instructor grading due dates. All papers are due at class start time. 2. The second portion to be submitted should include Portions ‘A’ and ‘B.’ You should revise Portion ‘A’ based upon the instructor’s feedback and add Portion ‘B.’ Portion ‘B’ should be an additional 6-8 pages (excluding title page and references). See syllabus schedule for peer review and instructor grading due dates. All papers are due at class start time. 3. The final portion should include Portions ‘A,’ ‘B,’ and ‘C.’ You should revise Portions ‘A’ and ‘B’ based upon the instructor’s feedback. Portion ‘C’ should be an additional 4-6 pages (excluding title page and references). See syllabus schedule for peer review and instructor grading due dates. All papers are due at class start time. You must use high-quality published sources to support your paper. High quality sources are academic books and articles in refereed journals (either print or online). You may NOT use non-refereed websites (i.e., Wikipedia) or textbooks as sources. You may use the text from this course to explain the methodology and to define terms related to the methodology. Part of the assessment of your paper will be the quality of the research materials you are able to find. Use book materials and peer-reviewed articles, not quick summary webpages. Look in the citations and reference bibliographies of books and articles to find additional things to look at. “The Encyclopedia of Communication Theory” is a useful resource for gathering information about your theory. This resource is linked under the Resources menu item in Blackboard. Refereed articles can be found by searching academic databases such as PsychInfo, Communication Mass Media Complete, EbscoHost, etc. Also feel free to ask for suggestions. All sources used in writing the paper should be cited within the text of the paper and in a reference list at the end of the paper in APA style. (See the videos and APA style guide linked under the Resources menu on Blackboard.) Your paper should be well written and clearly organized (introduction, body, conclusion), and should have a clear central thesis (main point). It should be professionally presented and completely free of typographical, spelling, usage, and grammatical errors. The title of your paper, your name, the date, and number and name of this course should appear on the title page. Pages should be numbered in the APA format page header. The paper should be typed with normal fonts (Times New Roman, 12 point), double-spaced, and one inch margins on all sides. As with all assignments, you should comply with APA guidelines. Use section headings to show the organization of your paper. Remember, this is a proposal for a study, so you will be writing in the future tense. Also, remember to write in third person singular (e.g., this paper, this study, the researcher, etc.) All papers should be submitted electronically using the TurnItIn links on Blackboard unless instructed otherwise by the instructor.less

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Comm Research, Gender, Part B

