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Enhance motivation to think critically (cognitive process)

Enhance motivation to think critically (cognitive process)

Order Description

The assignment is Seminar Discussion Paper – 1500 words. The instructor request my won ideas,so i hope the writer let me know about the points which request my ideas. the references i do not have certain numbers but depends on your work but as much as you can.

Topic: Enhance motivation to think critically (cognitive process)
Your work will require you to discuss BOTH theoretical perspectives and empirical research findings related to your chosen topic and its relevance to the teaching of thinking skills, how efficiently it assists cognitive processing.
From the topic areas listed you will note that varied thinking skills programs have proven to be very popular in educational and corporate settings. However despite their widespread use, not all thinking programs are supported by research. Therefore it is imperative to apply your own critical thinking skills and foundational knowledge about basic cognitive processes effects to review and evaluate such programs according to existing literature and research on learning, cognition, problem solving, creativity and critical thinking studies. (as i am a teacher in an university i hope you write the own critical thinking skills about university student and please get back to me to discuss the points)
As part of formulating a critical evaluation you will consider both the advantages and potential problems in the practical applicability of your topic, giving examples of how it is, or can be implemented in specific educational/ training contexts. You should refer to published books and peer-reviewed journal articles.
Grading criteria

HD    Dist    Cr    Pass    FAIL
Organization &
conceptualization of assessment task    Consistently strong
and ongoing demon- stration and evidence of superior organisa- tional and conceptu- al skills. The work is extremely well con-
ceived, coherent, logi- cal, original and lucid as well as profession- ally prepared    Consistently strong
and ongoing demon- stration of very good organisational and conceptual skills.
The work is well con- ceived, coherent, log- ical and lucid as well as professionally pre- pared    Strong organization-
al & conceptual skills and evidence that the task is logical and co- herent and profession- ally prepared    Demonstrates task or-
ganization and con- ceptual understand- ing in a style which is mostly logical, coher- ent and flowing    Attempts are made to
demonstrate a logi-
cal & coherent under- standing of the assess- ment task but some as- pects may be confused or undeveloped
content & knowl- edge    Impressive and orig-
inal depth of under- standing of the content and discipline is dis- played. Information is gathered from a wide range of current & rel- evant sources beyond the core materials    Thorough and compre-
hensive understand- ing of the content and/ or discipline gathered from a wide range of current & relevant sources beyond the core materials    Considers topics and
issues in the broader disciplinary context. Evidence of having read current and rele- vant sources beyond the core materials    Clear understanding
of topic. Demonstrates understanding of ma- terials presented in
core texts and readings    Limited understand-
ing of topic with se- rious gaps or errors. Demonstrates little ev- idence of having read materials presented in core texts & readings
Clarity of expres-
sion (including ac- curacy, spelling, grammar, punctu- ation, use of lan- guage, expression of ideas)    Superior clarity in pre-
sentation and expres- sion with attention to detail in all aspects ev- ident    Fluent and succinct
communication style appropriate to the as- sessment task. Gram- mar, spelling, use of language and punc- tuation is appropri- ate and accurate. Re- flects Faculty’s style
guide (refer ‘little blue book’)    Communication is
mainly clear, fluent and appropriate to document. Grammar, spelling, use of lan- guage and punctua- tion is accurate. Re- flects Faculty’s style guide (refer ‘little blue book’)    Communication is ap-
propriate to the assess- ment task and is most- ly fluent and clear. Grammar, spelling,
use of language and punctuation most-
ly accurate. Reflects Faculty’s style guide (refer ‘little blue book’)    Meaning apparent but
not always fluently or clearly communicat- ed. Grammar, spelling, language and/or punc- tuation may display minor errors. Some evidence of applying faculty’s style guide
Communication &
presentation (writ- ten &/or oral &/or visual)    Persuasively articu-
lates argument dis- playing clear focus
& academic rigour. Respectful of diverse backgrounds & experi- ences    Communicates effec-
tively using a variety of relevant, imagina- tive, fluent and pro- fessional presentation styles and communi- cation methods. Evi- dence of deep reflec- tion on the presenta- tion. Respectful of di- verse backgrounds & experiences    Uses a variety of disci-
pline-appropriate for- mats to communicate confidently & effec- tively. Evidence of re- flection on the presen- tation. Demonstrates sensitivity to diverse backgrounds & experi- ences    Communicates com-
