The Bible Through the Ages ( Theology class )
if am looking for someone who has this book below:
Stephen E. Fowl, ed., The Theological Interpretation of Scripture (Blackwell Readings in
Modern Theology, 1997).
Select 3 questions to answer, in 300 to 500 words (approximately one and a half to two page,
double-spaced, 12-point font with 1 inch margins) each. Turn in hard/paper copies (ca. 3 pages)
on the due date, stapled in the upper left–and be sure to put your name at the top of p. 1.
1) I, 2 (pp.26-38) David Steinmetz writes on “The Superiority of Pre-Critical Exegesis.” Define
the term, Pre-Critical Exegesis. Then summarize the four medieval interpretations of Matthew
20: 1-16 described by Steinmetz.
2) I, 4 (pp. 53-69) Summarize the three models of Biblical Authority described by Claudia Camp
in her essay on feminist hermeneutics.
3) I, 5 (pp. 70-86) Summarize the five “readings” characteristic of the African-American
historical experience of the Bible, as described by Vincent Wimbush.
4) II, 10 (pp. 143-154) Briefly describe each of the steps that Moses goes through in his
encounter with and commissioning by God, according to Terence Fretheim’s interpretation of
Exodus 3. Note: read Exodus 3 first, to get a sense of the story line.
5) II, 16 (pp. 219-238) Beverly Stratton offers a feminist reading of Isaiah 52-53. Read the Isaiah
text first for yourself, then summarize and comment on Stratton’s interpretation.
6) II, 20 (pp. 285-293) Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran pastor, was executed by the Nazis for
plotting against Hitler. With this historical information in mind, read the selections from his Cost
of Discipleship and comment on the part or parts you found to be the most outstanding.
If you have questions, e-mail the instructor promptly, or, better yet, ask in class.