how children are affected by divorce
The most important thing is that it is mostly of sociological analysis rather than research and numbers. I don’t want separate parts as "introduction, methods, findings, conclusion" etc. For data you may use a survey or interview that you made up- it’s not very important that the data is real, it’s enough for it to be logical. Please send the data (even if you made it up) to me afterwards.
? You should include an introduction of at least one paragraph that describes the question and why it matters
? You should devote about a page to your methods, describing what you did, what sort of textual documents you analyzed, and how you got them, and how you conducted the analysis.
? The bulk of the rest of the document should be devoted to reporting your main findings in order of importance. You should include evidence from your research (the data from survey/interview)
? You should include at least one page in which you relate what you found to the broader themes
? Make sure you cite sources – the particular author who came up with an idea that you discuss, or the lecture in which that idea was introduced, etc.
? You must include a bibliography at the end, with consistent formatting.
? You must have a conclusion, usually 1-2 paragraphs in which you summarize and synthesize your findings.
? You should attach an appendix (not part of the final page count) so your TA can see several examples from your data sources.
One important note: There should be evidence of sociological thinking, meaning evidence that you are thinking about the ways in which social forces (as opposed to luck, biology or some sort of universal psychology, for example) shape your findings.