petently in a variety
of formats appropriate to the discipline and report procedures in
a structured manner using relevant infor- mation. Evidence of sensitivity to diverse backgrounds & experi- ences    Communication is un-
structured and unfo- cused and/or in a for- mat inappropriate to the discipline. Not all material is relevant and/or is difficult to understand. May be evidence of insensi- tivity to diverse back-
grounds & experiences
Critical analysis
and articulation of argument    Convincing synthe-
sis of evidence, criti- cal analysis and under- standing of multiple perspectives to formu- late a coherent argu- ment.    Considered use of evi-
dence and consistently demonstrates applica- tion of critical analy- sis. Justifies relevant conclusions and their implications    Credible argument
making relevant use of evidence, analysis and understanding. Able
to apply concepts and draw and justify con- clusions    Demonstrates some
evidence of analytical and evaluative skills. Able to apply funda- mental concepts and draw and justify con- clusions    Little or no evidence
of analytical and eval- uative skills. Fails to draw on fundamental concepts and to justify conclusions
HD    Dist    Cr    Pass    FAIL
Problem solving    Solves or argues pos-
sible solutions to com- plex problems & ad- dresses challenging tasks/situations. Us-
es innovative methods and higher order cog- nitive skills to solve complex problems and present original alter- natives    Solves or argues pos-
sible solutions to com- plex problems and ad- dresses challenging tasks/situations using imagination/creative and from a variety of perspectives    Solves complex prob-
lems and addresses challenging tasks/sit- uations using creative techniques and skills    Solves problems using
imagination and a lim- ited range of creative techniques    Very little evidence of
basic skills for prob- lem solving and ad- dressing key assess- ment tasks
Critical appraisal of
the literature    Scholarly critique of
a diverse array of lit- erature. Generates, de- velops, uses and justi- fies own ideas or orig- inal concepts based on a wide range of rele- vant sources.    Scholarly critique of
the literature using
a variety of relevant sources to develop own ideas.    Substantial critical ap-
praisal of the relevant literature to develop own ideas.    Evidence of critical
appraisal of literature, with a recognition of different perspectives    Literature is present-
ed uncritically and in a purely descriptive way.
Referencing    Uses recommended
referencing style con- sistently and accurate- ly in text of work and reference list. Effec- tive use of relevant quotations and schol- arly referencing at all times    Uses recommended
referencing style con- sistently and accurate- ly in text of work and reference list. Effec- tive use of relevant quotations and schol- arly referencing at all times    Uses recommended
referencing style con- sistently and accurate- ly in text of work and reference list. Effec- tive use of relevant quotations    Uses recommended
referencing style with minimal errors. Effec- tive use of relevant quotations    Many errors or no use
of conventions in ref- erencing. Fails to meet University’s academic honesty policy.
Synthesis of theory,
research and prac- tice    Critical assessment
and analysis of the re- lationship between theory, research and practice. Possible in- sightful and/or orig- inal deployments of theory or theoretical concepts. Implications for personal and pro- fessional practice are carefully considered and explored. Work potentially worth dis- semination and/or postgraduate study    Insightful critique or
consideration of rela- tionship between theo- ry, research and prac- tice. Personal / profes- sional implications for practice considered    Critical or evaluative
discussion/thinking about links between theory, research and practice    Beginning to develop
critical reflection and analysis of practice through theory and re- search. Relevant con- cepts etc applied in a generally appropriate and thoughtful way    Very little or no con-
sideration of the rela- tionships between the- ory, research and prac- tice.
Interactive & group
skills (include teamwork, negotia- tion & empathy)    Interacts effectively
and respectfully with- in a learning or profes- sional group. Makes
a positive and active contribution to group processes and products at all times. Recognis- es, supports and/or is proactive in leadership activities. Negotiates and handles conflict appropriately.    Interacts effectively
within a learning or professional group. Recognises or sup- ports or is proactive in leadership. Negotiates and handles conflict appropriately.    Interacts effective-
ly within a learning group, giving and re- ceiving information and ideas and modify- ing responses where appropriate.    Interacts effective-
ly within a learning group, Offers and/or supports initiatives. Recognises and as- sesses alternative op- tions    Has problems work-
ing with others/ avoids work with others.
Does not contribute or contributes inappropri- ately in groups.

