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Dementia (Alzheimer disease)

Dementia (Alzheimer disease)

For reprint orders, please contact: [email protected] /‘ 3 > W ‘ .7

7 4/ / . ‘l
Current dementia research In » y,
a L ‘ A 7,,
Australia: a report from the A e; . 4’
Alzheimer 5 Australia 15th National …. , n
Elizabeth Beattie*‘, Elaine Fieldingl, Maria O’Reilly‘, Fred Graham1
Christine Neville2
Alzheimer’s Australia 15th National Conference, Hobart, News 81 Views
Tasmania, Australia, 14-17 May 2013
The Alzheimer’s Australia 15th National Conference held on 14-17 May
Journal Watch
2013 In Hobart (Tasmania, Australia) attracted a Wide range of attendees,
including people living with dementia, family caregivers, health
professionals and researchers. The conference theme, The Tiles of Life ASk the EXpertS
Coloring the Future, invoking a vision of a better future for those affected
by dementia, had seven subthemes: liberation, rehabilitation, leisure, InterV’eW
service, creativity, wellbeing and research.
Conference Scene
Natalie Jackson’s (University of Waikato, affect all aspects of society; build a buffer
New Zealand) eye-opening plenary (service by revisiting and revising policies (e.g., by
subtheme) ‘Population aging and Alzheim- considering the value of increased migra-
er’s – an A-B-C approach’ explored aging tion of young people); and collaborate and
and dementia in developed societies. Over conserve, given that increasingly scarce
the next 20 years, population aging will resources will be spread among expanding
lead to an extremely rapid increase, a dou- numbers of people needing care, collabora-
bling in fact, of the numbers of people with tive models of service delivery may be more
dementia, owing to the size and longer life effective compared with competitive ones.
expectancy of the baby-boom generation, Tony Broe (University of New South
exacerbated by the steeply curved increase Wales [Sydney, Australia]/ Neuroscience
in dementia prevalence with age. Over the Research Australia [Sydney, Australia])
same period, the fall in birth rates post-baby gave an important plenary (liberation
boom will lead to only a modest (a third) subtheme), ‘Brain health and dementia
increase in the supply of working-age peo- in urban Aboriginal Australians: out-
ple, which is completely insufficient to cope comes from the Koori Growing Old Well
with greatly increased service demands. Study’, reporting on dementia prevalence
Jackson’s proposed A-B-C response to among urban Aboriginal Australians [101].
this supply-demand crisis in developed Aboriginals have a young age distribution
countries was: accept that population and a typically younger onset of dementia
aging will lead to significantly increased symptoms. However, as for the general
numbers of people with dementia and will population, the number of Aboriginals with
lDementia Collaborative Research Centre, School of Nursing, Queensland University ofTechnology, Queensland,
Australia Future 70″“;
2School of Nursing & Midwifery, University onueensland, Queensland, Australia . . “”… fsg
Author for correspondence: elizabeth.beattie@quteduau M ed ICI n e part Of
10.2217/NMT.13.41 © 2013 Future Medicine Ltd Neurodegen. Dis. Manage. (2013) 3(4), 317-320 ISSN 1758-2024 317

Length: 1,500 words

References: 12 APA (2010 to 2015)


Antonio Renaldi, 78 migrated from Italy in 1955. Antonio worked as a market

gardener since his arrival on a 1-hectare site near the highway. His property has

recently subdivided and Antonio had been experiencing moderate to severe short-term
memory loss.

Most recently, Antonio experienced depression, early waking and social withdrawal

from his family. Following psychogeriatric assessment including a Mini-mental

assessment (score 22/30) and a CT brain, full bloods were taken. After full assessment
he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s’ disease.

Discuss the following in relation to this case:

Outline the incidence/ prevalence of Alzheimers in Australia. There are
various types of dementia, critically discuss at least three (3) different types
of dementia including causes and progression cycle.

In relation to the case study critically discuss the implications to nursing and
interprofessional practice when caring for people diagnosed with the varying
stages of the condition. Support this discussion with current evidence based

Note: Both Alzheimer’s and Dementia are mentioned in these questions as
Alzheimer is a form of dementia.

Structure and presentation:

This assignment is a piece of academic writing and needs to be structured as such,

with an introduction and conclusion. You may use sub-headings as needed.