Comm Research, Gender, Part B

interested in researching the perception of women vs men in media, how women typically wind up shopping through theory. I will attach a paper I wrote that deals with this idea. you are only doing PORTION A and if done well I will reorder. The attached paper is from a different class on the topic I wish to do. Just portion A, four pages. B and C later. Only do portion A! Must be peer reviewed sources from five years. Aside from the other guidelines found in the syllabus, you should consider the following when preparing your research proposal paper. The objective for this paper is for you to prepare a research proposal. You will only be preparing a proposal. You will not collect any data. The assignment is designed to assist you in meeting Goal 1, Objective 1: Understand the functions of theory and its relationship to methodology and Goal 3, Objective 1: Identify ethical issues relevant to communication. These are the Department’s objectives for students in the undergraduate program and are assessed in COMM 499: Senior Project. Organization of Paper/Instructions. Portion ‘A’ Due: 8/16/2015 at 11:59pm I. Introduction: Formulate a research objective, research question, or hypothesis that is appropriate for communication research. Your topic should further scholarly understanding of communication and/or respond to a need in society. Your topic must concern a theory you discussed in COMM 306. Describe the nature of the situation and provide an overview of the selected topic. Describe your topic area and state your RQ/H. a. Develop one hypothesis or research question that your study will address. If you are proposing a hypothesis, limit the number of variables you will study to two (one IV and one DV). These must be very carefully and precisely worded. b. Be sure to start your paper with an introductory paragraph that explains the purpose of this paper and previews the contents of this paper. As you add portions B and C, edit this introductory paragraph to reflect the changing contents of the paper. II. Rationale: Justify your selection of the topic. Describe its prevalence, implications for individuals, families, organizations, and/or society at large. Focus your research by indicating why others should be interested in the selected topic. Convince the audience that the topic is worthy of study. a. When you add Portion B for the next portion of this assignment, write a paragraph that both summarizes portion A and introduces Portion B. Portion ‘B’ Due: 8/26/2015 at 11:59pm Add this portion to the revised Portion A III. Literature Review: Your literature review should justify your theory and RQ/H, and should summarize previous research done on your topic area. a. Use the Pfau Library databases (Communication & Mass Media Complete, PsychINFO, EbscoHost, etc.) to identify a sufficient number of scholarly articles related to your topic and/or selected theory from COMM 306. b. Organize your literature review in a meaning way by synthesizing ideas from your scholarly articles. Do not simply summarize one article after another in your literature review. c. Begin this section with a paragraph that introduces the topics to be discussed in the literature review. d. After your introductory paragraph, you should have a section that describes your selected theory and its major tenets. e. End this section by summarizing the literature review. Link the ideas reviewed in the literature review back to your research question/hypothesis. Write a paragraph that both summarizes your literature review and previews Portion C. Portion ‘C’ Due: 9/3/2015 at 11:59pm Add this portion to the revised Portions A+B IV. Methodology: Decide on the best method for getting an answer to your RQ/H. Describe in detail what methodology you will use, and justify your decisions: a. Experimental research, survey research, textual analysis, ethnographic research, etc. b. Based upon the theory you are examining and the method you have selected, explain whether or not your study takes an inductive or deductive approach. Explain why the inductive or deductive approach is appropriate to your study. c. Sampling i. Define and describe your population and sample. 1. What is your sampling design? Who will you talk to? When/where/how? ii. (If applicable) Describe how you will select your sample. iii. Describe your unit of analysis. d. Ethics i. Describe ethical considerations 1. How will you protect participants’ right to privacy? 2. How will you protect your participants’ right to free choice about participating in the study? 3. How will you protect the participants’ right to be treated with respect? e. Procedures i. (If applicable) Describe how you will administer your instrument. Explain how you will attempt to increase your response rate. ii. (If applicable) Describe how/when you will conduct observation(s). iii. (if applicable) Describe how you will unitize and code your data. iv. How will you control for validity and reliability. f. Measurement i. (If applicable) What are your variable(s)? 1. Conceptual definition (Note: you must cite and reference academic sources that conceptually define the variables you are using in this paper. For example, if violence is a variable for your hypothesis, you need to use an academic source to define violence.) ii. Operational definition 1. Describe how you will measure your variables (if applicable). Explain the level of measurement being used. 2. Explain how you will determine that your measurement is reliable and valid. iii. Which are independent/dependent (if applicable) g. Describe your experimental design (if applicable) i. Describe the placement procedure you will use to put your participants into comparison groups. ii. Describe how you will manipulate the independent variable. iii. Describe other concepts relevant to your experimental design (manipulation check, confederates, etc.) h. Include an estimated timeline of your project. V. Analysis: Describe how you intend to analyze the data. a. For survey, quantitative text analysis, or experimental research: Statistical analysis plan, and criteria for accepting or rejecting your hypothesis (if applicable) b. For textual analysis or ethnographic research: Coding and analytic method to be used. How will you write up your results? Narrative? Quotes? VI. Limitations: What are the limitations to your research? VII. Suggestions for future research: What future research might your study point to? VIII. Appendix: Include the following items a. Copy of survey/instrument to be used, or observation protocol. (if applicable) b. Copy of coding categories with description of each category. (if applicable) c. Consent forms (if applicable) The paper will be submitted in three portions: 1. The first portion to be submitted should include Portion ‘A.’ This should be approximately 2-3 pages, excluding title page and references. See syllabus schedule for peer review and instructor grading due dates. All papers are due at class start time. 2. The second portion to be submitted should include Portions ‘A’ and ‘B.’ You should revise Portion ‘A’ based upon the instructor’s feedback and add Portion ‘B.’ Portion ‘B’ should be an additional 6-8 pages (excluding title page and references). See syllabus schedule for peer review and instructor grading due dates. All papers are due at class start time. 3. The final portion should include Portions ‘A,’ ‘B,’ and ‘C.’ You should revise Portions ‘A’ and ‘B’ based upon the instructor’s feedback. Portion ‘C’ should be an additional 4-6 pages (excluding title page and references). See syllabus schedule for peer review and instructor grading due dates. All papers are due at class start time. You must use high-quality published sources to support your paper. High quality sources are academic books and articles in refereed journals (either print or online). You may NOT use non-refereed websites (i.e., Wikipedia) or textbooks as sources. You may use the text from this course to explain the methodology and to define terms related to the methodology. Part of the assessment of your paper will be the quality of the research materials you are able to find. Use book materials and peer-reviewed articles, not quick summary webpages. Look in the citations and reference bibliographies of books and articles to find additional things to look at. “The Encyclopedia of Communication Theory” is a useful resource for gathering information about your theory. This resource is linked under the Resources menu item in Blackboard. Refereed articles can be found by searching academic databases such as PsychInfo, Communication Mass Media Complete, EbscoHost, etc. Also feel free to ask for suggestions. All sources used in writing the paper should be cited within the text of the paper and in a reference list at the end of the paper in APA style. (See the videos and APA style guide linked under the Resources menu on Blackboard.) Your paper should be well written and clearly organized (introduction, body, conclusion), and should have a clear central thesis (main point). It should be professionally presented and completely free of typographical, spelling, usage, and grammatical errors. The title of your paper, your name, the date, and number and name of this course should appear on the title page. Pages should be numbered in the APA format page header. The paper should be typed with normal fonts (Times New Roman, 12 point), double-spaced, and one inch margins on all sides. As with all assignments, you should comply with APA guidelines. Use section headings to show the organization of your paper. Remember, this is a proposal for a study, so you will be writing in the future tense. Also, remember to write in third person singular (e.g., this paper, this study, the researcher, etc.) All papers should be submitted electronically using the TurnItIn links on Blackboard unless instructed otherwise by the instructor.less

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