Does the Global Financial System require a major transformation effort, to address systemic indebtebtedness caused by intractable Business and Personal mortgage liability, compounded by ungovernable Public Debt and chronic Government Overspending, which
Paper details:
This proposal must follow has certain format that has been prescribed by the University in this order of sequence: Maximum length is 3000 words or 12 pages. 1. Title page (1 page) a. Full name (b) Contact Details (c) Proposed Title. 2. Summary ( 2-3 pages) a. Provide summary of the PhD research which will include a background to the topic I wish to address, why this topic should be researched , the research problem(s) that I have identified and the methodology I propose. 3. Literature Review ( 5-6 pages) a. Draw on existing literature to explain the key features of the topic I will be researching, its significance, areas of debate, and gaps in knowledge. 4.Research Problem (1 page) a. Drawing on what I have written in the literature review, clearly state the research problem I intend to investigate. 5. Methodology (2-3 pages) a. Describe the type of methodology that you propose using and justify this in relation to the problem being investigated. b.Clearly outline the type of data I intend to collect, again justifying this in relation to the problem being investigated. c. In tabular form draw uo a proposed timetable for your PhD. Please note that I will register full-time in January 2016 until December 2017. I will also submit my full dissertation during this period. 6.Conclusion (1-2 pages) Briefly summarize what you will be looking at, how you will do this , and how this contributes to knowledge. 7.References/Bibliography