Marking Criteria

Content and focus Essay successfully demonstrates professional reflection; Essay
thoroughly reviews and integrates current and relevant literature;
8 or more high quality academic resources other than prescribed
Analysis and critical thinking Succinctly and consistently exhibits higher- order critical thinking

and analysis
Research and Evaluation
Synthesis and analysis

Logic and flow Development is logical and clear to reader; points are addressed
individually and linked appropriately

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Dementia (Alzheimer disease)

Dementia (Alzheimer disease)

For reprint orders, please contact: [email protected] /‘ 3 > W ‘ .7

7 4/ / . ‘l
Current dementia research In » y,
a L ‘ A 7,,
Australia: a report from the A e; . 4’
Alzheimer 5 Australia 15th National …. , n
Elizabeth Beattie*‘, Elaine Fieldingl, Maria O’Reilly‘, Fred Graham1
Christine Neville2
Alzheimer’s Australia 15th National Conference, Hobart, News 81 Views
Tasmania, Australia, 14-17 May 2013
The Alzheimer’s Australia 15th National Conference held on 14-17 May
Journal Watch
2013 In Hobart (Tasmania, Australia) attracted a Wide range of attendees,
including people living with dementia, family caregivers, health
professionals and researchers. The conference theme, The Tiles of Life ASk the EXpertS
Coloring the Future, invoking a vision of a better future for those affected
by dementia, had seven subthemes: liberation, rehabilitation, leisure, InterV’eW
service, creativity, wellbeing and research.
Conference Scene
Natalie Jackson’s (University of Waikato, affect all aspects of society; build a buffer
New Zealand) eye-opening plenary (service by revisiting and revising policies (e.g., by
subtheme) ‘Population aging and Alzheim- considering the value of increased migra-
er’s – an A-B-C approach’ explored aging tion of young people); and collaborate and
and dementia in developed societies. Over conserve, given that increasingly scarce
the next 20 years, population aging will resources will be spread among expanding
lead to an extremely rapid increase, a dou- numbers of people needing care, collabora-
bling in fact, of the numbers of people with tive models of service delivery may be more
dementia, owing to the size and longer life effective compared with competitive ones.
expectancy of the baby-boom generation, Tony Broe (University of New South
exacerbated by the steeply curved increase Wales [Sydney, Australia]/ Neuroscience
in dementia prevalence with age. Over the Research Australia [Sydney, Australia])
same period, the fall in birth rates post-baby gave an important plenary (liberation
boom will lead to only a modest (a third) subtheme), ‘Brain health and dementia
increase in the supply of working-age peo- in urban Aboriginal Australians: out-
ple, which is completely insufficient to cope comes from the Koori Growing Old Well
with greatly increased service demands. Study’, reporting on dementia prevalence
Jackson’s proposed A-B-C response to among urban Aboriginal Australians [101].
this supply-demand crisis in developed Aboriginals have a young age distribution
countries was: accept that population and a typically younger onset of dementia
aging will lead to significantly increased symptoms. However, as for the general
numbers of people with dementia and will population, the number of Aboriginals with
lDementia Collaborative Research Centre, School of Nursing, Queensland University ofTechnology, Queensland,
Australia Future 70″“;
2School of Nursing & Midwifery, University onueensland, Queensland, Australia . . “”… fsg
Author for correspondence: elizabeth.beattie@quteduau M ed ICI n e part Of
10.2217/NMT.13.41 © 2013 Future Medicine Ltd Neurodegen. Dis. Manage. (2013) 3(4), 317-320 ISSN 1758-2024 317

Length: 1,500 words

References: 12 APA (2010 to 2015)


Antonio Renaldi, 78 migrated from Italy in 1955. Antonio worked as a market

gardener since his arrival on a 1-hectare site near the highway. His property has

recently subdivided and Antonio had been experiencing moderate to severe short-term
memory loss.

Most recently, Antonio experienced depression, early waking and social withdrawal

from his family. Following psychogeriatric assessment including a Mini-mental

assessment (score 22/30) and a CT brain, full bloods were taken. After full assessment
he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s’ disease.

Discuss the following in relation to this case:

Outline the incidence/ prevalence of Alzheimers in Australia. There are
various types of dementia, critically discuss at least three (3) different types
of dementia including causes and progression cycle.

In relation to the case study critically discuss the implications to nursing and
interprofessional practice when caring for people diagnosed with the varying
stages of the condition. Support this discussion with current evidence based

Note: Both Alzheimer’s and Dementia are mentioned in these questions as
Alzheimer is a form of dementia.

Structure and presentation:

This assignment is a piece of academic writing and needs to be structured as such,

with an introduction and conclusion. You may use sub-headings as needed.

Marking Criteria

Content and focus Essay successfully demonstrates professional reflection; Essay
thoroughly reviews and integrates current and relevant literature;
8 or more high quality academic resources other than prescribed
Analysis and critical thinking Succinctly and consistently exhibits higher- order critical thinking

and analysis
Research and Evaluation
Synthesis and analysis

Logic and flow Development is logical and clear to reader; points are addressed
individually and linked appropriately

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