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Enhance motivation to think critically (cognitive process)

Enhance motivation to think critically (cognitive process)

Order Description

The assignment is Seminar Discussion Paper – 1500 words. The instructor request my won ideas,so i hope the writer let me know about the points which request my ideas. the references i do not have certain numbers but depends on your work but as much as you can.

Topic: Enhance motivation to think critically (cognitive process)
Your work will require you to discuss BOTH theoretical perspectives and empirical research findings related to your chosen topic and its relevance to the teaching of thinking skills, how efficiently it assists cognitive processing.
From the topic areas listed you will note that varied thinking skills programs have proven to be very popular in educational and corporate settings. However despite their widespread use, not all thinking programs are supported by research. Therefore it is imperative to apply your own critical thinking skills and foundational knowledge about basic cognitive processes effects to review and evaluate such programs according to existing literature and research on learning, cognition, problem solving, creativity and critical thinking studies. (as i am a teacher in an university i hope you write the own critical thinking skills about university student and please get back to me to discuss the points)
As part of formulating a critical evaluation you will consider both the advantages and potential problems in the practical applicability of your topic, giving examples of how it is, or can be implemented in specific educational/ training contexts. You should refer to published books and peer-reviewed journal articles.
Grading criteria

HD    Dist    Cr    Pass    FAIL
Organization &
conceptualization of assessment task    Consistently strong
and ongoing demon- stration and evidence of superior organisa- tional and conceptu- al skills. The work is extremely well con-
ceived, coherent, logi- cal, original and lucid as well as profession- ally prepared    Consistently strong
and ongoing demon- stration of very good organisational and conceptual skills.
The work is well con- ceived, coherent, log- ical and lucid as well as professionally pre- pared    Strong organization-
al & conceptual skills and evidence that the task is logical and co- herent and profession- ally prepared    Demonstrates task or-
ganization and con- ceptual understand- ing in a style which is mostly logical, coher- ent and flowing    Attempts are made to
demonstrate a logi-
cal & coherent under- standing of the assess- ment task but some as- pects may be confused or undeveloped
content & knowl- edge    Impressive and orig-
inal depth of under- standing of the content and discipline is dis- played. Information is gathered from a wide range of current & rel- evant sources beyond the core materials    Thorough and compre-
hensive understand- ing of the content and/ or discipline gathered from a wide range of current & relevant sources beyond the core materials    Considers topics and
issues in the broader disciplinary context. Evidence of having read current and rele- vant sources beyond the core materials    Clear understanding
of topic. Demonstrates understanding of ma- terials presented in
core texts and readings    Limited understand-
ing of topic with se- rious gaps or errors. Demonstrates little ev- idence of having read materials presented in core texts & readings
Clarity of expres-
sion (including ac- curacy, spelling, grammar, punctu- ation, use of lan- guage, expression of ideas)    Superior clarity in pre-
sentation and expres- sion with attention to detail in all aspects ev- ident    Fluent and succinct
communication style appropriate to the as- sessment task. Gram- mar, spelling, use of language and punc- tuation is appropri- ate and accurate. Re- flects Faculty’s style
guide (refer ‘little blue book’)    Communication is
mainly clear, fluent and appropriate to document. Grammar, spelling, use of lan- guage and punctua- tion is accurate. Re- flects Faculty’s style guide (refer ‘little blue book’)    Communication is ap-
propriate to the assess- ment task and is most- ly fluent and clear. Grammar, spelling,
use of language and punctuation most-
ly accurate. Reflects Faculty’s style guide (refer ‘little blue book’)    Meaning apparent but
not always fluently or clearly communicat- ed. Grammar, spelling, language and/or punc- tuation may display minor errors. Some evidence of applying faculty’s style guide
Communication &
presentation (writ- ten &/or oral &/or visual)    Persuasively articu-
lates argument dis- playing clear focus
& academic rigour. Respectful of diverse backgrounds & experi- ences    Communicates effec-
tively using a variety of relevant, imagina- tive, fluent and pro- fessional presentation styles and communi- cation methods. Evi- dence of deep reflec- tion on the presenta- tion. Respectful of di- verse backgrounds & experiences    Uses a variety of disci-
pline-appropriate for- mats to communicate confidently & effec- tively. Evidence of re- flection on the presen- tation. Demonstrates sensitivity to diverse backgrounds & experi- ences    Communicates com-
