The Class is Homeland Security but I was not given that option.
The overarching question this course asks is: how can we collaborate, innovate, and motivate leadership to create homeland security and emergency management policies that will make our country, and world, safer and more secure? In each subsequent unit, you reviewed topics such as policy, safety, security, ethics, rights, innovation, and leadership. Through your Readings, Assignments, Activities, and Discussions, you have answered aspects of this question and considered the impact on your hypothesis.
Your Final Project must be a minimum of 25 pages, excluding the title, abstract, and reference pages, contain a minimum of 15 scholarly, peer-reviewed references, be of publishable quality, and include the following sections:
Introduction (includes problem statement, statement of purpose, research question(s), and hypotheses as applicable)
Literature Review
Proposed Research Methods and Design (includes participants, materials/instruments, and procedure)
Expected Results
Note that this Final Project is a research proposal. As such, while you will detail proposed research methods, including plans for data collection and analysis, you will not actually go out and collect data. The paper must should also be properly compliant with APA guidelines for research papers research paper; among other things, this includes proper formatting, both a title and reference pages, and any relevant appendices (such as sample survey or interview questions).