petently in a variety
of formats appropriate to the discipline and report procedures in
a structured manner using relevant infor- mation. Evidence of sensitivity to diverse backgrounds & experi- ences    Communication is un-
structured and unfo- cused and/or in a for- mat inappropriate to the discipline. Not all material is relevant and/or is difficult to understand. May be evidence of insensi- tivity to diverse back-
grounds & experiences
Critical analysis
and articulation of argument    Convincing synthe-
sis of evidence, criti- cal analysis and under- standing of multiple perspectives to formu- late a coherent argu- ment.    Considered use of evi-
dence and consistently demonstrates applica- tion of critical analy- sis. Justifies relevant conclusions and their implications    Credible argument
making relevant use of evidence, analysis and understanding. Able
to apply concepts and draw and justify con- clusions    Demonstrates some
evidence of analytical and evaluative skills. Able to apply funda- mental concepts and draw and justify con- clusions    Little or no evidence
of analytical and eval- uative skills. Fails to draw on fundamental concepts and to justify conclusions
HD    Dist    Cr    Pass    FAIL
Problem solving    Solves or argues pos-
sible solutions to com- plex problems & ad- dresses challenging tasks/situations. Us-
es innovative methods and higher order cog- nitive skills to solve complex problems and present original alter- natives    Solves or argues pos-
sible solutions to com- plex problems and ad- dresses challenging tasks/situations using imagination/creative and from a variety of perspectives    Solves complex prob-
lems and addresses challenging tasks/sit- uations using creative techniques and skills    Solves problems using
imagination and a lim- ited range of creative techniques    Very little evidence of
basic skills for prob- lem solving and ad- dressing key assess- ment tasks
Critical appraisal of
the literature    Scholarly critique of
a diverse array of lit- erature. Generates, de- velops, uses and justi- fies own ideas or orig- inal concepts based on a wide range of rele- vant sources.    Scholarly critique of
the literature using
a variety of relevant sources to develop own ideas.    Substantial critical ap-
praisal of the relevant literature to develop own ideas.    Evidence of critical
appraisal of literature, with a recognition of different perspectives    Literature is present-
ed uncritically and in a purely descriptive way.
Referencing    Uses recommended
referencing style con- sistently and accurate- ly in text of work and reference list. Effec- tive use of relevant quotations and schol- arly referencing at all times    Uses recommended
referencing style con- sistently and accurate- ly in text of work and reference list. Effec- tive use of relevant quotations and schol- arly referencing at all times    Uses recommended
referencing style con- sistently and accurate- ly in text of work and reference list. Effec- tive use of relevant quotations    Uses recommended
referencing style with minimal errors. Effec- tive use of relevant quotations    Many errors or no use
of conventions in ref- erencing. Fails to meet University’s academic honesty policy.
Synthesis of theory,
research and prac- tice    Critical assessment
and analysis of the re- lationship between theory, research and practice. Possible in- sightful and/or orig- inal deployments of theory or theoretical concepts. Implications for personal and pro- fessional practice are carefully considered and explored. Work potentially worth dis- semination and/or postgraduate study    Insightful critique or
consideration of rela- tionship between theo- ry, research and prac- tice. Personal / profes- sional implications for practice considered    Critical or evaluative
discussion/thinking about links between theory, research and practice    Beginning to develop
critical reflection and analysis of practice through theory and re- search. Relevant con- cepts etc applied in a generally appropriate and thoughtful way    Very little or no con-
sideration of the rela- tionships between the- ory, research and prac- tice.
Interactive & group
skills (include teamwork, negotia- tion & empathy)    Interacts effectively
and respectfully with- in a learning or profes- sional group. Makes
a positive and active contribution to group processes and products at all times. Recognis- es, supports and/or is proactive in leadership activities. Negotiates and handles conflict appropriately.    Interacts effectively
within a learning or professional group. Recognises or sup- ports or is proactive in leadership. Negotiates and handles conflict appropriately.    Interacts effective-
ly within a learning group, giving and re- ceiving information and ideas and modify- ing responses where appropriate.    Interacts effective-
ly within a learning group, Offers and/or supports initiatives. Recognises and as- sesses alternative op- tions    Has problems work-
ing with others/ avoids work with others.
Does not contribute or contributes inappropri- ately in groups.

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